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depressed,hopeless,helpless and getting more day by day Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient ID: Sex: M Age: 30[written in previous post at29] Nature of work: Jobless,but other work is mainly mental [reading,sitting on computers etc]. No physical work as such Habits: wide interest in many things, but nothing strong anywhere

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering? hopelessness, intense fear, nervousness,fear of future say. Unable to put the same explicity, sort of 'has some problem , but genuinely unable to put it clearly'
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? Catching cold always, frequently. Intense sneezing , quick to catch cold, unable to bear winter.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? nothing. Keeps on suffering but till date never has thought anything like say' oh me alone, why should i have this suffering etc,etc, never thought. Just watching and seeing if there is a cure possible.'

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words. ' Oh left alone.No one is there. Not even god. He alone can save me but he is also not intending, else he could have taken action. I think i am his enemy. He will make me loose face and keen to destroy me. My fate is only to get beatings this life'

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? Right from childhood 7-8 yrs , getting beatings, and scoldings, i thought life is hard and painful. Then people introduced god to me. Pray to him,etc. Nothing happened. I thought all i useless, people are themselves fools looking in the sky and getting nothing. This life is not worth living, better to die than suffer. May sound like a created sentence, but believe me this was there in me at that age and over the years the same developed more strongly. Then in mid 20's read the spiritual books who talked xyz of god,etc so i suddenly got impressed and decided to follow their way like chanting,etc. REsult nothing, more and more hardships in life. Again came back to square one , it is a useless life and the same feeling only got more and more strong. Yes there was some event in life at age 20 where i again resorted to god after a few yrs of deliberate atheism, but there also god did not give me any chance to get converted and i felt as left alone and today i feel there is no one for me.

6. Which time of the day you are worst? This i cant say. But i have observed that if things are gloomy, say early morning in rainy season, if it is dark at 10pm etc i also look dull. But when sun comes i feel bright.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc. Well none of this above. For eg if there is a leg pain then pressure rubbing ameliorates....But i am now talking in terms of my mental problems. There if some negative is talked about me, especially doubting my credentials or unjustly saying anything about, i get really very angry almost furious and then will keep prowling like a tiger until i get a way to get back at them. When someone speaks positive or gives me hope i melt like a candle. Provided his words should touch my heart. Anything which touches my inside voice i have seen i execute it on spot, like eg buy something which i like even though pricy , or someone at this stage gives me a hope i am damn sure half of my problem will fell like a curtain. and will give me impetus to live and and keep walking. For eg i read positive mgt books, but they did not touch my heart and so out in my shelf.
Now on physical problem front, if my nose gets blocked and i used to drink ice water to open the same and promote breathing. But end result was nostrils open but soon thereafter more cold and more sneezing.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? When i am in a bright place, with less population or say on picnics etc i am in full spirits as if i have no tensions,etc.But when i come back to my place again i am back in the drain. Yeah the current place where i am living may have a influence too. Looking to change this place also.But place as such can be said to influencing irritation in form of disturbances, shyness and nervousness [due to huge population], no bright light,etc,etc. Thus it is also important to this sufferings but not the only one and also majorly effecting also is not.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? Bad during hot weathers, In summers or hot day no sleep at night. In cold weathers easy sleep. This not sleeping in hot climate is from last 7-8 yrs i think so or still less. Previously it was not so. I used to sleep on spot going to bed. even if hot climate.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc. ...............Moody[highly],Mild,agreeable, changeable[many times], nervous[highly],easily offended[highly],quiet[highly]
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? May get fear by the noise, not that typical fear say just impacted by anything heavy noise, not just thunderstorm. But in general i would say not much of an impact.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Yes
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? Yes noise, smell i can easily catch much before others. Often others say where it is and after some time only they agree to my claim, ' yeah its there, u r right'..If there is light in my room i may not sleep. But when i am damn tired,etc or under cold medications, then i sleep even under light due the medicine/tiredness effect

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc? Talking to oneself in the sense not as a habit, but to boost myself up. That too is not frequent. Very infrequently. But nowadays due to heavy tension i sometimes go in arguments in mind.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? Not married. Family is good,they are the only one for me. Friends also limited but good guys. But yeah no reliability on outsiders has been my view always.Hence always worry about your security outsiders are not dependable.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? Fears currently is on job sector how i am going to get one. How i will get one without telling some lie as friends say. What if i get caught. Just somehow someone takes me without any questioning and then i will prove my mettle and be in demand as i was in previous jobs. Arguments in mind of trying to convince job guys that i am not inferior and a very skilled quality guy and a allround good performer.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? sweets i like so as spicy. Mostly like everything , no aversions.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal

14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal.

