Mercurius Vivus

The following are the indications of Mercurius Vivus, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Slow in answering questions
Memory weakened, and loss of will-power
Weary of life
Thinks he is losing his reason.
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, loathing, life (see desires, death);
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, discontent, displeased, dissatisfied, etc.;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, sadness, mental depression;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting), alternating with laughter;
mind, hurry;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, confusion;
mind, insanity;
mind, insanity, mania, madness;
mind, memory, forgetful;
mind, memory, weakness of memory;
mind, restlessness, nervousness;
mind, restlessness, nervousness, evening, 8 p.m.;
mind, restlessness, nervousness, night;
mind, talking, conversation, answers not lucid, slowly;
mind, talking, conversation, speech, hasty;
Vertigo, when Lying on back
Band-feeling about head
Exostosis, with feeling of soreness
head, constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing), forehead;
head, constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing), forehead, as from a band;
head, skull, bony growth (exostosis);
One-sided, tearing pains
Catarrhal headaches, much heat in head
head, skull, bony growth (exostosis), painful;
head, pain, headache;
head, pain, headache, night;
head, pain, headache, from open air;
head, pain, headache, with catarrh;
head, pain, headache, with running or blocked nose;
head, pain, headache, from certain movements, from stooping;
head, pain, headache, rheumatic;
head, pain, headache, cold weather, damp;
head, pain, headache, bones;
head, pain, headache, in forehead;
head, pain, headache, in forehead, from stooping;
head, pain, headache, in forehead, middle;
head, pain, headache, burning;
head, pain, headache, bursting;
head, pain, headache, bursting, forehead;
head, pain, headache, pulling;
head, pain, headache, pulling, forehead;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling);
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), as if in a vice;
head, pain, headache, sore bruised, sensitive to pressure;
head, pain, headache, tearing, rending;
head, pain, headache, tearing, rending, forehead;
Tension about scalp, as if bandaged
Stinging, burning, fetid eruptions on scalp
Loss of hair
Scalp tense, oily sweat on head.
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, crusts, scabs;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, wearing away skin;
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, impetigo (bacterial infection on skin surface);
head, skin and scalp, out-break on skin, itching;
head, skin and scalp, perspiration, scalp;
Lids red, thick, swollen
Profuse, burning, acrid discharge
Floating black spots
After exposure to glare of fire, foundry men
parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic origin with burning pain
Iritis, with hypopyon.
eye, lids, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
eye, lids, thickening of lids;
eye, lids, spasmodic closure;
eye, cold;
eye, discoloration, redness, lids;
eye, discoloration, redness, lids, night;
eye, discharges of mucus or pus;
eye, discharges of mucus or pus, from out-breaks on skin;
eye, growth, tumour, wart-like growth, iris;
eye, heat;
eye, inflammation;
eye, inflammation, of catarrh from cold;
eye, inflammation, of catarrh from cold, night;
eye, inflammation, fire;
eye, inflammation, glandular swellings;
eye, inflammation, syphilitic;
eye, inflammation, warmth of bed;
eye, inflammation, wounds, cornea (transparent part of eye);
eye, inflammation, wounds, iris, night;
eye, inflammation, wounds, lids;
eye, pain;
eye, pain, night;
eye, pain, in glare of fire;
eye, pain, pressing;
eye, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, night;
eye, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, in inflamation of the iris (iritis);
eye, pain, tearing;
eye, pain, tearing, night;
eye, pain, tearing, night, in bed;
eye, pain, tearing, in bed;
eye, intolerance of light (photophobia);
eye, intolerance of light (photophobia), light of fire;
eye, intolerance of light (photophobia), gaslight;
eye, pulsation, night;
eye, skin around eyes (see face), out-breaks on skin;
eye, staring;
eye, swellings, lids;
eye, tears;
vision, dim;
vision, foggy;
vision, lost vision, blindness;
Thick, Yellow discharge; fetid and bloody
Otalgic, worse warmth of bed, at night, sticking pains
Boils in external canal ( Calc)
ear, discharges from ear;
ear, discharges from ear, bloody;
ear, discharges from ear, offensive smelling;
ear, discharges from ear, painful;
ear, discharges from ear, pus;
ear, discharges from ear, pus, from middle ear;
ear, discharges from ear, suppressed;
ear, inflammation;
ear, inflammation, inside;
ear, inflammation, media;
ear, pain;
ear, pain, night;
ear, pain, warmth of bed;
ear, pain, boring pain in ear;
ear, pain, boring pain in ear, from warmth of bed;
ear, pain, burning;
ear, pain, pressing;
ear, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, warmth of bed;
ear, pain, tearing in;
ear, skin, out-breaks on skin, in ear canal, boils;
ear, skin, ulceration, ear drum;
ear, stopped sensation;
ear, sensation of worms, ear drum;
Pale, EARTHY, dirty-looking, puffy
Aching in facial bones
Syphilitic pustules on face.
