Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); when consoled;ars., cham., 2nat-m.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); when misunderstood;bufo.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); when obliged to answer;2arn., coloc., nat-m., 1nux-v., 2ph-ac., puls.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); when thinking of ailments;2aur-m.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); when touched;2ant-c., iod., 1tarent.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with anxiety; 1acon., alum., 1ars., aur., 2bell., bry., calc., 2cham., cocc., coff., 2cupr., hyos., 1ign., lyc., nat-c., nat-m., 1nux-v., 2op., petr., phos., 2plat., 2puls., rhus-t., samb., sep., stann., stram., sulph., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with fright; 1acon., 2aur., 2bell., calc., cocc., cupr., 1ign., nat-c., 2nux-v., 2op., 2petr., 2phos., 2plat., 2puls., samb., sep., sulph., zinc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with indignation; 2aur., 1coloc., ip., lyc., merc., mur-ac., nat-m., 2nux-v., plat., 1staph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with silent grief; alum., ars., aur., bell., 2cocc., 2coloc., hyos., 1ign., 1lyc., nat-c., 2nat-m., nux-v., 2ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., 1staph., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with trembling; ambr., arg-n., 2aur., chel., cop., daph., ferr-p., 2nit-ac., pall., phos., sep.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; acet-ac., 1acon., aeth., aloe., alum., ambr., 2anac., ant-t., 2apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., 1ars., 2aur., 1bell., 2bism-ox., bov., bufo., 1calc., camph., 1cann-i., 2carb-v., 1caust., cedr., 2coff., coloc., 2crot-c., crot-h., 2cupr., der., 1dig., graph., 1hep., 2hyos., 2kali-ar., kali-i., 2mag-c., mur-ac., naja., nat-a., nat-c., 2phos., 1plat., 2psor., puls., sep., tarent., tril., verat., vip.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; 4 a.m.;alum.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.;psor.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; before period;2graph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; before stool;acon., merc., poth., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; daytime;graph., mag-c., merc., murx., nat-c., psor., puls., stann.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; during chill;2arn.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; during heat;2arn.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; during period;2bell., calc., coff., ign., merc., nit-ac., phos., 2plat., stann., xan.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; during stool;merc., 2verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; evening;ambr., carb-v., mur-ac., 2phos.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; forcing from place to place; 1ars.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; late morning;nicc., ran-b., rhus-t.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; morning;2alum., calc., nux-v., puls., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; night;ambr., arn., nat-s., nux-v., plan.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; open air; 1cann-i.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; while eating;sep.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; while perspiring;2arn.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; while walking in open air;arg-m., arg-n., bell., canth., cina., plat., tab.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; assumes strange attitudes; plb.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; audacity; acon., agar., merc., op.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; benevolence; coff.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); 2alum., alumn., aur., bar-c., bor., cahin., camph., chin., con., cupr., cur., elaps., ferr., hura., hydr., hydrc., ign., kali-bi., kali-n., lach., laur., 2lyc., mag-m., manc., mez., 2nat-c., 2nux-v., petr., pip-m., plat., plb., rhus-t., tarent., zinc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); afternoon;plb.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); entertainment; aur., lil-t., 2pip-m.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); late morning;alum.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); agn., am-c., ambr., ant-c., apis., 1ars., 1aur., 2bell., berb., bov., calc., carb-v., caust., chin-a., 1chin., grat., hep., hipp., hyos., 2kali-p., kreos., lach., laur., led., lyc., manc., merc., mez., mur-ac., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., 1phos., phyt., plat., plb., 2puls., 2rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta., sep., 2sil., spong., staph., stram., sul-ac., sulph., thuj., valer., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); afternoon;mur-ac., ruta.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); during heat;bell., chin., lach., stram., valer.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); during period;berb.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); evening;1aur., dros., hep., kali-chl., rhus-t., ruta., spig.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); in open air;mur-ac.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); late morning;apis.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); morning in bed;lyc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); morning in bed; on waking;nat-c., phyt.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); night;ant-c., nux-v.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); while perspiring;alum., 2aur., 1calc., hep., 2merc., sil.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); while walking in open air;bell.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cannot bear to be looked at; 2ant-c., 2ant-t., 1ars., 2cham., 2chin., 2cina., 2iod., mag-c., nat-m., nux-v., rhus-t., stram., sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cautious; caust., graph., ip., mag-arct.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cautious; anxiously; caust.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cautious; carefulness; ars., bar-c., 2iod., 2nux-v., puls., ran-b.