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand? cant say. No i think so. Yeah eating cold items i fear if next moment dont get a cold and have a miserable time thereafter.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? Sweat is more i think so. Whole shirt gets wet with a exposure to heat. Sweat is more from head to Body half, not beyond that.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? normal

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? Sleep is disturbed, has dreams of arguments. When woke from sleep, no freshness, brain seems ulcerated, just left last nights argument and still raw feeling. Sleep is damn bad. From April May i am not sleeping literally . REading till 2pm disturbed from 7.30 and get up at 10.30.... In may month went to native place for 15days.....No such problem there., pleasant climate there and baby sleep. Back here came again and the same routine. I have slept till date just 5-6 times till october. That too due to say heavy physical work or body tiredness due to sneezing or cold medicnes effect. In afternoon sometiems after meals if i am on bed then go to sleep for 5-6 hrs say 2 -7 ......In compensation no sleep at night then if slept in afternoon.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? Well no particular answer to this. But i am having masturbations for 2 yrs .Thus no big sexual desires as to irritate me. I think this is also a perversion and not something of a despo type. Once i get into work i think i will not loose control like now , when i am feeling apathy and do any nonsense like this type.

20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others? I think many times my inner voice is right and at the same time i am not listening to it most times as it is not strong to convice and also risky to move so.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication? Taken allopathy and homeopathy and ayurvedic for nasal sneezing. In childhood there was a heavy headache for which allopathy and homeo was taken, but no respite and it went naturally. That sneezing cold of childhood is still running. Allopaths have also asked to resort to alternatives .

22. What major diseases are running in your family? None, except by age the seniors have got diabetes,etc Else no hereditary diseases,etc,etc

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance. Well built, smart and nice looking. Looks like a intelligent guy. People notice me quickly.Sometimes even boys stare at me when i go out. But the inner low confidence is shown in walking,. I walk stoopedly and not like a stud and the reason is one is say physical builtup may be so and secondly the 24hrs bodyclock of nervous and low confidence running in me may also be propelling me to walk head down or stooping. This idea just struck me recently some months back after i read bach remedies books, as can mind influence a persons posture.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc. ...N/A

25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner. Nothing to call as major Except at 8-10yrs on i had headache and maybe the above cold which i am talking and also severe leg pain . Of that the headache and legpain passed off automatically by 15yrs. The cold continued and become more and more complex. like violent sneezing, sneezing upon a slight nasal itching resulting to violent cold,etc

Anything other than this u need to know , pls write.
Thanks for your reply and best regards.
starshine last decade
w.r.t point 7 [ anything that aggravates / ameliorates] pls add this following......

there is one more thing which peps me up....A good song say high rocking music or even a good melodious song which i like very much, upon such times some pepping up happens in me which takes me to the level when i was in a a high spirits and once again pinches to arise and go for the same.....But then thereafter nowadays i dismiss it as not possible and leave it. But still music has always a pep effect in me.
starshine last decade
I am very sorry to hear of your situation I know how awful depression can be. I suffered it after the birth of my son. I am not going to advise you on homeopathics although Iwil tell you that I took aurum, arsenicum album and ignatia all c1000. They helped but what made all the difference in my case was lrge amounts of vitamin B complex 3xrda and vitamin c 300mg + 5mg zinc and magnesium orolate. The vtamins must be slow releasing. for further information google 'Blake Graham'. His website has a lot of information on the nutritional element of disease (mental or physical).

Good luck and get well soon.

Dunmola last decade
please take 3 doses of ARS ALB 200C on a single day and see if there is a litte change in the mentals. if yes, follow it up with a dose of 1M the next week and possibly 10M after another week if at all you need.

alternatively, PHOSPHORUS is indicated in many of your symptoms. if ARS ALB fails, you can take PHOS 200C some 3 doses on a single day and note your improvements.

keep us updated every week.
rishimba last decade
i took ars alb 200c last saturday as told above.
So i not find any change.
Last whole week i am not sleeping smoothly. Sleep doesnt come till late night say 2-3am then i sleep that too is a restless sleep, some sort of talking is going or thinking sleep. That deep sleep is not at all there....So i keep doing any work till 1-2 pm so as to get tired and get at least that 2-3 hrs sleep. If by mistake i go to bed at 11/12pm nothing happens, eyes wide awake and same thing goes till 2pm. I then go to kitchen to eat so that a full stomach can put to sleep, that also now a days not working. Thoughts keep on intruding the mind, any time.Due to no sleep the next day is getting affected. Balance all symptoms more or less the same.
So should i now try phospphorous this week??
starshine last decade
before discarding ars alb and going to another remedy, please try once more.

