Stool; Food appears to be passed undigested (lientery)
View page in remedy finderStool; food appears to be passed undigested; abrot., acet-ac., aesc., 2aeth., aloe., am-m., 2ant-c., 2apoc., arg-m., 2arg-n., 2arn., 1ars., asar., bar-c., bor., 1bry., cahin., 2calc-p., calc-s., 1calc., 2carb-s., cham., chen-a., 1chin-a., 1chin., 2cina., 2coloc., 2con., cop., crot-t., dulc., 2elaps., 1ferr-ar., 2ferr-p., 1ferr., 2gamb., 1graph., 2hep., ind., iod., ip., 2iris., jab., kali-p., kreos., lach., laur., 2lept., 2lyc., lyss., 2mag-c., 1mag-m., 2merc-c., merc-cy., mez., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., ol-j., 1olnd., ox-ac., 2petr., 1ph-ac., 1phos., phys., phyt., 2plat., 1podo., 2psor., 2raph., rheum., 2rhod., 2rhus-t., rhus-v., 2sang., 2sec., 2sil., squil., stann., staph., stram., sul-ac., 2sulph., thuj., 2tub., verat.
Stool; food appears to be passed undigested; morning; 2chin., olnd.
Stool; food appears to be passed undigested; night; 2aeth., am-m., bor., bry., 1chin., coloc., 1ferr., verat.
Stool; food appears to be passed undigested; food of the previous day; 2olnd.
Stool; food appears to be passed undigested; after fruit; 1chin.
Stool; food appears to be passed undigested; hard; 2calc.
Stool; food appears to be passed undigested; after milk; 2mag-c., 1mag-m.