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Ear; adhesions in middle ear; iod.

Ear; external part of ear stuck to head; olnd.

Ear; Sensation of air

Ear; sensitive to open air, about ears; caust., 1cham., 1lach., 2mez.

Ear; sensitive to open air, about ears; sensitive to wind; caust., 1cham., 1lach., 2lyc., 2mez.

Ear; bald spot above ear; phos.

Ear; sensation of board in front of ear; arg-m.

Ear; sensation of board in front of ear; left; arg-m.

Ear; better boring fingers in ear; chel., lach., 2mez., par., rheum., spig.

Ear; sensation as if breath came from ear; psor.

Ear; chalky deposit on ear drum; 2calc-f., syph.

Ear; bones threatening to decay; 2asaf., 1aur., 2calc-f., 2calc-s., 2calc., nat-m., 1sil., sulph.

Ear; bones threatening to decay; the part of the skull sticking out slightly, behind the ear; 1aur., 1caps., carb-an., 2fl-ac., 2hep., 2lach., 2nit-ac., 1sil.

Ear; bones threatening to decay; skull, above ear; 1caps.

Ear; in children; 2cham., 2puls., 2zinc.

Ear; Coldness

Ear; constriction of ear; thuj.

Ear; Contraction

Ear; sensation of widening of ear canal; mez.

Ear; sensation of widening of ear canal; evening; mez.

Ear; Discharges from ear

Ear; as if swollen from inner pressure; bell., kali-i., laur., 2mez., nit-ac., 2puls.

Ear; as if swollen from inner pressure; on blowing nose; 2puls.

Ear; dryness; aeth., arn., aur., berb., 2calc., carb-s., 2carb-v., cast-eq., colch., 1graph., 2lach., nit-ac., 2nux-v., 2onos., 2petr., phos., 2puls., 2sulph.

Ear; dryness; sensation of; petr., phos.

Ear; dryness; ear canal; sil.

Ear; bony growth; puls.

Ear; ears freeze easily; zinc.

Ear; Sensation of fullness

Ear; Heat

Ear; sensation of hollowness; aur-m., 2nux-v.

Ear; sensation of hollowness; in morning relieved after dinner; nux-v.

Ear; Inflammation

Ear; Itching

Ear; moisture behind the ears; calc., carb-v., caust., 1graph., hep., kali-c., lyc., nit-ac., 2olnd., 2petr., phos., sil.

Ear; moisture behind the ears; bowl-like part, by ear canal; sil., sulph.

Ear; moisture behind the ears; margin; sil.

Ear; Noises in ear

Ear; Numbness

Ear; odour; graph.

Ear; ear canal seems open; aur-m., mez.

Ear; ear canal seems open; morning; mez.

Ear; sensation of opening in ear, through which the air penetrates on opening and closing the mouth; thuj.

Ear; sensation of opening in ear, through which the air penetrates on opening and closing the mouth; and closes, sensation like a valve; 2bar-c., bor., graph., 2iod., 2nat-s., 2psor.

Ear; sensation of opening in ear, through which the air penetrates on opening and closing the mouth; at every step; graph.

Ear; Pain

Ear; perspiration; puls.

Ear; perspiration; behind ears; cimic.

Ear; puffing in ears from pulsation of arteries in temple; benz-ac.

Ear; Pulsation

Ear; sense of retraction; verb.

Ear; as of something rolling around in ear, on shaking head; ruta.

Ear; Skin

Ear; rush of blood to right ear; lyss.

Ear; scratching sensation; ruta.

Ear; sensibility increased; kali-i., 2lach., merc., valer., zinc.

Ear; sensibility increased; in deaf ear; 2am-c.

Ear; sensibility diminished; mur-ac.

Ear; shocks on swallowing; con.

Ear; Stopped sensation

Ear; strokes, blows in ears; arn., nat-m., nux-v., paeon., plat.

Ear; surging; kali-p.

Ear; Swelling

Ear; Tension

Ear; Tingling

Ear; trembling in ears, after sad news; kali-c., sabin.

Ear; Twitching

Ear; Sensation of water in ear

Ear; Ear wax

Ear; Sensation of worms