Ear; Heat
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Ear; heat; right; asar., com., 2kali-c., lyss., 2nat-s., samb., ter.
Ear; heat; right; red and hot, left pale and cold; 2kali-c.
Ear; heat; left; 2asaf., 2graph., jac-c.
Ear; heat; left; then right; mur-ac.
Ear; heat; morning, in bed; cocc.
Ear; heat; afternoon; cann-s.
Ear; heat; afternoon; after drinking coffee; nat-m.
Ear; heat; afternoon; 1 p.m.; com.
Ear; heat; evening; 2alum., bry., 2caps., 2carb-v., nat-m., nat-n., 2nat-s., sabin., sanic., sil.
Ear; heat; evening; on going to bed; hyper.
Ear; heat; evening; 10 p.m.; stry.
Ear; heat; night; alumn., sulph.
Ear; heat; night; midnight; alumn.
Ear; heat; during chill; acon., alum., ars., bell., merc., puls., rhus-t.
Ear; heat; during chill; in back; asaf.
Ear; heat; alternating with cold; berb., 2cic., verat.
Ear; heat; feels hot, but cold to touch; bapt.
Ear; heat; when body cold; acon.
Ear; heat; when body cold; while lying down; ars.
Ear; heat; after eating; 2asaf.
Ear; heat; sensation of escaping heat; aeth., calc., 2canth., clem., 2kali-c., mur-ac., ol-an., par.
Ear; heat; sensation of escaping heat; as if hot water were running out of right ear; cham.
Ear; heat; flushes of heat; arg-m., 1lyc.
Ear; heat; one-sided; alum., asar., carb-v., ign., nat-p.
Ear; heat; during pressure in back of head; gran.
Ear; heat; with redness of one ear; alum., tab.
Ear; heat; from swallowing; arum-d.
Ear; heat; extending over half of head; chel.
Ear; heat; extending to nape of neck; spong.
Ear; heat; extending to throat, evening; nux-m.
Ear; heat; inside; acon., asar., calc-p., 2calc., canth., casc., chel., com., euphr., 2lyc., puls.