Plumbum Metallicum

The following are the indications of Plumbum Metallicum, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Mental depression
fear of being assassinated
Quiet melancholy
Slow perception, loss of memory, amnesic aphasia
Hallucinations and delusions
Intellectual apathy
Memory impaired ( Anac., Baryta.) Paretic dementia.
mind, delirium, wild;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, sensitive, oversensitive;
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, timidity;
mind, memory, weakness of memory;
mind, memory, weakness of memory, for words;
mind, restlessness, nervousness;
Delirium alternating with colic
Tinnitus ( chin., nat-salic., carbon)
Pain as if a ball rose from throat to brain
Hair very dry
Pupils contracted
Optic nerve inflamed
Intraocular, suppurative inflammation
Glaucoma, especially if secondary to spinal lesion
Optic neuritis, central scotoma
Sudden loss of sight after fainting.
Pale and cachetic
Yellow, corpse-like, cheeks sunken
Skin of face greasy, shiny
Tremor of nasolabial muscles.
face, distortion, mouth;
face, skin, discoloration, pale;
face, skin, discoloration, sallow;
face, skin, discoloration, yellow;
nose, smell, lost sense of smell;
Cannot put it out, seems paralyzed.
mouth, odour (halitosis, bad breath), offensive;
mouth, odour (halitosis, bad breath), putrid;
Gums swollen, pale, Distinct blue lines along margins of gums
mouth, discoloration, gums, blue line on margin;
mouth, discoloration, gums, pale;
mouth, discoloration, gums, purple;
mouth, discoloration, gums, purple, thin border nearest teeth;
mouth, swelling, gums;
mouth, gums, painful tubercles (nodules, knob-like lumps);
mouth, teeth, decay, hollow;
Tongue tremulous, red on margin
mouth, discoloration, tongue, brown;
mouth, paralysis, tongue;
throat, choking, constricting;
Heart, Cardiac weakness
Pulse soft and small, dicrotic
Wiry pulse, cramp-like constriction of peripheral arteries.
Yellow, dark-brown liver spots
Dilated veins of forearms and legs.
skin, discoloration, blackish;
skin, discoloration, yellow, jaundice, etc.;
skin, dry;
skin, dry, inability to perspire (see inactivity);
skin, dry, inability to perspire (see inactivity), when exercising;
skin, gangrene, cold;
skin, itching, crawling;
skin, sensitive;
Spinal cord sclerosed
Lightning-like pains, temporarily better by pressure
Paralysis of lower extremities.
Stomach, Contraction in oesophagus and stomach, pressure and tightness
Solids cannot be swallowed.
Excessive colic, Radiating to all parts of body
abdominal wall feels drawn by a string to spine
Pain causes desire to stretch
Intussusception, strangulated hernia
Abdomen retracted
Colic alternates with delirium and pain in atrophied limbs.
abdomen, pain, radiating, to all parts of body;
abdomen, pain, violent;
abdomen, pain, extending to other parts, to all parts of body;
abdomen, pain, navel, region of navel;
abdomen, pain, sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.), navel;
abdomen, paralysis of intestines;
abdomen, retraction;
abdomen, retraction, navel;
abdomen, bladder, retention of urine (see urination delayed), colic;
abdomen, bladder, urge to urinate, but producing nothing;
abdomen, bladder, urination, dribbling (by drops);
abdomen, stomach, pain, extending to other parts, groins;
abdomen, stomach, pain, extending to other parts, limbs;
Obstructed flatus, with intense colic
Constant vomiting
abdomen, pain, with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception);
Constipation, Stools hard, lumpy, black, with urging and spasm of anus
Obstructed evacuation from impaction of faeces ( Plat.) Neuralgia of rectum
Anus drawn up with constriction.
Urinary Organs.
