Back; coldness; Travelling up the back
View page in remedy finderBack; coldness; travelling up the back; aesc., am-m., arg-n., ars., bar-c., bol., 2calc-p., 2cina., 2colch., con., 2eup-per., 2gels., hyos., ip., kali-bi., kali-i., kali-p., 1lach., mag-c., merc-sul., 2nat-s., ol-an., phos., phys., 2puls., rhus-v., ruta., 1sulph.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; evening; kali-p.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; after eating; arg-n.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; during period; kreos.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; from movement; sulph.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; worse on coming in from open air; arg-n.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; with shivering after urinating; 2sars.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; 2 p.m.; nat-s.
Back; coldness; travelling up the back; 4 p.m.; mag-c.