| Stomach, Mouth dry and bitter in morning, tongue coated, no thirst | Belching of large quantities of offensive gas | Neuralgia of stomach | Sinking at the pit of the stomach, pyrosis | Pain along sternum and extending into arms | Eructations of sour, bitter wind, With hiccough | Sharp pain in epigastrium, relieved by standing erect. | Pains suddenly shift to different parts, Appear in remote localities, as fingers and toes | Griping, cutting in hypogastric region, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines | Colic, better walking about, pains radiate from abdomen to back, chest, arms, worse, bending forwards and while lying | Sharp pains from liver, shooting upward to right nipple | Pain from gall-bladder to chest, back, and arms | Renal colic, with pain in extremities | Hurried desire for stool. | abdomen, pain, during diarrhoea (colic); | abdomen, pain, wandering pain, shift suddenly to distant parts of body; | abdomen, pain, navel, region of navel; | abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, morning; | abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, late morning; | abdomen, pain, pressing, region of navel; | abdomen, pain, cutting, navel, around navel; | abdomen, stomach, pain, cutting; | Rumbling, with emission of much flatus |