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; abrot., 2acon., aesc., aeth., agar., aloe., anac., ang., ant-c., apis., apoc., 2arg-m., ars., asaf., asar., aur-m., 2aur., 2bell., bor., bov., brom., bry., cact., calc-p., 1cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac., 2carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., chin., chlor., 2cic., cinnb., cob., coca., cocc., 1coff., colch., coloc., con., 1croc., cupr., cycl., dros., eucal., eupi., fago., ferr-p., ferr., 2fl-ac., gamb., gels., glon., graph., hura., hydr., 1hyos., 2ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-br., 1lach., laur., 2lyc., mag-s., manc., merc., mosch., 1nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., ol-an., 2op., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., 2phos., phys., pip-m., 2plat., plb., psor., rhod., rhus-v., ruta., sabad., sarr., 2sars., sec., seneg., sep., spig., spong., squil., stann., staph., stram., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., tab., 2tarax., 2tarent., teucr., ther., thuj., 2tub., valer., 2verat., verb., viol-o., 2zinc., zing.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; after convulsions;sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; after eating;carb-v., mez.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; after sexual intercourse;nat-m.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; after stool;2bor., nat-c., 1nat-s., ox-ac.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; after supper;cist.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; after urinating;eug., hyos.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; afternoon;anac., ang., arg-m., aur-m., calc-s., calc., mag-c., nat-s., ox-ac., phos., plb., sars., thuj.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; aversion to work; spong.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; burst of passion; 2aur., caps., croc., ign., stram.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; mania; bell., cann-s., croc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; pain; plat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; physical sufferings; plat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; sadness; acon., agar., asar., canth., carb-an., caust., 2chin., cimic., clem., croc., ferr., fl-ac., gels., hell., ign., iod., 2kali-chl., lyc., med., nat-c., 2nat-m., nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2phos., plat., psor., senec., sep., spig., tarent., zinc., ziz.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; violence; aur., croc., stram.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; alternating with other states of mind; want of sympathy; merc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; before period;acon., fl-ac., hyos.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; being indoors; tarent.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; daytime;anac., arg-m., aur., caust., mag-m., mur-ac., sars.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; during chill;2cann-s., nux-m., phos., 2puls., rhus-t., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; during heat;acon., 2op.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; during period;2fl-ac., stram.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; during thunder and lightning;2sep.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; evening;agar., 2aloe., alum., aster., bell., bism-ox., bufo., calc., carb-ac., cast., chin-s., chin., cist., clem., cupr., cycl., ferr., graph., 2lach., lachn., lyss., mag-c., med., merc-i-f., merc-i-r., nat-c., 2nat-m., nux-m., ol-an., phel., plat., sulph., sumb., teucr., valer., verb., viol-t., zinc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; followed by other states of mind; irritability; clem., hyos., nat-s., ol-an., op., seneg., tarax.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; followed by other states of mind; melancholy; gels., graph., petr., plat., ziz.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; followed by other states of mind; sleepiness; bell., calc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; followed by other states of mind; weakness; clem., spong.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; in bed;2hep.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; in open air;merc-i-f., 2plat., plb., 2tarent., teucr.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; late morning;aeth., bor., caust., clem., com., graph., nat-m., nat-s., phos., plb., zinc.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; morning;bor., calc-s., carb-s., caust., cinnb., con., fl-ac., graph., hep., hura., lach., nat-s., 2plat., psor., spig., sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; morning; 8 a.m.;hura.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; morning; on rising;hydr.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; morning; on waking;aloe., clem., hydr., nux-m., tarent.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; night;alum., bell., caust., croc., cupr., hyos., kreos., lyc., op., ph-ac., sep., sil., stram., sulph., verat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; on waking;tarent.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; walking in open air;alum., ang., cinnb., fl-ac., plb., tarent.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; when constipated;2calc., 2psor.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; when in company;bov.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; while eating;anac., bell., carb-ac., cist.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; while perspiring;apis., ars., bell., clem.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; while thinking of death;aur.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cheerful, happy; with all pain; spig.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; conceited; 2calc., 2lach., med., merc., 2pall., 1plat., 2sil., 2sulph.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; contemptuous (see scorn); alum., 2ars., canth., cham., 2chin., 1cic., cycl., guai., hyos., ign., 2ip., lach., lact-ac., 2lyc., nat-m., nit-ac., 2nux-v., par., 1plat., puls., sec., sil.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; contemptuous (see scorn); comes on suddenly against her will; 2plat.
Mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; contemptuous (see scorn); in open air or when sun shines into room; plat.