Back; coldness; Lumbar (lower half of back)
View page in remedy finderBack; coldness; lumbar; asaf., 2camph., cann-i., canth., 2carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., cham., chin., cupr., 2dulc., 1eup-pur., hell., 1lach., led., med., nat-m., nux-m., ox-ac., podo., 2puls., spong., 2sulph., 2sumb., tarent.
Back; coldness; lumbar; right side; 2med.
Back; coldness; lumbar; morning; cham., 2sumb.
Back; coldness; lumbar; worse evening, while sitting; canth.
Back; coldness; lumbar; night; nat-m., podo.
Back; coldness; lumbar; night; during dinner; hell.
Back; coldness; lumbar; as if cool air passed over it; 2sulph., 2sumb.
Back; coldness; lumbar; worse draft of cold air; tarent.
Back; coldness; lumbar; with cough; 2carb-an.
Back; coldness; lumbar; worse movement; podo.
Back; coldness; lumbar; while sitting; chin.
Back; coldness; lumbar; before stool; nux-m.
Back; coldness; lumbar; after stool; 2puls.
Back; coldness; lumbar; worse walking; 2camph.
Back; coldness; lumbar; better warmth of heater; hell.
Back; coldness; lumbar; extending to abdomen after urinating; sulph.