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allergey symtoms

My husband suffers from terrible allergeys every year. Spring is starting now and he is starting with sneezing and as the season progresses symptoms get worse with watery itchy eyes. Is there something he can start taking now in the beginning of the allergey season to help him control or help him stop these symptoms?
  MyCenter on 2007-04-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
which kind of environment is he worse in.. cold or hot...as far as his itchy eyes are concerned.

is the sneezing due to change in temperature of the environment or due to some pollen grain allergy.
rishimba last decade
Your question was which kind of environment is he worse in..cold or hot..as far as his itchy eyes are concerned. The answer is usually before it rains and pollin is blowing around. It is usually cool and damp.

As far as his sneezing it is due to pollen in the air from trees.
MyCenter last decade
he can take ARS ALB 30C every four hours whenever he has the above condition. not more than 6 to 8 doses.

the tendency will reduce gradually.
rishimba last decade
What for should he take it in pellets, soft tablets or liquid?
MyCenter last decade
Oh one more thing what is the doseage and how long should it be taken? I want to order enough for the season when his allergies are the worse.
MyCenter last decade
please take 2 to 3 drops in some 20 ml of water. thats one dose.

take it for some 4 to 5 days and watch the symptoms. if the symptoms reduce, taper down the doses and finally stop.

order for some 30 ml of the stuff for the season, i think it should be enough.
rishimba last decade

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