Antimonium Tartaricum

The following are the indications of Antimonium Tartaricum, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
eye, dullness;
eye, inflammation, arthritic (gouty and rheumatic);
eye, sunken;
Cold, blue, Pale, covered with cold sweat
incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw ( Gels.)
face, appearance as if dead (see sunken);
face, lips, discoloration, bluish;
face, skin, discoloration, pale;
face, sunken;
face, twitching, when coughing;
Red and dry, especially in the center
mouth, teeth, sensation of elongated teeth;
mouth, teeth, pain, intermittent (see comes on suddenly);
mouth, teeth, pain, rheumatic;
Tongue coated, pasty, thick white, with red edges
mouth, discoloration, tongue, blue;
throat, larynx (voice box), scraping, clearing;
throat, larynx (voice box), scraping, clearing, night;
throat, catarrh;
throat, mucus, larynx;
throat, mucus, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, sounds, rattling trachea (wind pipe, see respiration);
throat, voice, weak;
chest, anxiety, region of heart;
chest, catarrh;
chest, heart, accumulation of fluid, pulmonary;
chest, inflammation, bronchial tubes (bronchitis);
chest, inflammation, lungs;
chest, inflammation, lungs, pleura-pneumonia (affecting lung lining);
chest, lungs, collapsed lung (atelectasis);
chest, lungs, emphysema;
chest, lungs, tuberculosis, full of mucus;
chest, paralysis, lung;
chest, weakness;
respiration, abdominal;
respiration, accelerated;
respiration, asphyxia;
respiration, asphyxia, in new-born infant;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea);
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), night, after midnight, 3 a.m.;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), with cough;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), expectoration;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), wants to be fanned;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), from mucus in the wind pipe;
respiration, intermittent, unequal;
respiration, interrupted, coughing;
respiration, rattling;
cough, asthmatic;
cough, rattling;
Pustular eruption, leaving a bluish-red mark
skin, out-breaks on skin, pus-filled pimples;
skin, out-breaks on skin, small-pox;
Violent pain in sacro-lumber region
Slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat
Sensation of heavy weight at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time
Twitching of muscles, limbs tremulous.
back, pain, sacrum (base of spine);
Stomach, Difficult deglutition of liquids
Thirst for cold water, little and often, and desire for apples, fruits, and acids generally
Pressure in abdomen, especially on stooping forward
Cholera morbus
Diarrhoea in eruptive diseases.
Urinary Organs.
Burning in urethra during and after urinating
Last drops bloody with pain in bladder
Urging increased
Catarrh of bladder and urethra
Respiratory Organs.
Great rattling of mucus, but very little is expectorated
Velvety feeling in chest
Burning sensation in chest, which ascends to throat
Rapid, short, difficult breathing, seems as if he would suffocate, must sit up
Emphysema of the aged
Coughing and gaping consecutively
Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus
Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx
Edema and impending paralysis of lungs
Much palpitation, with uncomfortable hot feeling
Pulse rapid, weak, trembling
Dizziness, with cough
Cough and dyspnoea better lying on right side - (opposite Badiaga).
abdomen, inflammation;
abdomen, pain, cutting, before stool;
abdomen, pulsation;
abdomen, stomach, burping, belching;
abdomen, stomach, inflammation;
abdomen, stomach, pulsation;
abdomen, stomach, without thirst;
Dyspnoea relieved by eructation
Spasmodic cough, much flatus
abdomen, stomach, nausea;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, with intermittent diseases;
Vomiting in any position, excepting lying on right side
Nausea produces fear, with pressure in precordial region, followed by headache with yawning and lachrymation and vomiting.
abdomen, stomach, vomiting;
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, on coughing;
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, difficult;
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, during heat;
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, intermittent;
rectum, diarrhoea;
urine, colour, dark;
extremities, limbs, coldness;
extremities, limbs, coldness, lower limbs, foot;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, blisters, containing fluid;
Coldness, trembling, and chilliness
Intense heat
Copious perspiration
Cold, clammy sweat, with great faintness
Intermittent fever with lethargic condition.
chill, at certain time of day or night, from 3 p.m.;
chill, trembling and shivering;
fever, localised, stomach (gastric fever);
fever, intermittent, chronic, with long-lasting heat;
Great drowsiness
On falling asleep electric-like shocks
Irresistible inclination to sleep with nearly all complaints.
sleep, comatose;
sleep, deep;
sleep, sleep between heat of fever;
sleep, sleepiness, tiredness;
sleep, sleepiness, tiredness, with cough;
sleep, yawning, after coughing;
generalities, convulsions, when small-pox fails to break out;
perspiration, on parts affected with other conditions;
perspiration, cold;
perspiration, rapidly exhausting;
perspiration, profuse;
perspiration, profuse, on affected parts;
generalities, evening;
generalities, pulsation, internally;
generalities, pulse, full;
generalities, pulse, soft;
generalities, pulse, trembling;
generalities, pulse, weak;
generalities, trembling, externally;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);