face, abscess;
face, heat, during chilliness;
face, inflammation, lips;
face, inflammation, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe);
face, inflammation, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), right;
face, inflammation, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), suppurating (producing pus);
face, inflammation, sublingual gland (gland under tongue);
face, inflammation, submaxillary gland (gland by neck, under jaw);
face, lips, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed), corners of mouth;
face, pain, night;
face, pain, blowing nose;
face, pain, inflammatory;
face, pain, pulling;
face, pain, tearing;
face, pain, tearing, cheek bones;
face, perspiration;
face, skin, discoloration, earthy;
face, skin, discoloration, yellow;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, crusty, scabby, nose;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, wearing away skin;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, pimples;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, pimples, with purplish halo;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, syphilitic;
face, skin, ulcers, corners of mouth;
face, swelling;
face, swelling, toothache;
face, swelling, cheeks;
face, swelling, glands in general;
face, swelling, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe);
face, swelling, sublingual gland (gland under tongue);
nostrils raw, ulcerated, nasal bones swollen
Yellow-green, fetid, pus-like discharge
Pain and Swelling of nasal bones, and caries, with greenish fetid ulceration
Nosebleed at night
Copious discharge of corroding mucus
nose, nose bleed;
nose, nose bleed, during sleep;
nose, catarrh;
nose, catarrh, extending to frontal sinuses (lower forehead);
nose, discharge from nose, blood;
nose, discharge from nose, wearing away skin;
nose, discharge from nose, greenish;
nose, discharge from nose, offensive smelling;
nose, discharge from nose, offensive smelling, from ulcer or disease of nasal bones;
nose, discharge from nose, containing pus;
nose, discharge from nose, suppressed;
nose, discharge from nose, watery;
nose, discharge from nose, yellowish-green;
nose, pain, on touch;
nose, skin or lining of nose, discoloration, redness, inside;
nose, smell, lost sense of smell;
nose, swelling;
Much sneezing
Sneezing in Sunshine
Coryza, acrid discharge, but too thick to run down the lip, worse, warm room
Coryza, with sneezing, sore, RAW, smarting sensation, worse, damp weather, Profuse, fluent.
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza);
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), night;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), cold air;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), from a draft of air, warm air;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), with chilliness;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), running, wet;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), with fever;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), with inflammation larynx;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), with sore throat;
nose, sneezing;
nose, sneezing, frequent;
Sore pain on touch and from Chewing
Whole mouth MOIST
Alveolar abscess, worse at night
Great thirst, with moist mouth.
