Vertigo, dizziness
View page in remedy finderVertigo, dizziness; abies-c., abies-n., absin., acet-ac., 1acon., act-sp., 2aesc., 2aeth., 1agar., agn., 1ail., alet., all-c., 2aloe., 2alum., alumn., 2am-c., am-m., 2ambr., aml-n., anac., anan., 2ant-c., ant-t., 1apis., apoc., 1arg-m., 2arg-n., 2arn., 2ars-h., ars-i., 2ars., arum-t., arund., asaf., asar., asc-c., asc-t., aspar., 2aster., 2aur-m., 2aur., bad., 1bapt., 2bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., benz-ac., 2berb., bism-ox., bor., both., bov., brach., brom., 1bry., bufo., 2cact., cahin., calad., calc-ar., calc-f., 2calc-p., 1calc-s., 1calc., 2camph., 1cann-i., 2cann-s., 2canth., caps., carb-ac., 2carb-an., carb-h., carb-o., 1carb-s., 2carb-v., carl., cast-eq., caul., 2caust., 2cedr., 2cham., 1chel., chen-a., chim., chin-a., 1chin-s., 2chin., chlf., chlol., chlor., 2cic., 2cimic., cina., cinnb., cist., clem., cob., coc-c., coca., 1cocc., 2coff., colch., 2coloc., com., 1con., 2cop., corn., croc., 2crot-c., crot-h., crot-t., cupr-ar., 2cupr., 1cycl., daph., 1dig., dios., dirc., dros., 1dulc., echi., 2elaps., equis., euon., eup-per., eup-pur., eupho., euphr., eupi., fago., 2ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-ma., 2ferr-p., 2ferr., fl-ac., form., gamb., 1gels., 2glon., gran., 2graph., grat., 2guare., ham., hell., helon., 2hep., hura., hydr-ac., 2hydrc., 2hyos., hyper., ign., ill., indg., 2iod., ip., iris., jab., jatr., jug-c., jug-r., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-br., 2kali-c., 2kali-i., 2kali-n., kali-p., 2kali-s., 2kalm., kreos., lac-c., 2lac-d., 2lach., lachn., lact., laur., 2led., lept., lil-t., lob., 1lyc., lycps., lyss., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., 2manc., mang., med., meny., 2merc-c., merc-i-f., merc-i-r., 2merc., 2mez., mill., 2mosch., 2mur-ac., murx., 2mygal., naja., 2nat-a., 2nat-c., 2nat-h., 1nat-m., 2nat-p., 2nat-s., nicc., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., olnd., 1onos., 1op., ox-ac., par., 1petr., 2ph-ac., phel., 1phos., 2phyt., pic-ac., plan., 2plat., plb., 2podo., 2psor., ptel., 1puls., 2ran-b., ran-s., raph., rheum., 2rhod., 1rhus-t., 2rhus-v., rumx., ruta., sabad., 2sabin., samb., 1sang., sanic., sars., 1sec., sel., senec., 2seneg., 2sep., 1sil., 2spig., 2spong., squil., 2stann., staph., 2stram., 2stront., 2stry., sul-ac., 1sulph., sumb., 1tab., tarax., tarent., tell., 2ter., teucr., 2ther., 2thuj., uran., 2urt-u., ust., 2valer., 2verat-v., 2verat., 2vesp., vib., 2zinc.,
Vertigo, dizziness; Morning
Vertigo, dizziness; noon; aeth., arn., 2calc-p., 2caust., chin., dulc., ham., kalm., lyc., mag-m., mag-s., manc., merc., nat-s., nux-v., 2phos., stram., stront., sulph., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; afternoon; 2aesc., agar., alum., 2ambr., benz-ac., 2bry., carb-s., chel., chin., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dios., eupi., ferr-p., ferr., glon., hura., kali-c., kali-p., lyc., merc., nat-m., nicc., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., sabad., sars., 2sep., sil., staph., stront., sul-ac., sulph., thuj.
