Throat; Sensation of something in throat
View page in remedy finderThroat; sensation of something in throat; aesc., agar., ail., am-c., ambr., 2ant-c., 2apis., arg-n., arn., brom., bry., bufo., calc., carb-v., chel., chin-s., cic., coloc., 2con., 1crot-c., 2crot-t., graph., kreos., 1lach., led., mag-c., 2merc., mez., myric., nat-c., 2nux-m., ol-an., phos., plan., plb., sabad., sabin., 2sep., sol-t-ae., sulph., zinc.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; morning; am-c., cob.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; afternoon; phos.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; evening; am-c.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; apple core; phyt.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; bone; 2calc., 1hep., ign., lach., 2nit-ac., phys.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; bread crumbs; 2coc-c., dros., 1lach., 1nit-ac., pall., 2sabad., sanic.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; bread crumbs; better hawking; 1lach.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; Crawling
Throat; sensation of something in throat; as from dust; 2agar., 2alumn., 2am-c., 1ars., aur-m., 2bell., 2brom., calc-s., 2calc., 2chel., 2chin., cina., 2coc-c., crot-c., cycl., 1dros., glon., 2hep., 2ign., iod., 2ip., 1lyc., meph., nat-a., 2nat-m., ph-ac., pic-ac., poth., 1puls., 1sulph., teucr.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; food; arg-n., arn., 2calc., ferr-i.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; food; sensation as if food lodged in gullet; 2ars., 2bar-c., 2calc., 2caust., 2chin., dig., 2gels., 2kali-c., 2puls.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; hair; ars., carb-s., coc-c., 2kali-bi., 2sil., 2sulph., thuj., valer.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; hair; afternoon; 2sulph.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sensation in throat as if leaf lay behind nostrils, morning after waking; 2bar-c.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; Lump
Throat; sensation of something in throat; plug; larynx; 2ant-c., arg-m., bell., 2calc., dros., 2hep., kali-c., 2lach., 2lob., sep., 1spong., sulph.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; plug; trachea; 2lach.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; powder; crot-c.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; powder; prickly; acon., alumn., calc-f., cedr., lach., manc., tell., verat.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; powder; extending down gullet; cedr.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sensation of a skin, hanging in the throat; acon., agn., ant-c., kreos., 2lach., ol-an., phos., plat., sabad.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sensation of a skin, hanging in the throat; must swallow it; 2sabad.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; while smoking; plb., sep.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; as if string; sabad., valer.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sensation of stoppage; rhus-t., spong., verb.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; stone; bufo.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sulphur vapour; am-c., aml-n., 1ars., asaf., 2brom., 2bry., calc., 2carb-v., 2chin., croc., 1ign., ip., kali-chl., 2lach., 1lyc., mosch., par., 1puls.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sulphur vapour; during cough; brom., lyc., 2puls.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; sulphur vapour; when breathing in; croc., lyc.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; when swallowing; graph., ust.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; not relieved by swallowing; agar., ant-c., 2crot-c., 2kali-bi., 1lach., 2sep.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; thread hanging in throat; coc-c., 2valer.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; insects; acon., carb-ac., echi.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; insects; in gullet; acon.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; turning about in throat; lach.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; gullet; anac., bell., 2gels., 2lyc., nit-ac., phos., verat-v.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; larynx; 2agar., 2arg-m., 1bell., brom., 2bry., 2calc-f., 2coc-c., 2dros., 2hep., 2lach., lob., med., 2nat-m., 2phos., ptel., rumx., 2sang., 2sil., tarent., 2thuj.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; larynx; morning; caust.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; behind larynx; 2coc-c.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; trachea; hyos., 2kali-c., 2sang., sin-n.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; trachea; morning; caust.
Throat; sensation of something in throat; trachea; sensation of hair in trachea; naja., sil.