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, with black base, lardy;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, syphilitic;
mouth, inflammation;
mouth, odour (halitosis, bad breath), offensive;
mouth, odour (halitosis, bad breath), putrid;
mouth, pain, sore;
mouth, speech, stammering;
mouth, swelling;
mouth, thrush (whitish flakes);
mouth, thrush (whitish flakes), in children;
Gums spongy, recede, bleed easily
Crown of teeth decay
Teeth loose, feel tender and elongated
Tongue heavy, thick, Moist coating, yellow, flabby, teeth-indented; feels as if burnt, with ulcers
mouth, bleeding, gums;
mouth, bleeding, gums, on touch;
mouth, discoloration, gums, redness;
mouth, discoloration, gums, white;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, gums;
mouth, pain, gums;
mouth, pain, gums, when touched;
mouth, pain, burning, raw and smarting, gums;
mouth, pain, sore, gums;
mouth, swelling, gums;
mouth, gums, teeth detached from gums;
mouth, gums, teeth detached from gums, scurvy-like;
mouth, gums, softening gums;
mouth, gums, spongy;
mouth, teeth, decay, hollow;
mouth, teeth, discoloured, black;
mouth, teeth, discoloured, grey;
mouth, teeth, inflamed tooth under enamel;
mouth, teeth, looseness;
mouth, teeth, looseness, sound teeth;
mouth, teeth, pain;
mouth, teeth, pain, night;
mouth, teeth, pain, night, 9 p.m.;
mouth, teeth, pain, in cold air;
mouth, teeth, pain, when pulled in from air;
mouth, teeth, pain, in bed;
mouth, teeth, pain, damp weather;
mouth, teeth, pain, while eating;
mouth, teeth, pain, heat, warm bed;
mouth, teeth, pain, heat, external warmth;
mouth, teeth, pain, rubbing cheek;
mouth, teeth, pain, with involuntary flow of saliva;
mouth, teeth, pain, with swelling of cheek;
mouth, teeth, pain, winter;
mouth, teeth, pain, extending to other parts, ear;
mouth, teeth, pain, extending to other parts, face;
mouth, teeth, pain, pulling;
mouth, teeth, pain, jerking, night;
mouth, teeth, pain, pressing;
mouth, teeth, pain, sore, bruised;
mouth, teeth, pain, tearing;
Salivary secretions greatly increased, bloody and viscid
Saliva fetid, coppery
mouth, dryness;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, yellow, at openings of salivary glands;
mouth, saliva, offensive;
mouth, saliva, thick and sticky;
mouth, salivation;
mouth, salivation, night;
mouth, salivation, during headache;
mouth, salivation, during sleep;
Speech difficult on account of trembling tongue
Furrow in upper surface of tongue lengthwise
mouth, discoloration, tongue, black;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, black, red edges;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, pale;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, red;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, red, edges;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, white;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, yellow;
mouth, discoloration, tongue, yellow, dirty;
mouth, dryness, tongue;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, tongue;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, tongue, syphilitic;
mouth, swelling, tongue;
mouth, tongue, flabby;
mouth, tongue, jagged edge of tongue;
mouth, tongue, trembling;
Sweetish metallic taste
Fetid odor from mouth, can smell it all over room
mouth, saliva, offensive smelling;
mouth, taste, bad;
mouth, taste, bitter;
mouth, taste, like rotten eggs;
mouth, taste, flavourless;
mouth, taste, metallic;
mouth, taste, salty;
mouth, taste, slimy;
mouth, taste, sweetish;
mouth, taste, sweetish, bread tastes sweet;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, ulcers, palate (roof of mouth);
Bluish-red swelling
Constant desire to swallow
Putrid sore throat, worse right side
ULCERS and inflammation appearing at every change in weather
Stitches into ear on swallowing, fluids return through nose
Quinsy, with difficult swallowing, After pus has formed
Sore, raw, smarting, burning throat
Complete loss of voice
Burning in throat, as from hot vapor ascending.
