Ear; Skin
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Ear; skin; abscess; behind; every two weeks ear gathers and discharges; iris.
Ear; skin; abscess; below; nat-h.
Ear; skin; abscess; in ear canal; 1calc-s., crot-h., 1hep., 2mag-c., 2puls., 1sil.
Ear; skin; abscess; in ear canal; during period; puls.
Ear; skin; Discoloration
Ear; skin; Out-breaks on skin
Ear; skin; fungal growths; 2merc.
Ear; skin; hard lumps behind ear; cinnb.
Ear; skin; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, on the lobe; nit-ac.
Ear; skin; copper-coloured nodes; on ears; arg-m., graph., merc.
Ear; skin; copper-coloured nodes; behind ears; bar-c., ph-ac.
Ear; skin; rough skin in ears; olnd.
Ear; skin; polyp; anac., calc-i., 1calc., caust., kali-bi., kali-chl., 2kali-s., 2lach., 2lyc., 2merc., petr., 2phos., sang., staph., sulph., 2teucr., 2thuj.
Ear; skin; polyp; bleeding; calc., merc., thuj.
Ear; skin; polyp; soft, easily bleeding; 2calc., 2merc., 1thuj.
Ear; skin; pus; behind ear; kali-c., 2nit-ac., 2phyt.
Ear; skin; pus; in front of ear; 2merc.
Ear; skin; hard tubercle; behind right ear; graph.
Ear; skin; hard tubercle; behind left ear; nicc.
Ear; skin; hard tubercle; on the lobe; merc., ph-ac.
Ear; skin; Tumours
Ear; skin; Ulceration
Ear; skin; wart-like growth, inflamed and ulcerated; behind ear; calc.
Ear; skin; wart-like growth, inflamed and ulcerated; on the ears; bufo.
Ear; skin; wen; behind ear; merc-i-r., verb.
Ear; skin; wen; on lobe; nit-ac.