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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Toddler Tantrums !

Hi, I'm having a daunting time with my daughter, 2 years 8 months old. Recently she has having frequent tantrums after dropping out her day time nap. I'm currently trying a mix of Chamomilia 6c and Cina 6c 3 pellets of each remedy, twice daily. I've seen some improvement but the 5pm bath time is a nightmare she freaks out and hits out and it becomes impossible to get her changed and bathed.. I'm so upset by it all and it stresses me out which I know she also picks up, I try to remain calm but sometimes I feel like losing it too! I also have an 8 month old boy, I make sure she gets loads of attention so there's no jealousy, although I believe there may be some. Any further suggestions??? Thanks, Blessings,
  desertrose on 2008-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You should not be giving her 2 medicines at a time. Mixtures are against the basic prinicples of homeopathy.

Try them one at a time , and just 3-4 doses of one potency are enough to evoke a response. These medicines do not need daily repetition.

sameervermani last decade
How about moving her 5 pm bath? Is this some sort of 'magic' time? Why did you drop naps? She isn't even 3, so she isn't too old to still nap. Sounds like she isn't getting enough sleep. Check sleep levels and activity levels before meds?
jeac2008 last decade
Absoulutely correct!
Also give her some space and liberty to do what she likes.
Your OVERATTENTION may harm the Kid.
mohammadjamaal last decade
I am new to this site and came in hoping to get some help not critism of my mothering skills. In response, Olivia has dropped her nap out, I cannot 'make' her nap, I have tried to continue with the same nap routine but she's been getting out of her bed each time, I cannot force her back to bed, this would bring on another tantrum. As for my OVERATTENTION excuse me? Are you a mother yourself?! I'm a concerned, loving parent I don't give attention when unnecessary, I have to make sure she's safe when she has tantrums, they are frequent, hence my post. The bath time varies but 5pm is a good time for her, it has suited so far, I have no worries moving it there's no 'magic' time, thanks anyway.
The only advice I actually found useful was from someone who told me it was incorrect to give 2 meds at the same time, thankyou. I'd read this in a book so followed the instructions. However I will now try Chamomilia as that seems more her picture right now.. The dosing however is suggested (in my homeopathic book) at 6c twice daily for 1 week, then if symptoms improve stop dosing. Could anyone out there actually help me with this?? I hope so otherwise it just may be, very sadly, another forum for folk to be critical just because they think they know better. Every child is unique and as a full time mother, I know my child's needs better than anyone else. The nap would be great, again I cannot force this issue, I believe she may be outgrowing the nap otherwise she wouldn't have dropped it out.Thanks.
desertrose last decade
May I just add to mohammadjamaal that giving a 2yr 8 month old 'space and libert to do what she likes' would be more harmful than giving attention where and when necessary. In fact, rather idiotic there are far too many dangers around toddlers are unaware of. Hence, toddlers need boundaries for security not a complete free reign to do whatever they like. Overattention can be harmful I agree but I am not overattentive, it's hardly possible with a baby boy to look after also. Regards.
desertrose last decade
Dear Desert rose,

Try Just 3 doses of the remedy you think is correct in 30C potency for one day only.

Then wait for about 4-5 days.

The medicine only provides an impulse, and it is the body's reaction to that impulse which cures. These medicines do not require repetition for a week.

Hope this helps

sameervermani last decade
I hope you didn't think I was criticizing about bath and nap time. My point was sometimes schedules need to change along with kids' growth and change. % pm may have suited her at 1 but perhaps doesn't suit her now. My whole point was first, I believe it is important to look at NON-medicinal ways, even if homeopathy is natural does not mean is it warranted every time a child is going through a phase, a growth spurt, a change. Have a new brother is a huge change and stress fro a baby, even if he is 8 months old. Perhaps she is just NOW realizing he is here to stay. I am a mother, of 2, born 17 months apart, so I get the busy mom, jealous sibling, breastfeeding and two in diapers pictures. I remember trying to breastfeed the younger and that was always the moment, no matter time of day, the older wanted my undivided attention. OF COURSE.

Have you tried lavender in her bath? Have you tried chaging her bath time? Have you tried an objective look at her schedule and yours to see what is going on? As far as giving a child choices, I think, correct me if I am wrong, the other poster was merely pointing out that a few choicecs, such as do you want to wear the pink pajamas or the white pajamas tonight is more the choice. Clearly no one is suggesting a 2 year old decide what is for dinner.