this time, please take ARS ALB 200C 4 doses every 4 hours, that is, on a single day.

note the changes for the next 3 to 4 days and then if you do not get any response, you can go for LYCOPODIUM 200C.
rishimba last decade
For getting good result pls try in Bach flower remedy i.e. GORSE 2 drops three times ina ay and weekly one dose of Aurum Met 10M (Homoeopathic)...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
i took ars alb 4 doses back to back, but not in a single day. For that is not possible. Becoz my day begins at 12am and ends at late night 3 pm so the fourth dose was on the next day.
Well last week i had not slept a single day. No sleep till late nights. On one night in additional to no sleep there was also some changes in my bed to be made[if my place of sleep is changed i dont sleep] and i was absolutely pathetic that night as my eyes and head were aching, not having strength and interest to continue reading till full night so that i can sleep early morning. I just got absolutely angry and violent, started cursing people at home switched on lights went for medicines. My past anger towards my parents keeeps coming again and again. And when i get angry for any reason like in this case of no sleep, then that past backlog just adds more to the issue at hand.Then again got the same feelings of what cursed i am . Nothing i can do and nothing,what a life is this of me. I spoke to my kin this week the following lines
1]This house has destroyed me 2]i have got no future 3]everything is over.4]helpless i am feeling. Dont know what to do. There is no light ahead.

Previous two days i had a terrific headache on my right side and right jaws above that place and my right eye was also aching due to no sleep. This was there for two days continuously. One day i just dozed for a hour or two in the afternoon, there was some relief thereafter. But the moment i started to talk the same returned again.Sexual excess was also there on 2 days..
In a very low state of mind .No interest in anything.Seeing everything with negative and hopeless eyes. Overall again hopelessness is getting reinforced. Nothing ahead types.

starshine last decade
please take a dose of AURUM MET 200C on a single day. after about 2 to 3 days, if you feel a little bright for some time, you can repeat a few more doses at one or two days interval.
rishimba last decade
after the last post 2 days later i start sleeping, as winter begun and i was feeling drowsy and on one day i had slept even in the day and also at night , which myself i was surprised. Thereafter i started aurum. Since the climate is changing on some days warm but predominantly not so heat, sleep is improved. But the day when there is heat, it goes till late night for a sleep, nevertheless sleep happens. I had taken aurum about 3 times in this last 20 days. In between there were some functions at home and so a diversion was there.
Now regards my mental state, i dont want to say it is so tense and hot like before. For now a days i am drowsy most of the times, not like drunken types. But no inclination for anything. Taking a break from everything as i cant take too much tension now.I am cutting every single work, not talking on any family issues etc.Just trying to be silent. But then that doesnt calm the mind. There is a 'running away from things ' type behaviour. But the problems also run back like a dogs tail. Though i have become passive due to hopelessness the fear,low confidence,changing mind etc are all still down in the minds reservoir taking a break.
Balance i dont know what should i tell. This is what is happening now a days.
starshine last decade
hi doc,
hope all fine.
no reply so far on my last post.
starshine last decade
hi, no reply to my last post yet
starshine last decade
Can any doctor pls take the case. Since i have had no effective change all these days as you can see in my posts i would request only someone who has really experienced in handling complex cases pls take this case.Others who are looking for guinea pigs may pls avoid.
I may sound a bit rash but i am also not wrong either.
starshine last decade
Just read your blog and it's strikes several chords with me as I have suffered from depression myself with all the low self esteem stuff that comes with it.

I have also been treated with Medorrhinum which was very effective in my case, though the road to recovery was long (about 2 years). I found myself in financial difficulties a few years ago and was evicted from my home, I moved back in with my parents (for a couple of months) and ended up staying years. I lost everything but was given the opportunity to start from scratch.

I have been slowly rebuilding my life with a few changes. It's not perfect but the Med remedy helped with my perfectionist, hard to please nature. I now seek out people and places which are of value to me and discard anything which hinders my personal growth

Hard to explain but I've 'let go' a little. Dont feel like I need to find god- but recognise the divine in many little things. I've discovered nature and that it makes me feel happy, Masturbation is normal porn is ok, you are not a bad person but it's energy and time consuming and wont enhance your life.Look for a Sivanada class in your area-you will thank me

Love yourself, you are bright, lovable and beautiful.
sarenone last decade

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