Kali Bichromicum

The following are the indications of Kali Bichromicum, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Vertigo with nausea when rising from seat
Aching and fullness in glabella
Headache over Eyebrows, preceded by blurred vision
Semilateral headache in small spots, and from suppressed catarrh
Frontal pain, usually over one eye
head, pain, headache, recurring headache, every day, at same hour;
Bones and scalp feel sore.
Supraorbital neuralgia, right side
Eyelids burn, swollen, edematous
Discharge ROPY and yellow
Ulcers on cornea, no pain or photophobia
Descemetitis, with only moderate irritation of eye
Croupous conjunctivitis, granular lids, with pannus
Iritis, with punctate deposits on inner surface of cornea
Slight pain, with severe ulceration or inflammation ( Conium opposite.)
Swollen, with tearing pains
Thick, yellow, stringy, fetid discharge
Sharp stitches in left ear.
ear, discharges from ear;
ear, discharges from ear, pus;
ear, discharges from ear, pus, from middle ear;
ear, discharges from ear, thick;
ear, discharges from ear, yellow;
ear, inflammation, media;
ear, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, left;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, wearing away skin;
Florid complexion
Blotchy, red appearance
Acne ( Juglan, kal)
Ars.) Bones sensitive, especially beneath orbits.
Snuffles of children, Especially fat, chubby babies
pressure and pain at root of nose, and sticking pain in nose
Septum ulcerate, round ulcer
Fetid smell
discharge thick, ropy, greenish-yellow
tough, elastic plugs from nose, leave a raw surface
Inflammation extends to frontal sinuses, with distress and fullness at root of nose
Dropping from posterior nares ( Hydr.) Loss of smell
Much hawking
Inability to breathe through nose
Profuse, watery nasal discharge
Chronic inflammation of frontal sinus with stopped-up sensation.
nose, catarrh;
nose, catarrh, post nasal (see discharge);
nose, discharge from nose, crusts, scabs, inside;
nose, discharge from nose, crusts, scabs, inside, hard to remove, and leave raw and sore;
nose, discharge from nose, crusts, scabs, inside, reform if removed;
nose, discharge from nose, crusts, scabs, inside, removed easily, but if pulled away too soon cause soreness at root and intolerance of light;
nose, discharge from nose, crusts, scabs, inside, elastic plugs;
nose, discharge from nose, crusts, scabs, inside, green, every morning, masses;
nose, discharge from nose, greenish;
nose, discharge from nose, hard, dry;
nose, discharge from nose, offensive smelling;
nose, discharge from nose, offensive smelling, from ulcer or disease of nasal bones;
nose, discharge from nose, containing pus;
nose, discharge from nose, thick;
nose, discharge from nose, thick and sticky, tough;
nose, discharge from nose, thick and sticky, tough, from behind nostrils;
nose, discharge from nose, yellow;
nose, discharge from nose, yellow, morning;
nose, discharge from nose, yellow, from behind nostrils;
nose, discharge from nose, yellowish-green;
nose, discharge from nose, behind nostrils (see catarrh);
nose, dryness, inside;
nose, dryness, inside, forced to blow nose, but no discharge;
nose, in heat, air exhaled feels hot;
nose, in heat, breath seems hot;
nose, in heat, root;
nose, odours, imaginary and real, fetid;
nose, pain;
nose, pain, bones;
nose, pain, at junction of cartilage;
nose, pain, root;
nose, pain, pressing, bones;
nose, pain, pressing, root;
nose, pain, sore, bruised, inside;
nose, pain, sore, bruised, septum (flesh between nostrils);
nose, pulsation, root;
nose, skin or lining of nose, ulcers, inside;
nose, skin or lining of nose, ulcers, septum (flesh between nostrils), round ulcers;
Coryza, with obstruction of nose
Violent sneezing
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), blocked;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), during diphtheria;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, syphilitic;
Dry, viscid saliva
mouth, dryness;
mouth, saliva, mucus, slime, ropy (see also saliva);
mouth, saliva, mucus, slime, thick and sticky;
mouth, saliva, ropy (see thick and sticky);
mouth, saliva, thick and sticky;
Tongue mapped, Red, shining, smooth, and dry, with dysentery, broad, flat, indented, thickly coated
Feeling of a hair on tongue.
mouth, discoloration, tongue, red, glistening (see smooth);
mouth, discoloration, tongue, white;
mouth, tongue, smooth, shining, glazed, glossy tongue;
Fauces red and inflamed
Dry and rough
Parotid glands swollen
Uvula relaxed, Edematous, bladder-like
Pseudomembranous deposit on tonsils and soft palate
Burning extending to stomach
Diphtheria, with profound prostration and soft pulse
Discharge from mouth and throat, tough and stringy.
throat, catarrh;
throat, croup;
throat, croup, membranous;
throat, croup, extending to trachea (wind pipe);
throat, dryness;
throat, hawks often, morning;
throat, inflammation, larynx;
throat, irritation, in air passages;
throat, irritation, larynx;
throat, irritation, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.;
throat, membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc., extending to larynx;
throat, mucus;
throat, mucus, morning;
throat, mucus, like jelly;
throat, mucus, clinging;
throat, mucus, clinging, morning;
throat, mucus, thick;
throat, mucus, yellow;
throat, mucus, in the air passages;
throat, mucus, larynx;
throat, mucus, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, pain, trachea (wind pipe), on coughing;
throat, swelling, uvula (lobe at back of mouth), fluid accumulation;
throat, ulcers, throat at back of mouth;
throat, voice, hoarseness;
throat, voice, nasal;
throat, voice, rough;
Heart, Dilatation, especially from coexisting kidney lesion
Cold feeling around heart ( Kali-nit.)