Please, you can get the help you need here. Perhaps maybe you could be a little more open to receiving it. Some of us have been parents for longer. Some of us have treated patients for many years. Have you thought that giving Chamomile every night will end up a proving? Help us understand besides a 2 year having a tantrum. That is a little geenral and common don't you think? Truly, the best to you. I know it is hard.
jeac2008 last decade
Thanks Sameer I will try this and then wait a few days to see. I think 6c is too low for the stubborn nature of the condition anyway.

Jeac.. thanks for your response. I also believe in looking at the whole picture before using medicines, however I do believe that homeopathy is the gentlest form for stimulation of the body's healing response. Olivia hasn't had tantrums like these before, they get dangerous, hence my intervention now with homeopathy. I'm sure you're right, the little brother 'here to stay' may well be a huge factor but they are already little play mates, of course this doesn't put jealousy out of the picture, I'm aware of it. I am more than willing to be lenient with bath times especially now that she is obviously going through another growth spurt. I will try lavendar, thanks. She always gets to choose her p.j's no worries there! I was simply stating that boundaries for safety are most important.

I hadn't thought that you could prove a remedy with 6c dosage.. for just a few days? I've given it 3 days at 6c so far.??

She is willful, capricous, obstinant, lately picking her nose profusely (!) loves being outdoors, very poor apetite (reflux baby - very sick 1st year).. whines, throws tantrums when doesn't get what she wants (I realise this is very general but they get dangerous.. she throws herself around alot)..wakes with night terrors lately. That's more information to fill it out for you a bit.!
Appreciate your help thanks.
desertrose last decade
try the homeopathic remidies but also look into eft here is the site. www.emofree.com
i use both homeopathy and eft.
When working with EFT and the 3 to 6 year old, you'll probably have a good handle on most things that bother your children and they are pretty good at letting you know. You'll usually be working with them in the moment - whether they are sad, hurt, angry, or having a tantrum. In introducing EFT to them, I usually ask if they want to play a game, or try something really neat that could help them feel better. (Except for tantrums or anger directed at you, in which you'll probably have to surrogate tap on yourself for them).