Vertigo, dizziness; evening; alum., alumn., 2am-c., 2apis., arn., 1ars., asaf., bor., calc-s., 2calc., carb-an., 2carb-s., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin., coloc., 2cycl., dios., eug., 2graph., 2hep., hydr., iris., 2kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-c., 2kali-p., kali-s., 2lach., laur., lyc., lycps., mag-c., meph., merc., nat-m., nat-s., nicc., 2nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., petr., 2ph-ac., 2phos., phyt., pic-ac., plat., 1puls., raph., 2rhod., rhus-t., rhus-v., sabad., sel., sep., 2sil., spong., staph., stront., 2sulph., tarent., thuj., til., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; evening; in bed; brom., lach., 2mag-c., nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., 2petr., 2phos., rhus-t., sep., staph., sulph.
Vertigo, dizziness; Night
Vertigo, dizziness; in open air; acon., act-sp., aeth., 2agar., ambr., anac., anag., ars., aur., bry., calc., canth., 2caust., cocc., crot-t., dros., eupho., gins., 2glon., grat., kali-ar., kali-c., 2kreos., lach., laur., manc., merc-c., 2mur-ac., nicc., ol-an., 2phel., podo., psor., 2ran-b., ruta., sars., senec., 2sep., sil., sulph., tarax.
Vertigo, dizziness; better open air; 2aeth., agar., 2am-m., aur-m., bell., calc-s., 2camph., carb-s., carl., 2caust., clem., croc., genist., graph., 2grat., hell., hydr-ac., hyos., kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-p., 2kali-s., lil-t., 2mag-m., mag-s., manc., merc., mosch., mur-ac., 2nat-s., nicc., oena., ph-ac., 2phel., phos., plb., 2puls., 2sanic., sol-n., staph., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., 1tab.
Vertigo, dizziness; when getting up; bor., dirc., sulph.
Vertigo, dizziness; sensation of rising; am-m., 2asaf., asar., bor., hep., laur., lyc., 2merc., nat-c., nux-v., 2phos., 2plat., ran-b., 2spig., sul-ac., valer., 2verat.
Vertigo, dizziness; comes up the back; 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; balancing sensation; calad., ferr., lact., merc., thuj., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; after bathing; phys., samb.
Vertigo, dizziness; when blowing the nose; culx., sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; worse deep breathing; 2cact.
Vertigo, dizziness; better deep breathing; acon.
Vertigo, dizziness; child grasps the nurse when carried; bor., 2gels.
Vertigo, dizziness; before chill; 2ars., 2bry., nat-m.
Vertigo, dizziness; during chill; alum., ant-t., 1calc., caps., 2chin., cocc., ferr-p., 2ferr., 2glon., kali-bi., laur., lyss., nat-m., 1nux-v., phos., plb., puls., 2rhus-t., sulph., verat., viol-t.
Vertigo, dizziness; after chill; colch., sec.
Vertigo, dizziness; chronic; nat-m., 2nux-v., 1phos., 2sec.
Vertigo, dizziness; chronic; with one-sided headache; 2nat-m.
Vertigo, dizziness; better closing eyes; alum., 2con., dig., ferr., 2gels., graph., phel., 2pip-m., sel., sulph., tab., verat-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; On closing eyes
Vertigo, dizziness; after sexual intercourse; ph-ac., sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; better cold applications; nat-m.
Vertigo, dizziness; in cold; gels., merc-c., rhus-t.
Vertigo, dizziness; during cold weather; 2sang.
Vertigo, dizziness; alternating with colic; verat.
Vertigo, dizziness; from concussion of brain; acon., 2arn.
Vertigo, dizziness; during constipation; aloe., 2calc-p., chin., crot-h., nat-s., sulph.
Vertigo, dizziness; continuous; bor., olnd., phos., psor., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; better when nose has been running; aloe.
Vertigo, dizziness; on coughing; acon., ant-t., calc., 2coff., cupr., 2kali-bi., led., 2mosch., naja., nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; in crowd; nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; damp weather; brom., sars.
