Stannum Metallicum

The following are the indications of Stannum Metallicum, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Sad, anxious
Dread of seeing people.
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, sadness, mental depression;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, sadness, mental depression, before period;
Aching in temples and forehead
Obstinate acute coryza and influenza with cough
Ulceration of ring hole in lobe of ear.
head, coldness;
Pain worse motion, Gradually increasing and decreasing as if constricted by a band, forehead feels pressed inwards
Jarring of walking resounds painfully in head
Drawing pains in malar bones and orbits
head, pain, headache, increasing gradually, and decreasing gradually;
head, pain, headache, pressure;
head, pain, headache, in forehead;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), forehead, inward;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), temples, increasing and decreasing gradually;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), temples, inwards;
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), top of head (vertex);
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), top of head (vertex), increasing and decreasing slowly;
face, pain;
face, pain, gradually increasing and decreasing;
nose, discharge from nose, thick and sticky, tough;
mouth, speech, difficult;
mouth, speech, difficult, from weakness (see voice), of throat;
mouth, taste, bitter, everything except water;
mouth, taste, offensive;
Much adhesive mucus, difficult to detach, efforts to detach cause nausea
Throat dry and stings.
throat, catarrh;
throat, irritation, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, mucus, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, mucus, trachea (wind pipe), late morning;
throat, pain, rawness, when swallowing;
throat, pain, rawness, trachea (wind pipe, see chest);
throat, pain, sore, extending to chest;
throat, pain, sore, air passages;
throat, pain, sore, larynx;
throat, pain, sore, trachea (wind pipe), on coughing;
throat, pain, sudden, sharp, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, tickling in the air passages, in trachea (wind pipe);
throat, voice, hoarseness;
throat, voice, weak;
throat, voice, weak, after talking;
throat, wasting, larynx;
throat, wasting, larynx, short hacking cough and loss of voice;
throat, external throat, perspiration;
chest, catarrh;
chest, constriction, tension;
chest, sensation of emptiness;
chest, inflammation, bronchial tubes (bronchitis);
chest, lungs, haemorrhage (see expectoration);
chest, lungs, tuberculosis;
chest, lungs, tuberculosis, early stages;
chest, lungs, tuberculosis, full of mucus;
chest, pain;
chest, pain, during a cough;
chest, pain, pressing;
chest, pain, rawness;
chest, pain, sore, bruised;
chest, pain, sore, bruised, from coughing;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, sides, left;
chest, weakness;
chest, weakness, from cough;
chest, weakness, after expectoration;
chest, weakness, when singing, on beginning to sing;
chest, weakness, when talking;
Hoarse, mucus expelled by forcible cough
Violent, dry cough in evening until midnight
Cough excited by Laughing, singing, talking, worse lying on right side
During day, with Copious green, sweetish, expectoration
Chest feels sore
Chest feels weak, can hardly talk
Influenzal cough from noon to midnight with scanty expectoration
Respiration short, oppressive, stitches in left side when breathing and lying on same side
Phthisis mucosa
hectic fever.
respiration, deep, deep breathing relieves other symptoms;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea);
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), with cough;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), on movement;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), while walking;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), from weakness of respiratory organs;
cough, evening;
cough, night, before midnight;
cough, cough from deep down;
cough, exhausting cough;
cough, hard cough;
cough, hoarse;
cough, sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing), from irritation in air passages, in wind pipe;
cough, sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing), scraping;
cough, loose, morning;
cough, loose, late morning;
cough, while lying down, on right side;
cough, movement, of chest;
cough, from mucus, in chest;
cough, from mucus, wind pipe;
cough, from mucus, wind pipe, sensation of mucus;
cough, comes on suddenly;
cough, racking;
cough, short;
cough, tickling, chest;
cough, violent;
expectoration, late morning;
expectoration, balls;
expectoration, bloody, spitting of blood (see chest haemorrhage);
expectoration, greyish;
expectoration, greenish;
expectoration, yellow;
expectoration, yellow, morning;
expectoration, copious;
expectoration, easy;
expectoration, globular;
expectoration, mucous;
expectoration, mucous, late morning;
expectoration, noticeable smell, offensive smell;
expectoration, scanty;
expectoration, noticeable taste, sweetish;
expectoration, thick, morning;
expectoration, thick, and sticky;
expectoration, tough;
Stomach, Hunger
Bitter taste
Pain better pressure, but sore to touch
Sensation of Emptiness in stomach.
Cramp-like colic around navel, with a feeling of emptiness
Colic relieved by hard pressure.
abdomen, emptiness;
abdomen, stomach, pain, from coughing;
abdomen, stomach, pain, gnawing, biting;
abdomen, stomach, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness), on coughing;
abdomen, stomach, tension;
abdomen, stomach, nausea, in throat;
Smell of cooking causes vomiting
Pain in vagina, upward and back to spine
genitals, female, vaginal discharge;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge, copious;
genitals, female, pain, bearing down, womb, and region of womb (see labour-like pains, also pains in abdomen);
Female, Bearing-down sensation
Leucorrhoea, with great debility.
Prolapsus, with Weak, sinking feeling in stomach ( Sep.) Menses early and profuse
Paralytic weakness, drops things
Ankles swollen
Limbs suddenly Give out when attempting to sit down
Dizziness and weakness When descending
Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand
Fingers jerk when holding Pen
Typewriters&rsquo, paralysis.
extremities, limbs, cramps, fingers, while writing;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, trembling, hand;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, pain, burning, hand, palm;
extremities, limbs, pain, pressing, upper arm;
extremities, limbs, pain, tearing, wrist;
extremities, limbs, weakness, upper limbs;
Heat in evening, Exhausting night-sweats, especially towards morning
Perspiration, principally on forehead and nape of neck, debilitating, smelling musty, or offensive.
chill, at certain time of day or night, from 10 a.m.;
fever, perspiration with heat;
fever, one-sided, left;
fever, stages of chill, heat and sweat, heat followed by chill;
Sleeps with one leg drawn up, the other stretched out.
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia;
generalities, convulsions, internal;
perspiration, on movement;
perspiration, sensation as if about to perspire, but no moisture appears;
generalities, daytime;
generalities, late morning;
generalities, evening;
generalities, night, before midnight;
generalities, constriction, externally;
generalities, physical exertion;
generalities, emaciated (extremely thin);
generalities, heaviness, externally;
generalities, heaviness, internally;
generalities, jerking, internally;
generalities, lying down, lying on side;
generalities, movement, after;
generalities, pain, appear gradually, and disappear gradually;
generalities, pain, burning externally;
generalities, pain, pinching, externally;
generalities, pain, pressing, externally;
generalities, pain, pressing, internally;
generalities, pain, pressing, inward;
generalities, pain, sore, bruised, internally;
generalities, pain, sudden, sharp, outward;
generalities, pain, tearing, muscles, pressing in muscles;
generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid;
generalities, symptoms not symmetrical, left;
generalities, trembling, internally;
generalities, walking;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), nervous weakness;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from talking;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), trembling;