Back; Skin
View page in remedy finderBack; skin; Abscess
Back; skin; blood exudes into flesh of lumbar; crot-h.
Back; skin; Discoloration
Back; skin; bruising, lumbar; merc-c., vip.
Back; skin; Out-breaks on skin
Back; skin; Skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour)
Back; skin; Like insects crawling on skin
Back; skin; Itching
Back; skin; polyp; 2con.
Back; skin; prickling; acon., aesc., lact., ox-ac., ran-s.
Back; skin; excessive sensitivity of skin; merc., petr., plat.
Back; skin; sensitive to hot sponge, lumbar; 2agar.
Back; skin; Spots
Back; skin; tubercles; am-m.
Back; skin; Tumours
Back; skin; Ulcers
Back; skin; warts; nit-ac., sil., thuj.
Back; skin; warts; neck; nit-ac., thuj.
Back; skin; as if wind blowing; between shoulders; caust., 2hep., sulph.
Back; skin; as if wind blowing; lumbar; 2sumb.