Throat; sensation of something in throat; Lump
View page in remedy finderThroat; sensation of something in throat; lump; aesc., agar., ail., 2all-c., 2alum., am-c., 2ambr., anan., 2ant-c., apis., 2arg-n., arn., ars., 1asaf., aur-m., aur., 2bar-c., bell., benz-ac., berb., brom., bry., bufo., calc-s., 2calc., 2carb-s., carb-v., 2caust., cham., chel., chin-s., cic., 2cina., 2coc-c., cocc., 2con., croc., 2crot-c., 2crot-h., crot-t., cur., ferr-ar., ferr-p., 2ferr., 2gels., 2graph., 2hep., hyos., 1ign., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., 2lac-c., 1lach., lact-ac., laur., 2led., 2lob., mag-c., med., 2merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merc., mez., myric., nat-a., nat-c., 1nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., ol-an., par., ph-ac., 2phyt., plan., 2plb., 1psor., rumx., ruta., 2sabad., sabin., 2sep., 2sil., sol-t-ae., still., stry., sul-ac., 2sulph., tab., 2thuj., 2zinc.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; morning; am-c., cob.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; late morning; phos., phyt.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; late morning; while riding; phyt.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; afternoon; 2bar-c.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; evening; am-c., 2asaf., sep.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; evening; on swallowing; sep.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; night; graph., nat-m.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; better coughing; kali-c.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; better burping, belching; kali-ar., 2mag-m.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; painful; 1lach.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; rising sensation; 2ars., 1asaf., cact., cann-i., cham., 2chel., 2coloc., 2con., 2gels., 1ign., kali-ar., 2kalm., 2lac-d., lach., 2lec., 2lob., 1lyc., mag-c., 2mag-m., 1mosch., 1nat-m., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., phys., 2plat., 2plb., 2puls., senec., sep., 2stram., 2sulph., tarent., 2valer., verat-v.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; during sleep; 2crot-c., 1lach., 1nux-v., 2sep., valer.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; while smoking; plb., sep.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; stone; bufo.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; on swallowing; 2bar-c., calc., 2gels., 2graph., 2lach., 2merc., 2nat-m., nat-s., 2nux-v., pic-ac., puls., 2sep., sil., ust.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; not relieved by swallowing; agar., ant-c., crot-c., 2kali-bi., 1lach., 2nat-m., 2sep.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; on swallowing empty; 2ferr., 2nux-v., ruta., sabad., 2sulph.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; returns after swallowing; ign., 2lac-c., 1lach., 2rumx.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; when not swallowing; ferr., 2ign., 2nat-m., sulph.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; Gullet
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; larynx; 2coc-c., 2kali-c., 2lob., 2med., 2nat-m.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; behind larynx that compels swallowing; 2coc-c., 2lach., ust.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; throat-pit; 1lach., 2lob.