Face; Tingling
View page in remedy finderFace; tingling; 2acon., alum., ambr., apis., arund., aur., bar-c., bell., calc., cann-i., caust., 2colch., crot-h., cycl., 2ferr-ma., grat., hep., hyper., lach., lachn., lact., laur., lyc., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., olnd., paeon., plat., ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., 2sec., stront., sul-ac., thuj.
Face; tingling; right; aur., elaps., gymn.
Face; tingling; left; euon.
Face; tingling; cheeks and lips; agn., 2arn., ars., berb., dros.
Face; tingling; chin and nose; ran-b., verat.
Face; tingling; forehead; ambr., stram.
Face; tingling; lips; 2acon., apis., echi., ferr-ma., 2nat-m., 2pic-ac., sabad.
Face; tingling; lips; upper lip; paeon.
Face; tingling; lower jaw; mur-ac.
Face; tingling; parotid gland; phos.
Face; tingling; whiskers; ambr.