Eucalyptus Globulus

The following are the indications of Eucalyptus Globulus, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Desire for exercise
CORYZA, sore throat
Eyes smart and burn.
Dull congestive headache
Chronic catarrhal, purulent and fetid discharge
Ethmoid and frontal sinus involved.
Stuffed-up sensation, thin, watery coryza, nose does not stop running, tightness across bridge
Relaxed, aphthous condition of mouth and throat
Excessive secretions of saliva
Burns, feels full
Constant sensation of phlegm in throat
Enlarged, ulcerated tonsils and inflamed throat ( Use tincture locally.)
ASTHMA, with great dyspnoea and palpitation
Moist asthma
Expectoration white, thick mucus
Bronchitis in the aged
Bronchorrhea ( Bals)
Peru.) Profuse expectoration of offensive mucopus
Irritative cough
Whooping-cough in rachitic children
Fetid form of bronchitis, bronchial dilatation and emphysema.
Glandular enlargements and nodular swelling over joints
Foul and indolent ulcers
Herpetic eruptions.
Stomach, Slow digestion
Much fetid gas
Beating and goneness with pulsation in epigastric arteries
Spleen hard and contracted
Acute diarrhoea
Aching pains in bowels with feeling of impending diarrhoea
Dysentery, with rectal heat, tenesmus, hemorrhage
Diarrhoea, stools thin, watery, preceded by sharp pains
Urinary Organs.
Acute nephritis complication influenza
Suppurative inflammation of kidneys
Urine contains pus and is deficient in urea
Bladder feels loss of expulsive force
Burning and tenesmus, Catarrh of bladder; diuresis, Urethral caruncle
Spasmodic stricture, gonorrhoea.
Pain in epigastrium and upper abdomen ameliorated by food
Malignant disease of stomach with vomiting of blood and sour fluid.
Ulcer around orifice of urethra.
Female, Leucorrhoea, acrid, fetid
Rheumatic pains, worse at night, walking or carrying anything
Stiff, weary sensation
Pricking sensation, followed by painful aching
Nodular swellings over metacarpal and metatarsal joints.
Elevation of temperature
Scarlet fever (protective and curative)
Discharges show a tendency to foulness, high temperature, accelerated but not strong pulse
Use the tincture.