Vertigo, dizziness; on entering dark room; agar., 2arg-n., 2stram.
Vertigo, dizziness; with dilated pupils; 2bell., hell., teucr.
Vertigo, dizziness; After drinking
Vertigo, dizziness; Drinking
Vertigo, dizziness; while drinking; 2lyc., mang., 2sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; with double vision; gels., olnd.
Vertigo, dizziness; with double vision; when looking down; olnd.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if lifted up; aloe., calc., cann-i., hyper., mosch., phos., rhus-t., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if lifted up; evening; phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if lifted up; after eating; aloe.
Vertigo, dizziness; while eating; am-c., arn., calc., chel., con., dios., form., 1grat., hep., mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-c., 2nux-v., olnd., 2phos., sel., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; while eating; during breakfast; con., 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; while eating; during dinner; arn., calc-p., chel., 2hep., 2mag-c., 2mag-m., mag-s., olnd., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; After eating
Vertigo, dizziness; Eating
Vertigo, dizziness; after emission; bov., calc., caust., nat-c., sars.
Vertigo, dizziness; From intense emotions
Vertigo, dizziness; before epilepsy; ars., 2calc-ar., 2caust., 1hyos., 2lach., 2plb., 2sulph., 2tarent.
Vertigo, dizziness; epileptic; 2apis., art-v., bufo., 2calc-ar., calc-s., 2caust., crot-h., 2cur., ign., 2nat-m., 2nux-m., plb., 2sil., thuj., 2visc.
Vertigo, dizziness; during erections; tarent.
Vertigo, dizziness; when burping, belching; gymn., nat-m., nux-v., 2puls., sars.
Vertigo, dizziness; after burping, belching; hep., nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; preceding out-breaks on skin; cop.
Vertigo, dizziness; from suppressed out-breaks on skin; bell., bry., calc., carb-v., cham., hep., ip., lach., phos., rhus-t., 2sulph.
Vertigo, dizziness; better exercising; phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; on exercising; ars., berb., bism-ox., 2cact., chin., cycl., kali-c., nat-c., sol-n.
Vertigo, dizziness; on exercising; the arms; berb., sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; on exercising; in open air; coff., 2nat-c.
Vertigo, dizziness; on physical exertion; ars., cact., cop., nit-ac., sol-n.
Vertigo, dizziness; on exertion of vision; all-s., 2cur., 2graph., 2mag-p., 1nat-m., 1phos., 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; sensation of falling from a height; 2caust., 2gels., mosch.
Vertigo, dizziness; Tendency to fall over
Vertigo, dizziness; as if high objects leaned forward and would fall on him; arn., sabad.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if walls would fall on subject; arg-n., sabad.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if floating; asar., bell., 2calc-ar., camph., cocc., 2hyper., 2lac-c., 2lach., lact., 2manc., 2mez., mosch., 2nux-m., 2op., phos., 2sep., stram., 2valer.
Vertigo, dizziness; while gargling; carb-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; during headache; acet-ac., 2acon., aeth., agar., ail., alumn., anac., ant-t., anthr., 1apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., 2ars., asaf., 2aur., bar-c., 1bell., 2bov., brom., bry., 2calc-p., 1calc., carb-s., carb-v., 2caust., 2chel., cimic., coca., 2cocc., 2coff., 1con., crot-h., 2cupr., cycl., eug., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., form., 2gels., 2glon., grat., 2hep., kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-br., 2kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., 2kalm., 2lach., laur., lob., mag-c., mag-m., 2merc., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., ox-ac., 2phos., pic-ac., 2plb., 2psor., 2puls., 2sang., sec., sep., 1sil., 2spig., 2stront., sulph., 2tab., 2verat-v., xan., 2zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; during headache; fullness and aching in top of head; 1cimic.
Vertigo, dizziness; from head; at back of head; ang., carb-v., chin., fl-ac., 1gels., glon., med., petr., ran-b., senec., 1sil., spig., 2zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; from head; from top of head; calc.
