Throat; Swallowing
View page in remedy finderThroat; swallowing; Constantly
Throat; swallowing; Difficult
Throat; swallowing; food lodges in the throat; acet-ac., bry., 2caust., chin., croc., crot-h., ign., iris., kali-c., 1lach., lyc., 1nit-ac., petr., sep., sil., sulph., 2zinc.
Throat; swallowing; food passes into nose; lyc., nit-ac., petr., 2sil.
Throat; swallowing; food is felt until it enters the stomach; alum., ambr., bry., phos.
Throat; swallowing; food turned like a corkscrew on swallowing; elaps.
Throat; swallowing; food passed over raw places; bar-c.
Throat; swallowing; Impeded
Throat; swallowing; Impossible
Throat; swallowing; incomplete; benz-ac.
Throat; swallowing; involuntary; 2cina., con., merc., 1sep., 2staph.
Throat; swallowing; involuntary; when walking in the wind; con.
Throat; swallowing; in sleep; 2calc.