Throat; swallowing; Impossible
View page in remedy finderThroat; swallowing; impossible; acet-ac., acon., aeth., 2alum., 2alumn., 2ant-t., 2apis., 2arum-t., 2bapt., bar-c., 2bell., bism-ox., 2camph., cann-i., carb-ac., 2carb-v., cham., chlor., 2cic., 2cina., 2crot-c., 2crot-h., cupr., cur., dulc., 2gels., 2graph., hydr-ac., 1hyos., 2ign., ip., iris., kali-bi., kreos., 1lac-c., 2lach., laur., 2lyc., lyss., manc., merc-c., mur-ac., naja., 1nit-ac., 2nux-v., oena., 2op., 2phos., phys., 2plb., psor., 2sabad., spong., 1stram., 2sulph., 2tab., thuj., 2verat.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; form choking; 2hyos., 2iod., 2kali-c., manc., mur-ac.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; cold things; kali-c.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; constriction of gullet; 2alum., 2alumn., 2bapt., 1bar-c., cact., 2cic., 2hyos., 2kali-c., 1phos.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; problem from bottom of gullet; 1phos.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; anything but liquids; bapt., bar-c., 2cina., crot-c., 2crot-h., 2kali-c.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; anything but liquids; not even a teaspoonful of liquid; 2lyc., 1nit-ac.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; while lying; cham., sec.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; during period; petr.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; until mucus is hawked out; 2thuj.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; from paralysis; 2alum., 2alumn., 2apis., ars., bapt., caust., 2cocc., cur., 2gels., lac-c., lach., lact., lyc., 2nat-m., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., op., phyt., 1stram., 2tab.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; swelling of the tongue; apis.
Throat; swallowing; impossible; in typhus; bapt., 2camph.