Vertigo, dizziness; Perception of objects distorted
View page in remedy finderVertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; seem to be too far off; anac., 1puls., stann., stram.
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; seem to approach and then recede; cic.
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; inverted; bufo.
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; objects seem large; caust.
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; Objects seem to move
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; seem to turn in a circle; 2agar., agn., 2alum., am-c., anac., arn., bar-c., bar-m., bov., 2bry., cadm., 1chel., 2cic., coca., cocc., colch., con., 1cycl., hell., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., laur., 2lyc., mag-c., merc-i-r., merc., morph., mosch., 2mur-ac., 1nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., 2nux-v., olnd., op., ph-ac., 2psor., rhus-t., sabad., sel., sep., sil., sol-n., sul-ac.
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; seem to turn in a circle; on looking at running water; ferr.
Vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; seem to turn in a circle; room whirls; 2calc., cann-s., 2caust., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi., 1nux-m., 2phos., tab.