Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Mind; desires, wants; longing; for good opinion of others; 2pall.
Mind; desires, wants; longing; for sunshine, light and society; grin., stram.
Mind; desires, wants; longing; repose for tranquillity; nux-v.
Mind; desires, wants; more than necessary; ars.
Mind; desires, wants; power; lyc.
Mind; desires, wants; pull parts of other people; hair; 1bell., lach., 2lil-t., tarent.
Mind; desires, wants; pull parts of other people; nose in the street; 2merc.
Mind; desires, wants; pull parts of other people; teeth; bell.
Mind; desires, wants; sex, lustful; agar., aloe., 2ambr., 2apis., arund., aur., bor., 2calad., calc-s., 2calc., 2canth., 2carb-v., 2chin., coc-c., 2con., cop., 2dig., 2fl-ac., 2graph., 1hyos., hyper., ign., 1lach., 1lil-t., lyc., lyss., merc., mosch., nat-m., nit-ac., op., 1orig., 1phos., 1pic-ac., 1plat., 2puls., raph., 2sel., 2sep., 2sil., spig., 1staph., 2stram., 2tarent., 2verat., zinc.
Mind; desires, wants; solitude; during period; cic., nux-v.
Mind; desires, wants; solitude; to indulge imagination; 2lach.
Mind; desires, wants; solitude; to lie with eyes closed; sep.
Mind; desires, wants; solitude; to masturbate; bufo., ust.
Mind; desires, wants; to bath in cold water; aster., meph., nat-m., phyt.
Mind; desires, wants; to be carried; acet-ac., acon., ant-t., 2ars., benz-ac., brom., carb-v., 1cham., 2cina., ign., 2kali-c., 2lyc., puls., 2rhus-t., sanic., staph., sulph., 2verat.
Mind; desires, wants; to be carried; fast; 1ars., bell., brom., rhus-t., verat.
Mind; desires, wants; to be carried; in croup; brom.
Mind; desires, wants; to be carried; slowly; 2puls.
Mind; desires, wants; to be killed; 2ars., bell., coff-t., stram.
Mind; desires, wants; to be naked; 2bell., camph., cham., 1hyos., merc-c., merc., 2phos., phyt., 2sec., 2stram.
Mind; desires, wants; to be naked; in delirium;2bell., 1hyos., merc., 2phos., phyt., 2sec.
Mind; desires, wants; to be read to; chin., clem.
Mind; desires, wants; to break things; 2apis., hura., 2stram., 2tub.
Mind; desires, wants; to go home; bell., 1bry., calc-p., 2calc., chlol., cic., cupr., hyos., 2lach., 2op., plan., rhus-t., verat., vip.
Mind; desires, wants; to hit something; bell., bufo., carb-s., elaps., hydr., 1hyos., lil-t., nat-c., 2staph.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; agar., anac., 2ars-i., 2ars., bell., calc., camph., chin., cupr., cur., 2hep., 1hyos., 2iod., lach., lyss., merc., 2nux-v., 2op., petr., 2phos., 2plat., sec., 2stram., thea.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; after supper;arn., nat-c.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; barber wants to kill his customer; 2ars., 2hep.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; desire to kill the person that contradicts her; 2merc.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; in rainy or cloudy weather; aloe., am-c.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; on hearing or seeing water; 1lyss.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; on waking;agar., anac., ant-t., arg-n., 2ars., 2bell., berb., bov., brom., bry., bufo., camph., carb-an., cast., caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin-s., chin., clem., coca., cupr., 2cycl., gamb., iris., jatr., 2kali-c., kali-p., 2lach., lil-t., 1lyc., mag-aust., mag-m., 2merc-i-r., mez., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-v., pall., petr., 2ph-ac., plat., plb., 2psor., puls., rhus-t., sep., sul-ac., sulph., thuj.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; on waking; caps.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; sight of a knife;plat., 2alum.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; sight of a knife; or gun;2alum.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; something urges her to kill her husband, of whom she is very fond; 2merc., 2nux-v., 2plat.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; sudden impulse to kill; 2ars-i., 2ars., 2hep., iod., kali-ar., 2nux-v., 2plat., thea.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; sudden impulse to kill; for a slight offence; 2hep., 2merc., 2nux-v.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; sudden impulse to kill; herself; 2nat-s., thuj.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; sudden impulse to kill; throw child into fire; lyss., 2nux-v., thea.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; takes everything in bad part; bov., caust., 2croc., nat-m., 2pall., puls.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; thought should kill somebody; camph.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; threatens to kill; 2hep., 2tarent.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; threatens to kill; while walking in open air;camph.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; walking in open air; mag-c., 1rhus-t.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; when in warm room;anac., calc., ign., 2puls.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; when resting;iod.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; when walking;berb., 2bor., clem., con., thuj.
Mind; desires, wants; to kill; while talking;alum., ambr., cham., mang., nicc., psor., staph., sul-ac., teucr., zinc.
Mind; desires, wants; to leave home; elat.
Mind; desires, wants; to set things on fire; 2hep.
Mind; desires, wants; to talk to someone; 2arg-m., 2arg-n., caust., lil-t., petr.
Mind; desires, wants; to talk to someone; late morning;caust.