Vertigo, dizziness; from heat; con., ptel.
Vertigo, dizziness; from heat; of room; grat., 2lyc., paeon., phos., 2puls.
Vertigo, dizziness; from heat; of sun; 2agar., cast-v., gels., glon., nat-c.
Vertigo, dizziness; heat of fever; during the heat; acon., arg-m., bry., 2carb-v., chin., 2cocc., croc., ign., 2kali-c., laur., led., mag-m., merc., mosch., nux-v., phos., 2puls., sep., stram., verat.
Vertigo, dizziness; heat of fever; with sensation of heat in chest and about heart; lachn.
Vertigo, dizziness; from high places; arg-n., aur., 1calc., gels., 2nat-m., phos., puls., staph., 1sulph., 2zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; better in house; 2agar., caust., 2cycl., grat., kreos., merc., sulph.
Vertigo, dizziness; when hungry; dulc., 2kali-c.
Vertigo, dizziness; after injuries on head; cic., 2nat-s.
Vertigo, dizziness; on breathing in deeply; 2cact.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if intoxicated; acet-ac., 2acon., act-sp., agar., ail., 2alum., am-c., 2anac., anan., 2arg-m., 2arg-n., asar., 2aur., 2bell., berb., 2bry., caj., 2camph., cann-i., 2carb-ac., carb-s., caust., 2cham., chel., chin-s., 2chin., 2cic., clem., 1cocc., 2con., cori-r., croc., crot-h., cur., dig., ferr-p., 2ferr., 2gels., glon., 2graph., grat., ham., 2hydr., 2hyos., 2kali-br., kali-c., kreos., lact., laur., led., 2lil-t., lyc., 2med., merc., merl., 2mez., mosch., nat-m., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., oena., 2op., petr., 2ph-ac., phel., phos., 1puls., rhod., 2rhus-t., sabad., sars., 2sec., sel., sep., 2sil., 2spig., 2spong., stram., 2tab., tarax., tep., 2thuj., til., valer.
Vertigo, dizziness; when kneeling; mag-c., 1sep., stram.
Vertigo, dizziness; while leaning against anything; cycl., 2dig.
Vertigo, dizziness; while leaning head; verb.
Vertigo, dizziness; while leaning head; while leaning left cheek against hand; verb.
Vertigo, dizziness; when lifting a weight; ant-t., 1puls.
Vertigo, dizziness; from lights; from light shining through coloured glass; art-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; from lights; from gaslight; 2caust.
Vertigo, dizziness; from lights; from being in a room with many lights; nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; from lightning; crot-h.
Vertigo, dizziness; From looking at...
Vertigo, dizziness; from dehydration; 2chin., 1phos., sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; must lie down; 2ambr., ant-t., 2aran., asaf., 2aur., chel., 1cocc., crot-h., cupr., 2graph., 2kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., laur., merc., mosch., nat-c., nat-m., 2nit-ac., op., 1phos., 1puls., sabin., sec., 2sil., 2sul-ac., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; Lying down
Vertigo, dizziness; When lying down
Vertigo, dizziness; while meditating; agar., arg-n., coff., gran., 2ph-ac., 2puls., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; while meditating; better thinking of something else; agar., pip-m., sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; while meditating; while walking in open air; agar., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; better while meditating; phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; In women
Vertigo, dizziness; mental exertion; 2agar., agn., am-c., arg-m., 2arg-n., arn., bar-c., 2bor., calc., cham., coff., cupr., gran., grat., kalm., merc-i-f., 1nat-c., 1nat-m., nat-p., 1nux-v., 2ph-ac., pic-ac., 2puls., sep., sil., 2staph.
Vertigo, dizziness; better mental exertion; phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; better movement; coff., cycl., mag-m., rhod.
Vertigo, dizziness; better movement; better moving the head quickly; agar.