chest, catarrh;
chest, oppressed feeling;
chest, pain, breast bone, when coughing;
chest, pain, sore, bruised;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, breast bone, extending to back;
Voice hoarse, worse, evening
Metallic, hacking cough
Profuse, yellow expectoration, very glutinous and sticky, coming out in long, stringy, and very tenacious mass
Tickling in larynx
Catarrhal laryngitis cough has a brassy sound
True membranous croup, extending to larynx and nares
Cough, with pain in sternum, extending to shoulders, worse when undressing
Pain at bifurcation of trachea on coughing, from mid-sternum to back.
respiration, loud;
respiration, rattling, aged people;
cough, morning;
cough, morning, on waking;
cough, croupy;
cough, from eating (including certain foods);
cough, hoarse;
cough, from mucus, in chest;
cough, from mucus, larynx;
expectoration, white, morning;
expectoration, difficult, adhering to throat, teeth and lips;
expectoration, mucous;
expectoration, thick;
expectoration, thick, ropy;
expectoration, thick, stringy;
expectoration, thick, and sticky;
expectoration, tough;
Papular eruptions
Ulcer with punched-out edges, with tendency to penetrate and tenacious exudation
Pustular eruption, resembling small-pox, with burning pains
Itching with vesicular eruption.
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, crusty, black scab;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, deep;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, corrosive;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, yellow;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, dry;
skin, pain, burning;
Cutting through loins, cannot walk, extends to groins
Pain in coccyx and sacrum extending up and down.
back, pain, coccyx (bottom tip of spine), while sitting;
back, pain, burning, dorsal (shoulder level), shoulder blades, between them;
Load immediately after eating
Feels as if digestion had stopped
Dilatation of stomach
Round ulcer of stomach
Stitches in region of liver and spleen and through to spine
Dislikes water
Cannot digest meat
Desire for beer and acids
Gastric symptoms are relieved after eating, and the rheumatic symptoms reappear
Cutting pain in abdomen, soon after eating
Chronic intestinal ulceration
Soreness in right hypochondrium, fatty infiltration of liver and increase in soft fibrous tissue
Painful retraction, soreness and burning.
abdomen, kidneys, pain, cutting;
abdomen, kidneys, pain, sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking;
abdomen, kidneys, pain, sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking, extending to other parts, bladder;
abdomen, kidneys, pain, sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking, extending to other parts, down ureters (tubes between kidneys and bladder);
abdomen, stomach, disordered;
abdomen, stomach, burping, belching;
abdomen, stomach, heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness), after drinking beer;
abdomen, stomach, heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness), after eating;
abdomen, stomach, ulcers;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, in alcoholics;
Stomach, Nausea and vomiting after beer
Vomiting of bright yellow water.
abdomen, stomach, vomiting, in alcoholics;
rectum, diarrhoea, morning;
Jelly-like, gelatinous, Worse, mornings
Dysentery, tenesmus, stools brown, frothy
Sensation of a plug in anus
Periodic constipation, with pain across the loins, and brown urine.
Urinary Organs.
Burning in urethra
After urinating a drop seems to remain which cannot be expelled
Ropy mucus in urine
Urethra becomes clogged up
Congestion of kidney, nephritis, with scanty, albuminous urine and casts
Pyelitis, urine mixed with epithelial cells, mucus, pus or blood
stool, frothy;
stool, watery;
Male, Itching and pain of penis, with pustules
Constriction at root of penis, at night on awakening
Pruritus of vulva, with great burning and excitement
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, ropy, stringy, clinging;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, thick;
Ulcers, with paroxysmal stitches, aggravated at night
Syphilitic ulcers, with cheesy, tenacious exudation
Erections (Picric-ac.)
Female, Yellow, tenacious leucorrhoea
Prolapsus uteri, Worse in hot weather.
genitals, male, sexual passion, lacking;
genitals, male, sexual passion, lacking, in fleshy people;
Pains fly rapidly from one place to another ( Kali-sulph., Puls.) Wandering pains, along the bones, worse cold
Left-sided sciatica, better, motion
Bones feels sore and bruised
Very weak
Tearing pains in tibia, syphilitic rheumatism ( Mez.) Pain, swelling and stiffness and crackling of all joints
Soreness of heels when walking
Tendo Achilles swollen and painful
Pains in small spots ( Oxalic-ac.)
extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, alternating with gastric symptoms;
extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, alternating with lung troubles;
extremities, limbs, pain, warmth;
extremities, limbs, pain, joints, rheumatic;
extremities, limbs, pain, joints, wandering;
extremities, limbs, pain, sore, bruised, spots here and there;
fever, with chilliness;
perspiration, profuse;
perspiration, profuse, while sitting quietly;
generalities, morning;
generalities, night;
generalities, eating and food, after eating;
generalities, fluid build up, excess of blood, or other fluids;
generalities, mucous secretions increased;
generalities, pain, appear suddenly, and disappear suddenly;
generalities, pain, small spots;
generalities, pain, burning externally, internally;
generalities, pain, pressing, externally;
generalities, pain, sore, bruised, in spots;
generalities, pain, tearing, away;
generalities, pain, wandering;
generalities, periodic, recurring, neuralgia, every day at same hour (pain along nerves);
generalities, in summer;
generalities, swelling, in general;
generalities, swelling, inflammatory;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), cold feeling, lack of vital heat;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), from becoming cold;
generalities, on waking;