this is just an excert but there are many testomonials from parents and others on the great way this works. it is free and easy to learn and this site shows you how to do it. this is something everyone can use even our animals. i used this for my 3 year old and bedwetting. i wold love to hear any success stories from you if you choose this.
rana1968 last decade
Only those mothers who have children less than two years apart (or perhaps fathers who stay at home with their children) can know the true stresses of having young children so close together. Most of my children were less than 3 years apart (some less than 2),and like you, all my children stopped napping around 2 yrs of age, so you have my sincerest sympathies for what you are going through. A few thoughts... The very first thing I do when one of my children starts behaving terribly is look at their diet (providing of course that the home environment is stable). Ask yourself two questions.1) what is the child eating. Make a list of all the foods you (and anyone else who is feeding your child) can remember from the last several days and then keep a food journal for a week. and 2)Is she eating too much sugar? In our family, I've found that it is sometimes hard to track how much sugar a child is eating due to so many care providers (ie. I may give the child one cookie a day & decide that is enough. Meanwhile her dad gives her two cookies, and her older sister gives her a piece of chocolate and so on until the child is in sugar overload). Red and yellow dye (as well as other artificial food flavorings & dyes) are often a cause of behaviour problems as well.
I typically take an all or nothing approach as I become very stressed with these type of behaviours and feel desperate to make them stop, thus I remove all sugars and artifical foods from the diet first . If removing these foods for 1 week does not help, I then move on to an allergin elimination diet. All at once, I remove all the most common allergins from the child's diet. For our family it is corn (including corn syrup), wheat, soy, dairy, nuts, chocolate, and fish although your child's favorite foods may also be suspect. Your local heath food store should have several substitutes for her favorite foods. We have found shells and Chreese (to replace mac and cheese), various tubers and potatoes, rice dishes, knick-knick bagles, breads, pizza crusts, fruit sweetened cookies & muffins etc (be careful not to give too much sugar). Even organic french fries and tater tots might work if your child is a picky eater (you can bake them). Every single one of my children has responded positively to the dietary changes! One child (who was so violent that my husband was convinced was possessed :) responded so beautifully after two weeks that dh now asks if it's really the same child (he's convinced I switched children LOL). After the situation has stabalized for a few weeks (ie she calms down) add regular foods carefully back in at the rate of 1 every 3-4 days (reactions are sometimes delayed and thus adding back too quickly can cause confusion as to the true allergy/sensitivity). We found that my youngest child is allergic to corn this way. She is an absolute angel, but feed her corn and she is a monster (screaming, hitting, biting, etc) within an hour of eating it and for the 1-2 days following! If eliminating food allergins doesn't help, look at environmental allergins (pets, dust, perfume, household cleaners, deoderizers, plug in deoderizers, scented candles, laundry detg/dryer sheets, etc ). Thirdly, take some time out for yourself. With my first two children, I found myself so stressed that I was seriously afraid of losing it.... anyone who has been in this situation can simpathise with the mothers who lose it and drown their children ( which we all know this is not an option ;). Children can be extremely sensitive to your stress as a mother causing a cycle of stress (she stresses you out, then your stress, nomatter how well you hide it causes her to act out, causing you more stress). If you don't have a good support network, taking time out can be nearly impossible. Try asking your partner to watch the children for an hour so you can take a bath or take a nap (being sleep deprived can add to your stress). Take a few minutes throughout the day to meditate and quiet your mind. If nothing else, find an appropriate cartoon for your children to watch and nap or read a book on a nearby couch. Two of my friends (with 10 children each) insist on a 1 hour quiet time period in their room (coloring, drawing, looking at books, playing with a few select toys, working puzzles, etc)once a toddler has stopped napping. The toddler gets some down time away from the over-stimulation of TV and learns to self placate while mom gets a much deserved break! As for bath time, a few thoughts. One of my children is seriously allergic to both chlorine and to petro based soaps. The tanturms he would throw when exposed to him were so violent that his ped. thought he was autistic! A chlorine bath filter (these cost ~$15 or less) can be used as well as a gentle unscented castle soap from a local health food store (maybe dr. bronners or similar) store. I personally, would consider reducing bath time for a while (maybe 2-3 a week) as toddlers are really not that dirty in the first place and it may be more important to reduce the stress load for a time being (you can always gradually add more baths back in after the situation has stabalized).
gentlemother last decade
'She is willful, capricous, obstinant, lately picking her nose profusely (!) loves being outdoors, very poor apetite (reflux baby - very sick 1st year).. whines, throws tantrums when doesn't get what she wants (I realise this is very general but they get dangerous.. she throws herself around alot)..wakes with night terrors lately. '

Can I ask, if this picking of nose start after Cina ?
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Gentlemother, wow what a post ! Alot of valuable information there. I'm seeing a naturopathic physician and she's already made some suggestions on diet, sugar being first and foremost! She drinks loads of milk and really hardly eats at all, I've had a hard time with her diet. She was so sick in her first year of life, in and out of hospital on drips due to severe gastric reflux.. everything would shoot straight up again. Unfortunately I had her on allopathic meds for this at the time as I was ignorant of any homeopathic solutions to the problem. So now I just try and place fairly wholesome food in front of her, but I've thought of a food allergen test and will discuss with my doc. The bath.. interesting, already thought of dropping out a few during the week!! It's true they certainly don't need that many although when she's covered in sand and muck from outdoors I venture a bath! I will switch soaps though, I know Castle soap. Time out... yep, that would be nice and I think the hour in the afternoon just of quiet time is something I will be more consistent with. So thanks much!

Sameervermani.. interesting you should note that, I too had thought it strange and on looking in to Cina last night found the nose picking in the picture symptoms. It started before as she had a cold, funnily enough though it has been less profuse since taking her off cina. I've not given her any meds today and only one dose of chamomilla 6c yesterday.. Today she is better although already tired, I dread what the 'end of day' may bring but I shall try and breath through it and remain more prepared for any of the worst! I need to get a chamomilla 30c today and then should I just give the dose when the tantrum comes on?? She won't take any meds while she's in tantrum mode so that's a hard one.. I would have to give the dose to her while she is amiable!

Many thanks for support.
desertrose last decade
You don't have to give the dose when the tantrum comes on.

This is not like pain killers in allopathy that you give them when the pain comes on. Our aim is to cure her permanently and the curative action will start no matter when you give the remedy, prvided the remedy chosen is the correct one.

Give just 3 doses of 30C equally spaced on 1 day.