throat, catarrh;
throat, discoloration, copper-coloured;
throat, dryness;
throat, inflammation;
throat, inflammation, night;
throat, inflammation, tonsils;
throat, pain, swallowing, on swallowing;
throat, pain, sore;
throat, pain, sudden, sharp, on swallowing;
throat, tonsils suppurating (producing pus);
throat, swelling;
throat, tension;
throat, ulcers;
throat, ulcers, throat at back of mouth;
throat, voice, hoarseness;
throat, voice, hoarseness, with running nose;
throat, voice, trembling;
throat, external throat, abscess;
throat, external throat, pain, burning, cervical glands (on side of neck);
throat, external throat, swelling, cervical glands (on side of neck);
throat, external throat, swelling, cervical glands (on side of neck), generating pus;
chest, anxiety;
chest, catarrh;
chest, heart, palpitations;
chest, inflammation, lungs;
chest, lungs, empyema;
chest, pain, while lying down, on side, right;
chest, pain, breast;
chest, pain, sides, during cough;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, coughing;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, sneezing;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, front part of chest;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, front part of chest, on coughing;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, sides, coughing;
chest, skin, abscess, arm pit;
chest, skin, abscess, breast;
chest, swelling, arm pit glands;
Soreness from fauces to sternum
Cannot lie on right side ( Left side, Lycop.) Cough, with yellow muco-purulent expectoration
Paroxysms of two, worse, night and from warmth of bed
Catarrh, with chilliness, dread of air
Stitches from lower lobe of right lung to back
Whooping-cough with nosebleed ( Arnica.) Cough worse, tobacco smoke.
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), ascending;
cough, evening;
cough, evening, in bed;
cough, night;
cough, while lying down, on right side;
cough, racking;
expectoration, daytime only;
expectoration, greenish;
Almost Constantly moist
Persistent dryness of the skin contraindicate Mercurius Vivus
Excessive odorous viscid perspiration, worse, night
General tendency to free perspiration, but patient is not relieved thereby
Vesicular and pustular eruptions
Ulcers, irregular in shape, edges undefined
Pimples around the main eruption
Itching, worse from warmth of bed
Crusta lactea, yellowish-brown crusts, considerable suppuration
Glands swell every time patient takes cold
Orchitis ( Clemat., haman., Puls.)
skin, discoloration, brown, liver spots;
skin, discoloration, red;
skin, discoloration, red, spots;
skin, discoloration, red, spots, scarlet;
skin, discoloration, yellow, jaundice, etc.;
skin, abnormal growths, cauliflower-like fungus, syphilitic;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, bleeding;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, burning;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, burning, in margins;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, crusty;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, deep;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, dirty;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, bloody;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, corrosive;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, greenish;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, scanty;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, thin;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, watery;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, flat (see superficial);
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, hardened, margins;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, inflamed;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, with jagged margins;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, lardy;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, phagedenic (spreading, obstinate ulceration);
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, pulsating;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, pulsating, night;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, sensitive, margins;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, spongy;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, stinging, sudden, sharp;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, stinging, sudden, sharp, margins;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, generating pus;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, swollen;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, swollen, margins;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, syphilitic;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, with white spots;
skin, inflammation;
skin, inflammation, skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour);
skin, inflammation, skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour), after scratching;
skin, inflammation, skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour), with swelling;
skin, itching;
skin, itching, on becoming warm;
skin, out-breaks on skin;
skin, out-breaks on skin, bleeding;
skin, out-breaks on skin, boils;
skin, out-breaks on skin, burning;
skin, out-breaks on skin, crusty;
skin, out-breaks on skin, crusty, moist;
skin, out-breaks on skin, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, burning;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, crusty;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, moist;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, patches;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, scaly;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, spreading;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, generating pus;
skin, out-breaks on skin, herpetic, zoster, zona;
skin, out-breaks on skin, itching, night;
skin, out-breaks on skin, itching, warmth;
skin, out-breaks on skin, pimples;
skin, out-breaks on skin, psoriasis (red patches with silvery scales), syphilitic;
skin, out-breaks on skin, rash (see granular);
skin, out-breaks on skin, rash (see granular), red;
skin, out-breaks on skin, rash (see granular), scabies, fatty;
skin, out-breaks on skin, scarlet fever;
skin, out-breaks on skin, small-pox;
skin, out-breaks on skin, generating pus;
skin, out-breaks on skin, with swelling;
skin, out-breaks on skin, syphilitic;
skin, pain, burning, after scratching;
skin, sensitive;
skin, swelling;
skin, swelling, of parts affected with symptoms;
skin, swelling, inflamed;
back, pain, burning, neck;
Bruised pain in small of back, especially when sitting
Tearing pain in coccyx, better, pressing on abdomen.
back, pain, while perspiring;
back, pain, rising from sitting;
back, pain, sacrum (base of spine), when breathing;
back, pain, burning, dorsal (shoulder level), shoulder blades;
back, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting, dorsal (shoulder level), coughing;
back, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting, sacrum (base of spine), when breathing;
Intense thirst for cold drinks
Weak digestion, With continuous hunger
Stomach sensitive to touch
Hiccough and regurgitation
Feels replete and constricted.