Vertigo, dizziness; From movement
Vertigo, dizziness; With nausea
Vertigo, dizziness; from noise; 2ther.
Vertigo, dizziness; Perception of objects distorted
Vertigo, dizziness; from odour of flowers; 2hyos., 1nux-v., 1phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; in aged people; 2ambr., 2bar-c., calc-p., 2cupr., 2rhus-t., 2sin-n.
Vertigo, dizziness; painful; phos., tab., tarent.
Vertigo, dizziness; comes on suddenly; agar., aloe., ant-t., 2arg-m., calc., caul., cupr., kali-bi., morph., 2nat-m., 2nux-v., plat., ptel., tab., til.
Vertigo, dizziness; Periodical, recurring, seasonal
Vertigo, dizziness; While reading
Vertigo, dizziness; after reading; kali-c., ph-ac.
Vertigo, dizziness; reeling; acon., 2agar., 2alum., anac., 2ars., 2bell., bry., camph., 2caps., 2caust., 2cic., cimic., croc., cupr., ferr., 2glon., hydr-ac., kali-i., lach., 2lyc., mag-c., mag-m., nat-c., nat-m., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., ol-an., paeon., ph-ac., puls., sanic., 2sec., seneg., spong., 2stram., sulph., tab., tarax., ter., thuj., verat., viol-t.
Vertigo, dizziness; after relaxation; calc., lach.
Vertigo, dizziness; worse rest; acon., bell., 2calc., cycl., 2lach., manc., nat-c., puls., rhus-t., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; better rest; cann-i., coca., 2con., eupi., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; better resting head on the table; sabad.
Vertigo, dizziness; while riding; ant-t., dig., grat.
Vertigo, dizziness; while riding; while riding horseback; cop., rhus-t.
Vertigo, dizziness; better while riding horseback; tarent.
Vertigo, dizziness; while travelling; acon., calc., 2hep., lyc., sel., 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; better while travelling; glon., sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; Swaying
Vertigo, dizziness; On rising
Vertigo, dizziness; better rising; ars., 2aur., caust., hell., mosch., nat-m., phos., 2rhus-t.
Vertigo, dizziness; better rising; better after rising from stooping; aur., 2hell.
Vertigo, dizziness; after rising; apoc., bar-c., 2bell., bry., calc., cocc., dig., eug., 2form., graph., 2lyc., lyss., 2mag-c., ph-ac., 2phos., sabad., stann.
Vertigo, dizziness; after rising; from a seat; apoc., bry., cocc., dig., phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; after rising; from a seat; sitting bent; merc.
Vertigo, dizziness; after rising; from a seat; sitting long; cham., laur., ph-ac.
Vertigo, dizziness; after rising; from stooping; laur., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if rocking; bell., calad.
Vertigo, dizziness; from rocking; bor., 2coff.
Vertigo, dizziness; better rocking; sec.
Vertigo, dizziness; better rubbing the eyes; alum.
Vertigo, dizziness; while sewing; graph., lac-d., lact., mag-c., phel., sul-ac.
Vertigo, dizziness; after shaving; 2carb-an.
Vertigo, dizziness; as if sinking; lach., 2lyc., nat-m., ph-ac.
Vertigo, dizziness; better sitting; 2acon., aur., bry., 2cycl., form., lach., puls., 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; better sitting; better sitting up in bed; ., 2lac-d., phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; While sitting
Vertigo, dizziness; during sleep; aeth., crot-h., 2lyc., 2sang., 1sep., 2sil., ther.
Vertigo, dizziness; better sleep; bell., ferr., grat., pall.
Vertigo, dizziness; worse after sleep; ambr., ant-t., apis., ars., atro., 2calc., 2carb-v., 2chin., cimic., 2dulc., 2graph., hep., 2kali-c., kali-i., 1lach., 2lact., 2med., merc., nat-m., 1nux-v., op., 2sep., 2spong., stann., stict., stram., stront., tarent., 2ther., thuj., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; while half asleep; arg-m., 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; with sleepiness; at the same time; aeth., arg-m., crot-t., laur., 2nit-ac., nux-m., puls., sarr., 2sil.
