Erigeron Canadense

The following are the indications of Erigeron Canadense, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Female, Metrorrhagia, with violent irritation of rectum and bladder, and prolapsus uteri
Menorrhagia, profuse leucorrhoea, Bloody lochia returns after least motion, comes in gushes, between periods, Leucorrhoea with urinary irritation; pregnant women with {weak uterus;”, a bloody discharge on slight exertion
Bright-red flow
genitals, female, after-birth, bloody, after growing light, it again becomes bloody;
genitals, female, miscarriage;
genitals, female, miscarriage, from exertion;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), bright red;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), after exertion;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), during and after labour;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), movement;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), passive;
Bleeding hemorrhoids, nosebleed instead of menses ( Bry.)
genitals, female, period, bright-red;
genitals, female, period, copious;
genitals, female, period, copious, exertion;
genitals, female, period, copious, from movement;
generalities, haemorrhage;