Mind; desires, wants; to write; chin., spig.
Mind; desires, wants; travel; anan., aur., 1calc-p., cimic., cur., elaps., 2hipp., 2iod., lach., merc., sanic., 2tub.
Mind; dishonesty; deceitful, lying; arg-n., bufo., chlol., coca., dros.
Mind; dishonesty; feigning; blindness; verat.
Mind; dishonesty; feigning; deafness; verat.
Mind; dishonesty; feigning; pregnancy; verat.
Mind; dishonesty; feigning; sick; arg-n., bell., 2tarent., verat.
Mind; dishonesty; hypocrisy; phos.
Mind; during a thunder storm;bry., caust., lach., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., 2phos., 2rhod., sep., 2sil.
Mind; during manual work, fine work;graph., iod.
Mind; eccentricity; verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abrupt; nat-m., 2tarent.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abusive; am-c., am-m., 2anac., 2bell., bor., caust., con., dulc., 2hyos., ip., lyc., 2lyss., mosch., nit-ac., 2nux-v., 2petr., plb., ran-b., 2seneg., 2sep., spong., stram., tub., 2verat., viol-t.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abusive; evening;am-c.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abusive; late morning;ran-b.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abusive; scolds until the lips are blue and eyes stare and falls down fainting; 2mosch.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abusive; with pain; cor-r.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; abusive; without being angry; dulc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); 1acon., act-sp., aesc., agar., agn., all-c., aloe., am-c., ambr., 1anac., 2apis., arg-m., arg-n., arn., 2ars-i., 1ars., asar., aster., atro., 1aur., bar-c., bar-m., 2bell., 1bry., bufo., cact., calad., 2calc-p., 2calc-s., 2calc., cann-s., canth., 2caps., 2carb-an., 2carb-s., 2carb-v., carl., 2caust., 1cham., chel., chin-a., chin., chlor., cimic., cinnb., clem., 2cocc., 2coff., 2coloc., 2con., cop., 2croc., crot-t., cur., cycl., cypr., dig., dros., 2dulc., elaps., eupi., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., gels., gran., 2graph., ham., hell., 1hep., hydr., 2hyos., 1ign., 2iod., 2ip., kali-ar., 1kali-c., kali-n., 2kali-p., 1kali-s., lach., 2led., 1lyc., mag-s., mang., meph., merc., merl., 2mez., 2mosch., 2mur-ac., myric., nat-a., nat-c., 1nat-m., nat-p., 2nat-s., nicc., 1nit-ac., nux-m., 1nux-v., olnd., op., osm., 2pall., 1petr., 2ph-ac., 2phos., plat., 2psor., puls., ran-b., rat., 2rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sang., seneg., 1sep., sil., spig., squil., 2stann., 1staph., stram., 2stront., sul-ac., 1sulph., 2tarent., tell., 2thuj., tril., valer., verat., 2zinc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); 11 a.m.;sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); about former stresses;2calc., 2carb-an., sep.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); about past events;calc., carb-an., sep.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); alternating with cheerfulness; aur., caps., croc., ign., stram.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); alternating with quick repentance; croc., mez., sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); antagonism with herself; 2anac., aur., 2kali-c., lac-c.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); at absent persons; 2aur., kali-c., lyc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); at unfairness (indignation); ambr., 2ars., aur., 2calc-p., caps., chin., cocc., 2coloc., croc., ign., nat-c., 1staph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); at unfairness (indignation); from general discomfort;op.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); at unfairness (indignation); morning;ars.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); at unfairness (indignation); while pregnant;nat-m.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); at unpleasant dreams;calc-p.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); before convulsion;2bufo.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); before cough;asar., bell., cina.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); evening;2am-c., 2bry., 2cahin., 2croc., 2kali-c., 1lyc., 2nicc., 2op., 2petr.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); from caressing;chin.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); from contradiction;aloe., am-c., anac., ars., 1aur., 2bry., cact., calc-p., cocc., 2ferr-ar., 2ferr., grat., helon., hura., 1ign., 1lyc., merc., nat-a., nat-c., 2nicc., 2nux-v., olnd., op., petr., 1sep., 2sil., stram., tarent., 2thuj., til.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); from interruption;2cham., 2cocc., 2nux-v.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); from suppressed anger;aur., cham., 2ign., sep., 1staph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); from the cough;acon., ant-t., arn., bell., cham.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); late morning;carb-v.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); morning;2kali-c., 2nux-v., 2petr., 2sep., 2sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); on waking;carb-an., 2kali-c., petr.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); over own mistakes;2nit-ac., 2staph., 2sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); so that he could have stabbed anyone; chin., 1hep., merc., nux-v.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); throws things away; staph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); violent; 1acon., 1anac., 2apis., 2ars., 1aur., bar-c., bell., 2bry., cahin., 2calc., carb-s., 2carb-v., 1cham., coff., ferr-p., ferr., 2graph., grat., 1hep., hyos., ign., kali-i., 2lyc., nat-m., 1nit-ac., 1nux-v., pall., 2petr., phos., sep., 1staph., sulph., 1tarent., verat., zinc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); voices of people; con., teucr., zinc.