Throat; Sensation of coldness
View page in remedy finderThroat; sensation of coldness; agar., 2all-c., all-s., caj., carb-v., caust., 2cist., cor-r., cur., kali-bi., kali-chl., lact., lyc., lyss., plan., raph., sanic., sep., ter., verat.
Throat; sensation of coldness; left side, sensation of cold wind; olnd.
Throat; sensation of coldness; evening; sep.
Throat; sensation of coldness; chilliness beginning in throat; sep.
Throat; sensation of coldness; as from cold air; 2aesc., coca., cor-r., ol-an.
Throat; sensation of coldness; as from cold air; as if water were dropping down throat; tarent.
Throat; sensation of coldness; as from cold air; when out in wind; lyc.
Throat; sensation of coldness; icy coldness; coc-c., cur.
Throat; sensation of coldness; On breathing
Throat; sensation of coldness; as from peppermint; form., mez., tell., 2verat.
Throat; sensation of coldness; on swallowing; nat-m.
Throat; sensation of coldness; warm drinks seem cold; nat-m.
Throat; sensation of coldness; gullet; acon., agar., anan., cahin., lact., lyss., 2meny.
Throat; sensation of coldness; gullet; icy; anan.