Stabbing pain, with chilliness
Boring pain in right groin
Flatulent distention, with pain
Liver enlarged, sore to touch, indurated
Bile secreted deficiently.
abdomen, bloated, painful;
abdomen, hard;
abdomen, inflammation, neck of large intestine (right side, between hip and ribs. typhlitis);
abdomen, pain, night;
abdomen, pain, groin region, right;
abdomen, pain, groin region, while lying down;
abdomen, pain, liver;
abdomen, pain, liver, when touched;
abdomen, pain, sore, bruised, tenderness, etc., behind lower ribs;
abdomen, pain, sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.), liver;
abdomen, skin, pus, groin glands;
abdomen, swelling, groin region, glands;
abdomen, swelling, liver;
abdomen, bladder, pain, on beginning to urinate;
abdomen, bladder, urging to urinate (unhealthy desire), constant;
abdomen, bladder, urging to urinate (unhealthy desire), while perspiring;
abdomen, bladder, urination, dribbling (by drops);
abdomen, bladder, urination, feeble stream (slow);
abdomen, bladder, urination, frequent, daytime, and night;
abdomen, bladder, urination, frequent, during chill;
abdomen, stomach, desires, cravings, bread, and butter;
abdomen, stomach, desires, cravings, cold drinks;
abdomen, stomach, disordered;
abdomen, stomach, disordered, from pressure;
abdomen, stomach, sinking (see emptiness), from pressure;
abdomen, stomach, thirst, burning, intense;
Stomach, Putrid eructations
abdomen, pain, with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception), pain in region of liver;
rectum, diarrhoea, evening, in cold air;
rectum, diarrhoea, night;
rectum, diarrhoea, in cold air, evening;
rectum, diarrhoea, in children;
rectum, dysentery;
rectum, pain, after stool;
rectum, pain, burning, during diarrhoea;
rectum, pain, soreness;
rectum, pain, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing, during stool;
rectum, pain, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing, after stool;
rectum, prolapse;
rectum, prolapse, during diarrhoea;
rectum, urging, desire to stool (see pain, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing), constant;
rectum, urging, desire to stool (see pain, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing), frequent;
rectum, urging, desire to stool (see pain, urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing), after stool;
Greenish, Bloody and slimy, worse at night, with pain and tenesmus
never-get-done feeling
Discharge accompanied by chilliness, sick stomach, cutting colic, and tenesmus
Whitish-gray stools.
stool, strong and sharp (acrid), corrosive, wearing away skin;
stool, like balls;
stool, like balls, like sheep dung;
stool, bilious;
stool, black;
stool, bloody, in streaks;
stool, brown;
stool, chopped food, eggs;
stool, crumbling;
stool, frequent;
stool, frothy;
stool, grey;
stool, green;
stool, light-coloured;
stool, mucous, slimy;
stool, mucous, slimy, bloody;
stool, mucous, slimy, green;
stool, odour, sour;
stool, pasty, mushy;
stool, containing pus;
stool, reddish (see bloody);
stool, scanty;
stool, small (see long and narrow);
stool, soft;
stool, watery;
stool, white, milk like;
stool, yellow;
Frequent urging
Greenish discharge from urethra, burning in urethra on beginning to urinate
Urine dark, scanty, bloody, albuminous.