Vertigo, dizziness; with sleepiness; alternating; 2ant-t.
Vertigo, dizziness; from smoking; alum., asc-t., bor., brom., clem., 2gels., 1nat-m., 1nux-v., op., sil., 2tab., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; from sneezing; bar-c., benz-ac., nux-v., 2seneg.
Vertigo, dizziness; While standing
Vertigo, dizziness; better while standing; nux-v., ph-ac.
Vertigo, dizziness; white stars before eyes; alum.
Vertigo, dizziness; starting from stomach; 2kali-c.
Vertigo, dizziness; before stool; alum., lach., oena.
Vertigo, dizziness; during stool; 2caust., cham., cob., 2cocc., colch., ptel., stram., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; after stool; apoc., carb-an., 2caust., cupr., gran., lach., 2nat-m., petr., phos., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; better after stool; 2cupr.
Vertigo, dizziness; on stooping; acon., act-sp., ail., 2alum., 2anac., aran-s., 2arg-n., aur-m., 2aur., bapt., 2bar-c., 1bell., berb., 2bry., 2cact., 2calc-p., calc-s., 2calc., 2camph., cann-i., carb-s., 2carb-v., 2caust., 2cham., chin-s., chin., cic., cimic., cinnb., coff., con., corn., dig., 2glon., 2graph., 2guare., 2ham., 2hell., helon., 2ign., ind., 2iod., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., 2kalm., 2lach., lact-ac., led., 2lyc., mang-m., med., meny., meph., 2merc-c., 2merc., merl., mill., mosch., myric., nat-m., nat-s., nicc., 2nit-ac., 1nux-v., ol-an., op., 2petr., ph-ac., 2phos., pic-ac., plb., ptel., 1puls., rhus-t., sant., sep., sil., sol-n., 2staph., 1sulph., sumb., ther., thuj., valer., verat.
Vertigo, dizziness; on stooping; after stooping long; cham.
Vertigo, dizziness; on stooping; after supper; sep.
Vertigo, dizziness; better on stooping; carb-an.
Vertigo, dizziness; on stretching; apoc.
Vertigo, dizziness; sudden; aeth., agar., apoc., 2arg-m., aster., 2bov., bry., calc-ar., camph., carb-s., chin-a., coloc., iris., kali-bi., meph., mosch., sec., senec., sep., stann., stram., sulph., tarent., thuj., verb.
Vertigo, dizziness; from sunlight and heat; acon., 2agar., brom., 2glon., 2nat-c., nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; better supporting head; sabad.
Vertigo, dizziness; suspension of the senses; ant-t., 2camph., 2nat-m., 2nux-m., 2stram., verat.
Vertigo, dizziness; suspension of the senses; as if there were a barrier between sense organs and external objects; aeth.
Vertigo, dizziness; suspension of the senses; with blackout; alum., ars., berb., bry., canth., 2carb-v., 2cham., croc., glon., hep., hipp., lach., mag-c., mosch., 1nux-v., paeon., phos., sabad., sulph.
Vertigo, dizziness; like swinging; calad., ferr., 2merc., 2sulph., thuj., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; syphilitic; 1aur.
Vertigo, dizziness; while talking; bor., cham., cocc., par., sol-n.
Vertigo, dizziness; while talking; after animated talking; bor., cham., lyc., nat-c., par., thuj.
Vertigo, dizziness; while talking; for a long time; thuj.
Vertigo, dizziness; on thinking about it; pip-m.
Vertigo, dizziness; worse touch; cupr.
Vertigo, dizziness; trembling; am-c., ars., bell., 2camph., carb-v., crot-h., 2dig., 2dulc., 2glon., nat-m., puls.