Frequent, ineffectual tenesmus
Albuminous, low specific gravity
Chronic interstitial nephritis, with great pain in abdomen
Urine scanty
Tenesmus of bladder
Emission drop by drop.
rectum, constipation, inactivity of rectum;
rectum, constipation, during pregnancy;
rectum, constriction, contraction, closure, etc.;
rectum, constriction, contraction, closure, etc., painful;
rectum, constriction, contraction, closure, etc., spasmodic;
rectum, constriction, contraction, closure, etc., during stool;
rectum, paralysis (see inactivity);
stool, like balls;
stool, like balls, black;
stool, like balls, like sheep dung;
stool, black;
stool, green;
stool, hard;
stool, knotty, nodular, lumpy;
stool, scanty;
urine, albuminous (white, thick);
urine, colour, dark;
urine, scanty;
urine, urine lighter than usual (in weight);
urine, sugar in urine;
Testicles drawn up, feel constricted.
Vulva and vagina hypersensitive
genitals, female, pain, vagina, prolonged contraction or spasm of vagina (vaginismus);
Male, Loss of sexual power
Female, Vaginismus, with emaciation and constipation
Induration of mammary glands
Stitches and burning pains in breasts ( Apis, Con., Carb)
an., Sil.) Tendency to abortion
Menorrhagia with sensation of string pulling from abdomen to back
Disposition to yawn and stretch.
genitals, female, miscarriage, tendency to miscarry;
Paralysis of single muscles
Cannot raise or lift anything with the hand
Extension is difficult
Paralysis from over exertion of the extensor muscles in piano players ( Curare.) Pains in muscles of thighs, Come in paroxysms
Cramps in calves
Stinging and tearing in limbs, also twitching and tingling, numbness, pain or tremor
Feet swollen
Pain in atrophied limbs alternates with colic
Loss of patellar reflex
Hands and feet cold
Pain in Right big toe at night, very sensitive to touch.
extremities, limbs, contraction of muscles and tendons, from paralysis of extensors;
extremities, limbs, cramps, calf;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin, diseased limb;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin, paralysed limb;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin, forearm;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin, wrist;
extremities, limbs, emaciated, extremely thin, hand;
extremities, limbs, heaviness, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, flexed, finger (see extremities, hands and feet, clenching);
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, jerking;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, movement of leg, difficult;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, shaking, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, shaking, hand;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, on holding objects;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, on holding objects, on holding them out;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, when carrying something to mouth;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, paralytic;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand, while writing;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain;
extremities, limbs, pain, evening;
extremities, limbs, pain, night;
extremities, limbs, pain, comes on suddenly;
extremities, limbs, pain, joints;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs, comes on suddenly;
extremities, limbs, pain, thigh;
extremities, limbs, pain, shooting (see stitching, sudden, sharp), lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain, shooting (see stitching, sudden, sharp), lower limbs, extending downwards;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, hip;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, hip, extending to other parts, downward;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, hip, extending to other parts, knee;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, comes on suddenly;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, upper arm;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, thigh;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, thigh, comes on suddenly;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, thigh, extending downward;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, thigh, front;
extremities, limbs, paralysis;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, painless;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, in extensors (muscles to straighten limb);
extremities, limbs, paralysis, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, forearm, extensor muscles;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, wrist;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, wrist, extensors;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, hand, right;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, fingers, extensors;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, paralysis, lower limbs, painless;
extremities, limbs, weakness;
extremities, limbs, weakness, tottering;
extremities, limbs, weakness, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, weakness, knee;
extremities, limbs, weakness, leg;
chill, in the open air;
chill, chilliness (see also whole body, temperature);
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia;
generalities, convulsions;
generalities, convulsions, rapid muscle spasm;
generalities, convulsions, without consciousness;
generalities, convulsions, epileptic;
generalities, jerking, as in convulsions;
generalities, evening;
generalities, night;
generalities, anaemia;
generalities, constriction, externally;
generalities, constriction, internally;
generalities, eating and food, symptoms while fasting;
generalities, emaciated (extremely thin);
generalities, faintness, fainting;
generalities, inflammation, internally;
generalities, numbness, externally;
generalities, numbness, internally, of suffering parts;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, internally;
generalities, pain, twinging;
generalities, paralysis, painless;
generalities, pressure;
generalities, rubbing;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);