Back; Heat
View page in remedy finderBack; heat; aesc., 2agar., 2alum-m., alumn., 2apis., 2ars., asaf., aur., bar-c., berb., calc-s., calc., camph., carb-v., carl., cham., chin., 2coff., con., dig., 2dulc., gels., 2glon., hell., helon., hyos., laur., 2led., lob-s., 2lyc., 2med., meny., 2merc., nat-c., nat-m., ol-an., op., par., ph-ac., 1phos., 2pic-ac., plb., rhus-v., sars., 2sil., sol-n., spig., stann., staph., 2sulph., 2sumb., verat., 2zinc.
Back; heat; sense of warm air steaming up spine into head; 2ars.
Back; heat; morning, on waking; con.
Back; heat; late morning; hell.
Back; heat; evening; cham., phys.
Back; heat; alternating with cold; carl., cham., verat.
Back; heat; alternating with cold; shivering; cham.
Back; heat; after eating; staph.
Back; heat; from excitement; pic-ac.
Back; heat; from excitement; while reading exciting news; 2gels.
Back; heat; during period; 2phos.
Back; heat; mental exertion; 2pic-ac., 2sil.
Back; heat; while sitting; meny., 2zinc.
Back; heat; streams upwards; 2ars., 2lyc., 2verat.
Back; heat; while walking; verat.
Back; heat; while walking; in open air; merc., ph-ac., sil., sol-n.
Back; heat; from warmth of bed; pic-ac.
Back; heat; after drinking wine; gins., 2zinc.
Back; heat; extending down the back; coff., con., laur., par., phys., sulph.
Back; heat; extending up the back; 2ars., cann-i., hyos., 2lyc., 1phos., 2podo., sarr., verat.
Back; heat; extending up the back; during period; 2phos.
Back; heat; extending up the back; during stool; podo.
Back; heat; Neck
Back; heat; Dorsal (shoulder level)
Back; heat; Lumbar (lower half of back)
Back; heat; base of spine; sars., sep., sulph.
Back; heat; coccyx; agar., alum., arn., ars., bor., 2calc., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chin., colch., graph., hep., ign., laur., led., merc., mur-ac., ph-ac., phos., plat., rhus-t., spig., staph., sulph., zinc.
Back; heat; Spine
Back; heat; Flushes