Vertigo, dizziness; spinning; acon., aloe., 2alum., am-c., anac., 2arg-n., arn., asaf., 2aur., bar-m., 2bell., berb., 2bism-ox., 1bry., calad., 2calc., camph., chel., 2chin-s., 2cic., cocc., 1con., cupr., 1cycl., euon., eup-per., eup-pur., eupho., ferr., grat., hell., hep., hydr-ac., kali-bi., kreos., lact., laur., 2lyc., mosch., mur-ac., nat-m., nat-s., 2nux-v., olnd., op., par., 2phos., 1puls., ran-b., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., spig., staph., tab., til., valer., verat., viol-o.
Vertigo, dizziness; spinning; as if bed spinning; 1con., nux-v., plb., 2puls., sol-n.
Vertigo, dizziness; spinning; as if bed turned and whirled, renewed by thinking about it; plb.
Vertigo, dizziness; turns in a circle; bell., berb., 2calc., caust.
Vertigo, dizziness; turns in a circle; to right; berb., 2caust.
Vertigo, dizziness; turns in a circle; to left; bell.
Vertigo, dizziness; during urination; acon.
Vertigo, dizziness; better copious urination; gels.
Vertigo, dizziness; when urging to urinate; 2hyper.
Vertigo, dizziness; with obscuring of vision; 2acon., act-sp., agar., amyg., 2anac., ant-t., apis., arg-m., arg-n., ars., asaf., 2bell., calc., 2camph., canth., carb-an., cham., cic., cimic., 2cupr., 1cycl., dulc., euon., 2ferr-ar., ferr-p., 1ferr., 1gels., gins., 2glon., gran., graph., gymn., hell., hep., hyos., 2kali-bi., kalm., lach., lact., laur., 2merc., mosch., 2nit-ac., 1nux-v., olnd., par., phos., 2phyt., puls., raph., sabad., 2sabin., seneg., 2stram., 2stront., 2sulph., tep., ter., til., zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; before vomiting; nat-s.
Vertigo, dizziness; better after vomiting; op.
Vertigo, dizziness; with vomiting; ail., 2ars., calc., 2canth., 2chel., cimic., crot-h., crot-t., 2glon., gran., 2graph., 2hell., kali-bi., kali-c., 2lach., mag-c., 2merc., mosch., 2nat-s., 2nux-v., oena., 2petr., 2puls., sabad., 2sang., sars., sel., sep., tell., ther., 2verat-v., 1verat., vip.
Vertigo, dizziness; better walking; 2acon., am-c., bry., lil-t., mag-c., sil., 2staph., sulph., 2zinc.
Vertigo, dizziness; after walking; acon., arg-m., bry., calad., 2calc., caust., colch., laur., lyss., phos.
Vertigo, dizziness; after walking; for a long time; merl., nat-m.
Vertigo, dizziness; While walking
Vertigo, dizziness; better walking in open air; 2carb-ac., crot-h., kali-c., mag-c., mag-m., 2nat-c., par., 2puls., rhod.
Vertigo, dizziness; better warm bed; cocc.
Vertigo, dizziness; in a warm room; acon., brom., 2croc., 2grat., kali-s., lact., lil-t., 2lyc., 2merc., 1nat-c., ph-ac., phos., 2ptel., 2puls., 2sanic., sars., tab.
Vertigo, dizziness; in a warm room; on entering room; arg-m., 2phos., plat., tab.
Vertigo, dizziness; sensation as if warmth rising from chest to throat; merc.
Vertigo, dizziness; when washing feet; merc.
Vertigo, dizziness; when washing feet; in warm water; sumb.
Vertigo, dizziness; loss of sleep; 1cocc., 1nux-v.
Vertigo, dizziness; better exerting the will; pip-m.
Vertigo, dizziness; windy weather; 2calc-p.
Vertigo, dizziness; better wiping eyes; 2alum.
Vertigo, dizziness; while writing; arg-m., form., 2graph., 2kali-bi., kali-c., merc., ph-ac., ptel., rhod., 2sep., stram., thuj.
Vertigo, dizziness; when yawning; agar., apoc., petr.