Back; Curvature of spine (scoliosis)
View page in remedy finderBack; curvature of spine; 2bar-m., 1calc-f., 2calc-p., 1calc-s., 1calc., carb-s., 2carb-v., 2con., 2lyc., 1merc-c., 2merc., op., 1ph-ac., 2phos., psor., 2puls., 1sil., 1sulph., tarent., thuj.
Back; curvature of spine; from decay of lumbar spine; 2sil.
Back; curvature of spine; lies on back with knees pulled up; 1merc-c.
Back; curvature of spine; in pain; 2aesc., 1lyc., 1sil.
Back; curvature of spine; neck; 2calc., phos., 2syph.
Back; curvature of spine; dorsal; bar-c., bufo., 2calc-s., 2calc., 2con., 2lyc., plb., 2puls., 2rhus-t., 2sil., 2sulph., 2syph., thuj.