Genitals; urethra; Swelling
View page in remedy finderGenitals; urethra; swelling; alum., 2arg-n., 2canth., 2cop., gran., led., 2merc-c., 2merc., 1mit., nit-ac., op., ph-ac., 2rhus-t., 2sulph., 1thuj.
Genitals; urethra; swelling; sensation of swelling; 2arg-n., cann-s., card-m., led., nit-ac., rhus-t., til.
Genitals; urethra; swelling; at front; merc.
Genitals; urethra; swelling; passage; alum., 1cann-s., canth., 2cop., hep., jac., led., 2nit-ac., ph-ac., phos., 1sulph., 1thuj.
Genitals; urethra; swelling; region of neck of bladder; puls.