Back; Heaviness, weight
View page in remedy finderBack; heaviness, weight; ambr., arg-m., arg-n., arn., 1bar-c., 2bov., carb-v., 1cimic., colch., coloc., crot-c., equis., euphr., 2hydr., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-p., lil-t., mag-s., mang., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., 2par., petr., ph-ac., 2phos., 2pic-ac., puls., rhod., 2rhus-t., 2sep., sulph.
Back; heaviness, weight; morning; in bed; ant-t., euphr., pic-ac., 2sep., sulph.
Back; heaviness, weight; morning; on rising; ant-t., euphr.
Back; heaviness, weight; morning; waking; pic-ac., 2sep.
Back; heaviness, weight; late morning; sulph.
Back; heaviness, weight; late morning; while sitting; nat-c.
Back; heaviness, weight; night; carb-v.
Back; heaviness, weight; lying down; phos.
Back; heaviness, weight; better movement; rhod.
Back; heaviness, weight; worse rising; ant-t.
Back; heaviness, weight; Neck
Back; heaviness, weight; dorsal; carb-s., phyt., sil.
Back; heaviness, weight; dorsal; shoulder blades; phyt., sil.
Back; heaviness, weight; dorsal; like a load between shoulder blades; 2carb-s.
Back; heaviness, weight; Lumbar (lower half of back)
Back; heaviness, weight; Sacrum (base of spine)
Back; heaviness, weight; Coccyx (bottom tip of spine)