| Itching, scurfy pimples, herpes, sensitive and numb | Nocturnal burning | Very sensitive skin, slightest friction causes soreness and chapping | Violent itching eruption, bleeding, oozing, want of perspiration | Pruritus, especially of scalp, which is sensitive. | skin, dry; | skin, itching, gnawing, biting; | skin, loss of feeling; | skin, numbness, after scratching; | skin, out-breaks on skin, crusty; | skin, out-breaks on skin, peeling in scales; | skin, out-breaks on skin, eczema; | skin, pain, gnawing, biting, after scratching; | skin, pain, gnawing, biting, eating at skin; | skin, pain, gnawing, biting, eating at skin, after scratching; | skin, pain, burning, after scratching; |
| Stomach, Canine hunger, with hurried eating, without appetite | Thirst | Empty belching | Throbbing in pit. | Gnawing around navel | Ineffectual urging | Undigested feces | Burning pain in anus. | abdomen, emptiness; | abdomen, noises from abdomen, gurgling; | abdomen, noises from abdomen, gurgling, before stool; | abdomen, stomach, indigestion; | Vomiting of food, greenish water | abdomen, stomach, appetite, ravenous, excessive, without enjoying food (see aversion to food); | Borborygmus, with profuse, fetid flatus | stool passes when emitting flatus |
| rectum, diarrhoea, hot weather; | rectum, flatulence, during diarrhoea; | rectum, flatulence, during stool; | rectum, involuntary stool; | rectum, involuntary stool, on passing flatulence; | stool, copious; | stool, food appears to be passed undigested (lientery); | stool, odour, putrid; | stool, thin, liquid; | stool, thin, liquid, normal consistency; | stool, thin, liquid, pouring out; | stool, thin, liquid, yellow; | stool, watery; | stool, watery, yellow; | stool, yellow, normal consistency; |
| Weakness of lower limbs | Paralysis of legs and feet | Want of animal heat in limbs | Cold feet | Painless paralysis | Constant cold feet | Swelling, burning stiffness of fingers | Veins on hands swollen | Oedema | Stiffness of joints. | extremities, limbs, coldness, upper limbs, hands; | extremities, limbs, paralysis, painless; | extremities, limbs, paralysis, lower limbs, painless; |
| generalities, fluid build up, external; | generalities, insensitive to pain (see irritability); | generalities, lack of irritability; | generalities, numbness, externally; | generalities, pain, benumbing; | generalities, paralysis, painless; | generalities, pulsation; | generalities, lack of reaction; | generalities, symptoms not symmetrical, left; | generalities, swelling, puffy; | generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness); | generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from diarrhoea; |