Face; Coldness
View page in remedy finderFace; coldness; abrot., acon., agar., aml-n., 2ant-t., 2apis., 2ars-i., 1ars., 2bar-c., bell., berb., bism-ox., bry., 2cact., 2calc., 2camph., cann-i., canth., carb-s., 1carb-v., cedr., 2cham., chel., 2cic., cimic., 1cina., 2cocc., colch., 2coloc., crot-t., 2cupr., dig., dros., 2graph., 2ham., 2hell., 2hep., hydr-ac., 2hyos., ign., 2iod., ip., iris., kali-bi., 2kreos., lil-t., lyc., merc., mez., morph., naja., 2nux-v., oena., op., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., 1plat., plb., 2puls., ran-s., rhus-t., 2ruta., sabin., 2sec., sep., 2stram., stry., sul-ac., sulph., ter., upa., verat-v., 1verat., zinc.
Face; coldness; right; gels., 1plat., polyg-h.
Face; coldness; right; when pain is most severe in left; polyg-h.
Face; coldness; left; dros., 1graph., lob., ruta.
Face; coldness; morning; cedr., petr.
Face; coldness; late morning; phos.
Face; coldness; late morning; 10 a.m.; petr.
Face; coldness; afternoon; ars.
Face; coldness; afternoon; 2 p.m.; grat.
Face; coldness; afternoon; 5 p.m.; ars.
Face; coldness; night; 2lyc.
Face; coldness; alternating with heat; 2calc., chel., lyc., merc.
Face; coldness; with sensation of burning; grat., nat-m.
Face; coldness; with chill; chel., 1cina., 2dros., 2lyc., nat-c., 2petr., 2plat., puls., 2rhus-t., sec., 2stram., 1verat.
Face; coldness; cholera; ant-t., 1camph., 2carb-v., 2cupr., iris., 1verat.
Face; coldness; as from cold wind; ph-ac.
Face; coldness; after dinner; cann-i.
Face; coldness; sensation as if cold drops were spurting in face when going into open air; berb.
Face; coldness; and dry; 2camph., 2carb-v.
Face; coldness; followed by pain; 2dulc.
Face; coldness; during headache; ars., 2carb-v., ip.
Face; coldness; with hot body; spong.
Face; coldness; in hydrocephalus; agar., arg-n., 1camph., hell., 2verat.
Face; coldness; icy coldness; 2agar.
Face; coldness; one-sided; ph-ac., puls.
Face; coldness; one side cold and red the other hot and pale; 2mosch.
Face; coldness; with pain in back of head; 2carb-v.
Face; coldness; painful; lyc.
Face; coldness; with palpitation; 2camph.
Face; coldness; sensation of coldness; acon., 2merc., 2plat., ran-s.
Face; coldness; sensation of coldness; on one side; ph-ac., 2plat.
Face; coldness; during sleep; ign.
Face; coldness; in spots; 2agar.
Face; coldness; extending to back; berb.
Face; coldness; cold chin; aeth., chin-s., stram., verat.
Face; coldness; cold chin; sensation of coldness; 1plat.
Face; coldness; forehead; anac., 2calc., 2cimic., cinnb., merc.
Face; coldness; lips; apis., ars., 2cedr., cupr., plat., verat.
Face; coldness; lips; during period; cedr.
Face; coldness; lower jaw; 1plat.