Throat; Membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.
View page in remedy finderThroat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; 2acet-ac., ail., 2am-c., ant-t., 1apis., arg-n., ars-i., 1ars., 2arum-t., 2bapt., bar-c., bell., 1brom., bry., calc-p., canth., 2caps., 2carb-ac., 2con., 2crot-c., 2crot-h., cupr-ac., 2echi., 2elaps., hep., ign., 2iod., 1kali-bi., 1kali-chl., kali-ma., kali-p., 2kreos., 1lac-c., 1lach., 2lachn., 1lyc., 2merc-c., 2merc-cy., 2merc-i-f., 2merc-i-r., 2merc., 2mur-ac., naja., 2nat-a., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., 1phos., 1phyt., 1rhus-t., sabad., sal-ac., 2sang., 2sec., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., 2thuj.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; right; 2apis., ign., lac-c., 1lyc., 2merc-i-f., 2merc., phyt., rhus-t.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; right; extending to left; lac-c., 1lyc., 2sulph.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; left; bell., brom., crot-h., lac-c., 1lach., 2manc., 2merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; left; alternating sides; 1lac-c.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; left; extending to right; lac-c., 1lach., naja., petr.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; blood-streaked; kali-bi.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; bluish; carb-ac., chin-a., lach., merc-cy., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; brownish; iod.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; curdy; lac-c.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; dark; bapt., phyt.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; deep-seated; ail., apis., kali-bi., nit-ac.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; dirty-looking; apis., lac-c.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; dry and shrivelled; 2ars.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; elastic; kali-bi.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; entire throat; am-c., ars., kali-ma., merc-cy.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; grey; apis., carb-ac., 2con., 2iod., kali-bi., lac-c., lach., lyc., merc-cy., merc-i-f., merc., 2mur-ac., nat-a., nit-ac., 1phyt., sanic., sul-ac.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; greenish; elaps., 2kali-bi., 2merc-cy.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; irregular; lac-c., merc-i-f.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; leathery; merc-cy.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; loose; lac-c., merc-i-f., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; migratory; 2lac-c.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; patches; canth., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; patches; isolated; kali-bi.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; patches; small; ail., apis., canth., iod., kali-bi., lac-c., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; pearly; kali-bi., 1lac-c., 2sang.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; profuse; carb-ac., lach., lyc., merc-c., sul-ac.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; putrid; bapt., carb-ac., merc-cy.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; scanty; merc-i-f., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; thick; ars., iod., sul-ac.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; thin; lac-c., merc-cy.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; transparent; merc-i-f., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; varnished, shining; 2lac-c.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; wash leather; bapt., 1phyt.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; white; am-caust., 2apis., 2ars., iod., kali-bi., 1kali-chl., kreos., 1lac-c., 2lach., 2lyc., 2merc-c., 2merc-cy., merc-i-f., merc., 2mur-ac., nat-a., 1nit-ac., nux-m., ox-ac., 1phyt., stram., 2sul-ac., zinc.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; wrinkled; 1ars.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; yellow; kali-bi., lac-c., lach., 2merc-cy., 2merc-i-f., merc., 1nat-p., nit-ac., rhus-t., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., zinc.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; extending to nose; kali-bi., lyc., 2merc-c., merc-cy., merc., 2nit-ac., sulph.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; extending to larynx; brom., 1kali-bi.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; throat at back of mouth; caps., merc-cy.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; behind throat wall; am-caust., canth., merc-i-f., mur-ac., 2sulph.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; tonsils; ail., am-caust., 2apis., cupr-ac., ign., iod., 2kali-bi., 2kali-i., kali-p., 2lac-c., 1lach., 1lyc., merc-i-f., merc., 1nit-ac., 1phyt.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; tonsils; right; ign., lac-c., 2lyc., merc-i-f., rhus-t.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; tonsils; left; lac-c., 1lach., merc-i-r.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; uvula; 2apis., carb-ac., 2kali-bi., lac-c., merc-c., merc-i-f., 2nit-ac., 1phyt.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; larynx; bufo.
Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; larynx; seems to move about in larynx; 2kali-c.