Throat; Larynx (voice box)
View page in remedy finderThroat; larynx; loss of feeling; kali-br.
Throat; larynx; bruised feeling; 1apis., ars., arum-t., bell., chin., 2crot-h., hippoz., ign., iod., 1kali-i., 2lach., merc., 2sang., staph., 2stram.
Throat; larynx; bruised feeling; vocal cords; 1lach.
Throat; larynx; cancer
This symptom is not self-limiting and so remedies are shown only to professional members.Throat; larynx; growth; 2arg-n., berb., calc., hep., kali-br., nit-ac., 2sang., 2thuj.
Throat; larynx; growth; polyps on vocal cords; berb., 2thuj.
Throat; larynx; growth; wart-like; 2arg-n., calc., hep., 2merc-c., 2nit-ac., 2thuj.
Throat; larynx; splits in larynx; bufo.
Throat; larynx; flapping sensation; 2lach.
Throat; larynx; sensation of flesh hanging in larynx; 2phos.
Throat; larynx; food drops into larynx; acon., cann-s., gels., kali-bi., 2kali-c., 2lach., 2meph., 2nat-m.
Throat; larynx; foreign substances drop into larynx when drinking or talking; 2meph.
Throat; larynx; fullness; cob., naja.
Throat; larynx; fullness; morning; cob.
Throat; larynx; fullness; evening; naja.
Throat; larynx; sensation of a crumb; 2bry., coc-c., 1lach., pall., plb.
Throat; larynx; necrosis of cartilages of larynx; 2calc., crot-h., 2kali-bi.
Throat; larynx; insensibility of larynx; 2kali-bi.
Throat; larynx; liquids pass into larynx; 2acon., anan., 2lach., 2meph.
Throat; larynx; movement up and down larynx; lyc., op., sul-ac.
Throat; larynx; paralysis; 2alum., am-c., 1caust., 2cina., 2crot-h., 2gels., 1lach., 2naja., 2phos., 2plb., 2stram.
Throat; larynx; paralysis; epiglottis; acon., gels.
Throat; larynx; prickling; 2calc.
Throat; larynx; pulsating; 2all-c.
Throat; larynx; as if larynx removed; spong.
Throat; larynx; Scraping, clearing
Throat; larynx; scratching; acon., alum., alumn., am-c., anan., ant-c., arg-n., bov., calc., carb-v., cist., gamb., 2graph., ign., kali-c., kali-n., 2laur., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., psor., 2seneg., verat., zinc.
Throat; larynx; scratching; 2 a.m., wakens him; lyc.
Throat; larynx; scratching; when singing; agar.
Throat; larynx; sensation of skin in larynx; 2alum., 2alumn., caust., kali-c., 2lach., 2phos., 2thuj.
Throat; larynx; sensation of smoke; 1ars., 1bar-c., 2brom.
Throat; larynx; sensation of smoke; before sleep; 2ars.
Throat; larynx; Spasm in vocal cords, stopping breathing
Throat; larynx; Tension
Throat; larynx; supports larynx on coughing; 2acon., 1all-c., ant-t., 2bell., 2dros., 2hep., iod., lach.
Throat; larynx; tingling; 2agar., 2caps., 2iod., 2mag-m., sep.
Throat; larynx; ulceration; bufo., 2calc., 2carb-v., 2caust., 2cinnb., crot-h., 2hippoz., kali-bi., 2nit-ac., 2phos., 2spong., 2syph.