Back; Twitching
View page in remedy finderBack; twitching; 2agar., alum., calc., chel., jatr., kali-bi., merc., mez., morph., mygal., nat-m., petr., phys., spig., stry., sulph., 2zinc.
Back; twitching; right; calc.
Back; twitching; breathing; alum., calc.
Back; twitching; while lying on back; agar.
Back; twitching; like electric shocks; 2ang., 2nux-v.
Back; twitching; on opening the mouth; stry.
Back; twitching; neck; aeth., arn., bufo., caust., coloc., mag-m., nat-m., ph-ac., ran-b., sep., sulph.
Back; twitching; neck; when resting; ph-ac.
Back; twitching; neck; tearing, extending into top of head; rat.
Back; twitching; dorsal; nit-ac., 2stry.
Back; twitching; dorsal; manual labour; nit-ac.
Back; twitching; dorsal; shoulder blades; calc-p., calc., lyc., merc., mez., nat-c., phos., rhus-t., sep., squil., thuj.
Back; twitching; Lumbar (lower half of back)
Back; twitching; coccyx; alum., 2cic.
Back; twitching; coccyx; during period; 2cic.
Back; twitching; coccyx; painful; alum.