urine, strong and sharp (acrid);
urine, burning (includes hot);
urine, cloudy;
urine, cloudy, with perspiration;
urine, colour, dark;
urine, copious;
urine, scanty;
urine, sediment;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), discharge, gonorrhoea;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), discharge, greenish;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), discharge, greenish, night;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), discharge, greenish, yellow;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), discharge, yellow;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), pain, burning;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), pain, burning, when not urinating;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), pain, burning, during urination, when beginning to urinate;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, stinging, during sexual intercourse, with gonorrhoea;
genitals, urethra (urinary part of genitals), pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, when not urinating;
Prepuce irritated, itches
genitals, male, out-breaks on skin, penis, blisters, becoming ulcers;
genitals, male, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed), penis, head (glans);
genitals, male, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed), penis, foreskin;
genitals, male, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed), between scrotum, and thighs;
genitals, male, inflammation, penis, foreskin;
genitals, male, pain, sore, penis, foreskin, while walking;
genitals, male, tight foreskin, stuck behind head of penis (glans);
genitals, male, swelling, penis, foreskin;
genitals, male, ulcers, penis;
genitals, male, ulcers, penis, bleeding;
genitals, male, ulcers, penis, at tip;
genitals, male, ulcers, penis, hard;
genitals, male, ulcers, penis, lard-like base;
genitals, male, ulcers, penis, head (glans);
genitals, male, ulcers, penis, foreskin;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, night;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, strong and sharp (acrid), wearing away skin;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, girls, little;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, greenish;
Male, Vesicles and ulcers, soft chancre
Cold genitals
Nocturnal emissions, stained with blood.
Leucorrhoea excoriating, greenish and bloody, Sensation of rawness in parts
Stinging pain in ovaries ( Apis.) Itching and burning, worse, after urinating, better, washing with cold water
Morning sickness, with profuse salivation
genitals, male, tight foreskin;
genitals, female, inflammation;
genitals, female, inflammation, ovaries;
genitals, female, irritation, itching;
genitals, female, irritation, itching, contact of urine;
genitals, female, ulcers;
Female, Menses profuse, with abdominal pains
Mammae painful and full of milk at menses.
Weakness of limbs
Bone-pains and in limbs, worse, night
Patient very sensitive to cold
Oily perspiration
Trembling extremities, especially hands, paralysis agitans
Lacerating pain in joints
Cold, clammy sweat on legs at night
Dropsical swelling of feet and legs.
extremities, limbs, bones, decay of bone;
extremities, limbs, coldness, upper limbs, hands;
extremities, limbs, coldness, lower limbs, foot;
extremities, limbs, cramps;
extremities, limbs, cramps, fingers;
extremities, limbs, hands and feet, clenching fingers (see extremities, convulsions, contraction), thumbs;
extremities, limbs, heaviness, tired limbs;
extremities, limbs, inflammation, bones;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, flexed, finger (see extremities, hands and feet, clenching);
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, jerking;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, lameness;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, excitement;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, on movement;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, while walking;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, upper limbs, while writing;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, forearm, while writing;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, on holding objects;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, on holding objects, in free hand;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, on holding objects, on taking hold of objects;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, on holding objects, on holding them out;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, manual labour;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, when carrying something to mouth;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, paralytic;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, when raising them high;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, weakness;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, while writing;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, foot;
extremities, limbs, pain;
extremities, limbs, pain, night;
extremities, limbs, pain, night, drives out of bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, acute;
extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, driven out of bed by pains;
extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, with perspiration;
extremities, limbs, pain, warmth, of bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, wet weather;
extremities, limbs, pain, in bones;
extremities, limbs, pain, joints, night;
extremities, limbs, pain, joints, gouty;
extremities, limbs, pain, upper limbs, rheumatic;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs, night;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs, night, in bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs, warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg, night;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower leg, warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, aching, in bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, boring, leg, shin bone;
extremities, limbs, pain, boring, leg, shin bone, night;
extremities, limbs, pain, burning, buttocks;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, joints;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, joints;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, hip, warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, knee, warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, leg, warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs, perspiration, foot;
extremities, limbs, shrivelled (shrunken), fingers, while perspiring;
extremities, limbs, skin, excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed), between thighs;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, burning;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, upper limbs, herpes;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, forearm, herpes;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, lower limbs, herpes;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, thigh, herpes;
extremities, limbs, skin, out-break on skin, knee, hollow of knee, moist;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, bleeding easily;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, burning;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, deep;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, offensive smelling;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, leg;
extremities, limbs, swollen, elbow;
extremities, limbs, swollen, elbow, hot and red;
extremities, limbs, weakness;
extremities, limbs, weakness, joints;
Generally gastric or bilious, with profuse nightly perspiration, debility, slow and lingering
Heat and shuddering alternately
Yellow perspiration
Profuse perspiration without relief
creeping chilliness, worse in the evening and into night
Alternate flashes of heat in single parts.
