Back; Coldness
View page in remedy finderBack; coldness; acon., aesc., agar., alum., am-br., am-c., 2am-m., anac., anag., aphis., apis., 2arg-m., arn., 2ars., 2asaf., aur-m-n., aur., bapt., 2bell., benz-ac., berb., 1bol., brom., 2bry., 1cact., calad., calc-s., 2calc., 2camph., 2canth., 1caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., cedr., 2cham., chel., chin-a., chin., chlf., cic., coc-c., cocc., coff., colch., com., 2con., croc., 2crot-t., 2dig., dios., 2dulc., elaps., 1eup-per., 1eup-pur., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., 2gels., gins., grat., 2ham., hell., hep., hipp., hydr., 2hyos., hyper., ign., ip., jatr., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., 2lac-d., 1lach., lachn., lact., laur., 2led., 2lil-t., 2lob., lyc., mag-c., 2meny., merc-c., merc-i-r., merc., 2mez., mur-ac., nat-a., 1nat-m., 1nat-s., 2nit-ac., nit-s-d., 2nux-v., op., ox-ac., 2phos., phys., plat., 1puls., 2raph., 2rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta., sabad., sanic., sarr., 2sec., seneg., sep., 1sil., spig., 2spong., 2stann., staph., 2stram., 2stry., 1sulph., sumb., tarent., thuj., valer., 1verat.
Back; coldness; Morning
Back; coldness; Late morning
Back; coldness; noon; arg-n., rhus-t.
Back; coldness; Afternoon
Back; coldness; Evening
Back; coldness; night; 2ars., arum-t., chin-a., chin-s., chin., coc-c., lil-t., lyc., nat-a., nat-m., 2puls., stront., thuj.
Back; coldness; night; on going to bed; coc-c., lil-t.
Back; coldness; Open air
Back; coldness; as if cold water spurted on back; caust., lyc., 1puls.
Back; coldness; after dinner; cedr., cycl.
Back; coldness; when dressing; anth.
Back; coldness; during eating; raph.
Back; coldness; after eating; crot-c., sil.
Back; coldness; external; coc-c., lyc.
Back; coldness; like ice; 2am-m., cocc.
Back; coldness; icy coldness running down back before epilepsy; 2ars.
Back; coldness; ending in itching; 2am-m.
Back; coldness; better lying down; cast., kali-n., sil.
Back; coldness; during period; bell., kreos.
Back; coldness; after period; kali-c.
Back; coldness; on movement; asaf., 2eup-pur., phys., sulph., thuj.
Back; coldness; after siesta; cycl.
Back; coldness; while sitting; brom.
Back; coldness; before stool; ars.
Back; coldness; during stool; colch., 2trom.
Back; coldness; after stool; fago., 2puls., sumb.
Back; coldness; after urinating; 2sars.
Back; coldness; on waking; dig.
Back; coldness; while walking; asaf., hyos., nit-s-d.
Back; coldness; while walking; in open air; chin.
Back; coldness; near warm heater; jug-c.
Back; coldness; worse warmth; apis.
Back; coldness; Extending to other parts
Back; coldness; Travelling down back
Back; coldness; Travelling up the back
Back; coldness; travelling up and down the back; aesc., all-c., aphis., bapt., 1eup-pur., 1gels., hell., 2ip., lach., med., ruta., 2sulph.
Back; coldness; travelling up and down the back; afternoon; rumx.
Back; coldness; Neck
Back; coldness; Dorsal (shoulder level)
Back; coldness; Lumbar (lower half of back)
Back; coldness; Sacrum (base of spine)
Back; coldness; Spine