Urine; Skin forming on the surface of urine (includes fatty)
View page in remedy finderUrine; skin forming on the surface of urine; agar., 2all-c., alum., 2alumn., arg-n., bell., calad., 2calc., canth., chin-s., chin., cob., com., crot-t., 2dulc., 2graph., 2hep., iod., kali-ar., kali-bi., lact-ac., laur., 2lyc., 2med., merc-c., op., 1par., 2petr., ph-ac., 2phos., plb., 2psor., rumx., 2sars., 1sep., sin-a., sul-ac., 2sulph., 2sumb., thuj., verat-v., verat., zinc.
Urine; skin forming on the surface of urine; rainbow coloured; agar., 1all-c., alumn., bapt., bell., canth., chin., coca., 2cycl., 2graph., 2hep., 2iod., op., 1par., 2petr., 1phos., 2puls., 2sars., sep., sin-a., 2sulph., thuj.
Urine; skin forming on the surface of urine; bluish; alumn.
Urine; skin forming on the surface of urine; whitish; arg-n., kali-bi., merc-c., plb., sep.
Urine; skin forming on the surface of urine; whitish; morning; arg-n.