chill, morning, in bed;
chill, evening;
chill, night;
chill, in the open air;
chill, in bed;
chill, in bed, rising from bed;
chill, internal;
chill, sensation of cold water, poured over him;
fever, night;
fever, night, with perspiration;
fever, alternating with chills;
fever, in bed (see night and warmth);
fever, catarrh with fever;
fever, continued fever, night;
fever, fever with skin out-break, scarlet fever;
fever, inflammatory fever;
fever, internal heat;
fever, comes on suddenly, night;
fever, remittent;
fever, remittent, night;
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia;
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, night, from before midnight;
perspiration, daytime, with nausea and lack of energy;
perspiration, morning;
perspiration, evening, in bed;
perspiration, night;
perspiration, night, lasting all night without relief;
perspiration, on parts affected with other conditions;
perspiration, clammy;
perspiration, cold, while eating;
perspiration, while eating;
perspiration, while eating, anxiety and cold sweat;
perspiration, on movement;
perspiration, movement;
perspiration, odour, offensive;
perspiration, odour, offensive, night;
perspiration, odour, sour;
perspiration, oily;
perspiration, oily, night;
perspiration, from pains;
perspiration, profuse;
perspiration, profuse, night;
perspiration, on beginning to sleep;
perspiration, staining the linen, yellow;
perspiration, before stool;
perspiration, during stool;
perspiration, after stool, warm perspiration, becomes cold and sticky;
perspiration, other symptoms worse while perspiring;
generalities, evening;
generalities, night;
generalities, abscesses;
generalities, abscesses, glands;
generalities, open air;
generalities, anaemia;
generalities, blackness of external parts;
generalities, bones, decay of bone;
generalities, bones, softening of bones;
generalities, constriction, externally;
generalities, constriction, of orifices;
generalities, contractions, closing, stenoses, after inflammation;
generalities, haemorrhage;
generalities, inflammation, internally;
generalities, inflammation, bones;
generalities, inflammation, glands;
generalities, lying down, lying in bed;
generalities, lying down, lying on side, on right side;
generalities, movement;
generalities, mucous secretions increased;
generalities, numbness, internally, in single parts;
generalities, pain, bones;
generalities, pain, bones, night;
generalities, pain, glands;
generalities, pain, boring, bones;
generalities, pain, burning externally;
generalities, pain, burning externally, internally;
generalities, pain, cutting, internally;
generalities, pain, pressing, glands;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, externally;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, internally;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, outward;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, bones;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, glands;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, muscles;
generalities, pain, tearing, internally;
generalities, pain, tearing, bones;
generalities, pain, tearing, glands;
generalities, pain, tearing, muscles;
generalities, paralysis, in chronic indigestion;
generalities, perspiration gives no relief;
generalities, pulsation, internally, glands;
generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid;
generalities, pulse, intermittent;
generalities, sensitive, excessive physical irritability;
generalities, scurvy;
generalities, before sleep;
generalities, during sleep;
generalities, swelling, in general;
generalities, swelling, of affected parts;
generalities, swelling, inflammatory;
generalities, swelling, glands;
generalities, swelling, glands, hot;
generalities, swelling, glands, inflammatory;
generalities, swelling, swollen sensation;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), after becoming cold;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), tendency to catch cold;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm bed;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm air;
generalities, touch, slight touch;
generalities, trembling, externally;
generalities, warmth, warm bed;
generalities, warmth, warm air;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from perspiration;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), after stool;
generalities, weariness (see weakness);