| Sharp pain down left arm | Tearing in limbs during warm weather, stinging during cold | Pins and needles in hands and wrists, fingertips numb | Pain in front of thigh | Right plantar reflex abolished | Limbs, lame, weak, tingling | Pain worse in evening and warm weather | Joints stiff and feverish, shifting rheumatism, pains worse at night | Inflammation of great toe, gout in heel, Cannot bear to have it touched or moved | Tingling in the finger nails | Knees strike together, can hardly walk | Oedematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet. | extremities, limbs, coldness; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, lameness; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, lameness, lower limbs; | extremities, limbs, movements and positions, lameness, lower limbs, from suppressed perspiration; | extremities, limbs, pain; | extremities, limbs, pain, on movement; | extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, acute; | extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, in warm weather; | extremities, limbs, pain, wet weather; | extremities, limbs, pain, joints, in damp, cold weather; | extremities, limbs, pain, joints, gouty; | extremities, limbs, pain, joints, movement; | extremities, limbs, pain, joints, paralytic; | extremities, limbs, pain, joints, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, upper limbs; | extremities, limbs, pain, upper limbs, movement; | extremities, limbs, pain, upper limbs, paralytic; | extremities, limbs, pain, upper limbs, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, shoulder, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, forearm; | extremities, limbs, pain, forearm, paralytic; | extremities, limbs, pain, hand, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, fingers, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, hip; | extremities, limbs, pain, hip, rheumatic; | extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, paralytic; | extremities, limbs, paralysis, upper limbs, sensation of paralysis; | extremities, limbs, swollen, joints; | extremities, limbs, swollen, hand; |