Genitals; Urethra (urinary part of genitals)
View page in remedy finderGenitals; urethra; passage stuck together; uneasiness; anag., bor., bov., calc-p., 2camph., 2cann-s., canth., cupr-ar., 2cupr., gamb., graph., 2med., 2nat-m., 2petros., tab., 2thuj.
Genitals; urethra; passage stuck together; morning; canth., 2phos., 1sep., 2thuj.
Genitals; urethra; air passes from the female urethra during urination; sars.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of ball rolling through; lach.
Genitals; urethra; bubbling while sitting; berb.
Genitals; urethra; painful during erection; 1arg-n., aur-m., bry., 2camph., 2cann-i., 1cann-s., 1canth., 1caps., chlol., 2colch., con., cop., 2cub., cur., dig., ery-a., fl-ac., hep., kali-br., 1kali-chl., kali-i., merc-c., 2merc., 2mygal., nat-c., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., 2petros., phos., pip-n., 1puls., sabad., sep., 1ter., 2thuj., 2zing.
Genitals; urethra; painful during erection; with burning in urethra; calc-p.
Genitals; urethra; painful during erection; extreme sensitiveness of urethra; 2caps.
Genitals; urethra; clogged by pieces of coagulated mucus; cann-s., graph., 2merc., 2sep., uva.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of coldness; clem.
Genitals; urethra; Constriction
Genitals; urethra; Contraction
Genitals; urethra; cracks in passage; 2nat-c., 2nit-ac., ph-ac., phos., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; cramp; chel., nit-ac., phos.
Genitals; urethra; Crawling
Genitals; urethra; Discharge
Genitals; urethra; sensation of dropping from urethra; ambr., cedr., lact., 1sel.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of dropping from urethra; after urinating; 2thuj.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of dropping from urethra; after urinating; burning drops run along; arg-n., 2thuj.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of dryness; alum., cop.
Genitals; urethra; abnormal growths; teucr.
Genitals; urethra; abnormal growths; fungal growth; calc., con., graph., lyc., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; hardness; 2arg-n., 2clem., 2hyper.
Genitals; urethra; hardness; passage; cann-s.
Genitals; urethra; hard node; alum., bov.
Genitals; urethra; heat; all-c., alum., aur-m., cact., canth., kali-bi., merc., rhus-t., sulph.
Genitals; urethra; heat; during emission of semen; tarent.
Genitals; urethra; heat; feels erotic; canth.
Genitals; urethra; Haemorrhage
Genitals; urethra; Inflammation
Genitals; urethra; irritation; bell., cact., chim., 2clem., cub., helon., hydrc., 2lil-t., pop-t., pyrus., 1staph., stram.
Genitals; urethra; irritation; passage; kali-bi.
Genitals; urethra; Itching
Genitals; urethra; Jerking
Genitals; urethra; knotty sensation; alumn., 2arg-n., bov., cann-s.
Genitals; urethra; moisture, passage; nat-m., phos.
Genitals; urethra; moisture, passage; sticky, like glue; dig.
Genitals; urethra; moisture, passage; causing a yellow stain; phos.
Genitals; urethra; clogged up with coagulated mucus; cann-s., graph., 2merc., sep.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of narrowness; 2arg-n., bry., dig., graph., stram.
Genitals; urethra; numbness; apoc., 1caust., 2cedr., kali-br., 1mag-m., nux-v., sars.
Genitals; urethra; numbness; uneasy feeling; 2cedr.
Genitals; urethra; numbness; sensation absent, when urinating; ail., 2apis., apoc., 1arg-n., 1caust., cedr., chlol., 2cupr., grat., hell., kali-br., 1mag-m., mag-s., merc., nux-v., 2sars.
Genitals; urethra; Pain
Genitals; urethra; pulsation; benz., brom., canth., chin., cop., dulc., 1merc-c., merc., 2petr.
Genitals; urethra; pulsation; at back of vagina, stitching, sudden, sharp and beating; thuj.
Genitals; urethra; redness, passage; 2cact., cann-s., cinnb., cub., cupr-ar., 2gels., 2hep., 2led., nit-ac., petr., 2sulph., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; redness, passage; spots; bry.
Genitals; urethra; as if passing cold drop of urine; agar.
Genitals; urethra; as if constricted; arg-n., dig.
Genitals; urethra; as if a few drops passed; ambr., lact.
Genitals; urethra; as if too narrow; arg-n., bry., dig., graph.
Genitals; urethra; as of a stone in urethra; coc-c.
Genitals; urethra; as if urine were cold; nit-ac.
Genitals; urethra; as if urine remained in urethra some time after urinating; agar., all-c., alum., ambr., 2arg-n., aspar., carb-s., cedr., clem., dig., ery-a., 2kali-bi., lact., med., petr., rhus-t., 2sel., 2sep., tell., 2thuj.
Genitals; urethra; as if urine remained in urethra some time after urinating; in at back of vagina; all-c., ferr-i., 2thuj.
Genitals; urethra; spasm; nit-ac., prun-s.
Genitals; urethra; spasm; with split of rectum; nit-ac.
Genitals; urethra; closing; acon., agar., ant-t., 2apis., 2arg-n., bell., 2berb., 2calc., 2cann-s., 1canth., 2chim., chin., cinnb., 1clem., 2con., 2dig., 2dulc., 2graph., 2indg., 2iod., 2kali-i., 2merc., 2nat-m., 1nit-ac., op., 1petr., 2petros., 1puls., sep., 2sil., 2sulph., tarent., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; closing; spasmodic; apis., 2bell., berb., camph., 1canth., carb-v., 2cic., 2clem., con., cop., 2dios., eucal., 2gels., indg., 1nit-ac., 2nux-v., 2op., 2ph-ac., 2plb., 2prun-s., 2sec., stram.
Genitals; urethra; closing; spasmodic; morning; carb-v.
Genitals; urethra; closing; sensation of closing; bry., coc-c., dig., graph., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; Swelling
Genitals; urethra; tension; junc., lyc.
Genitals; urethra; tension; during erections; 1cann-s., 1canth.
Genitals; urethra; Tingling
Genitals; urethra; tumour; lach.
Genitals; urethra; Twitching
Genitals; urethra; ulceration; early signs of syphilis
This symptom is not self-limiting and so remedies are shown only to professional members.Genitals; urethra; ulceration; canth., 1nit-ac.
Genitals; urethra; ulceration; passage; abrot., eucal., lac-c., 1merc-c., 1nit-ac.
Genitals; urethra; ulceration; passage; with sticking; 1nit-ac.
Genitals; urethra; ulceration; passage; with sensation as if urine retained; canth.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of urine still flowing; aspar., vib.
Genitals; urethra; sensation of urine still flowing; stops at back of vagina; ferr-i., prun-s.
Genitals; urethra; blisters, passage; stann.
Genitals; urethra; blisters, passage; forming ulcers; 2nit-ac.
Genitals; urethra; erotic feeling; anag., lith., ox-ac., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; erotic feeling; during urination; ox-ac., thuj.
Genitals; urethra; erotic feeling; after urination; thuj.