After that wait for a few days, and observe. That will tell you whether Chamomilla is the right choice.

sameervermani last decade
However, I do not think Chamomilla is such a great choice here.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer... What other rems. are you thinking of, if any in my daughter's case?? Do you need more info, if so what questions need answering to fill in blanks??

I've given chamomilia 30c once at 1pm today, no nap again.. she has seemed better but still alot of objections about everything (not that I question her this is too confusing for a toddler, I simply state what's happening in simplest terms).. and shouting no's and occasional hitting - me, the dog, squeezing her brother's hands too tightly, she tries to push her finger in your eyes even if I say 'We are kind, we don't do this' I had to coax her in the bath tonight with lots of singing and clapping etc. I thought she was going to tantrum full on and was ready to forget the tub tonight, but she almost did then didn't.. and just cried alot in protestation until finally she sat down, still crying.. I started blowing bubbles and being really goofy etc and then she laughed so got through it, which is great coz she was pretty dirty tonight bless her!! Phew! - we have a pretty stable very loving atmosphere in the house so I don't even know where it comes from..Apart from frustration and general toddlerum stage. I guess big improvement on recent days, but will post again tomorrow for update I don't plan on giving her anything else for a few days now unless we hit a total crisis again and I shall be calling for help with specifics!
Thanks and God Bless
desertrose last decade
Yes, give 2 more doses today. Then wait and watch for 4 days to ascertain that response to Chamomilla. Notice carefully all the changes you see in her in that period.

I will go through her case in the evening and tell you what else I need to know to come to a remedy.

Good luck !

sameervermani last decade
if this started since ridding nap--then single dose nux vomica--1 pellet 30c in 4 oz water stir-- 1 teaspoon dose- and reasses after a day---then adderess this from that view--
John Stanton last decade
just the one dose--and give about an hour before her night sleep---

also have her not allowed--acid foods and drinks for a while--coca colas -pepsi--vinegared things-tomatoes -fruit...etc

most like will need dig deeper for info after noting nux -v response--
John Stanton last decade
p.s--no more chamomilla---
John Stanton last decade
Thanks Sameer.. Following her dose yesterday she seems better on the whole, certainly tantrums fewer with less violence.. had breakfast even!! So BIG question. I don't want to rock the boat and over stimulate at this point.. will giving 2 more doses of the chamomilla possibly
Thanks again

P.S. She is very slow with speech.. lot of baby gabble and whining with few clear words here and there (compared with other 2 yr 8 month olds!) Very physical (normal this age!) Will NOT sleep no matter how tired, unless in car. Apetite very low, very fussy eater, quite tall thin for age, (I'm 5'10).. light brown hair, hazel eyes, rosy cheeked stunning! I thought, originally she may be pulsatilla due to whining and wanting carrying/attention. The whining then turned into ultra tantrum/fitting out anger etc.. better since chamomilla dose yesterday! My Natrupathic doc ses I may have really aggravated/proved Pulsatilla remedy in her weeks ago with daily dosing Aaaagh! Hence she also agreed to switch to Chamomilla but just one dose 30c watch and wait few days. I daren't give her anything else right now!!!
Many Thanks
desertrose last decade
Hi John,
Thanks, I had also looked into Nux Vomica but right now I daren't try anything new I hope you get my drift!?!

PS.. on general profile she has a dummy and a snuggy which she is thorought attached to .. goes absolutely nowhere without the dummy and snuggy.. so seemingly insecure and fearful under the capricousness and objectional nature and stubborn.. big time stubborn. !
desertrose last decade
Good to know there is improvement.

Yeah , if there is marked improvement with single dose, all repetition is forbidden and it is best to wait and watch.

Good luck
sameervermani last decade
Just reading this post and am having similar problems with my almost 3 year old!he has just started school and loves it,its a long day though and i think he`s exhausted most of the time.he has been very happy to see me when i collected him but lately his face drops and he just wants his grandmother(which i don`t really see eye to eye with)and cries and cries.she minds him 2 days after school and when i collect him he cries and says he doesn`t want me ,this can go on for half hour,nothing will convince him untill he snaps out of it himself.if it happens at home;a tantrum,i just leave him alone cause he doesn`t want me near him,whaen he come round he smiles and says now i`m happy!it`s very upsetting for me,yesterday i ran out of the grandmothers crying(she loves the fact that he doen`t want to leave her)
my elder son was the same and is old enough now to see i`m upset and tells me he loves me!!he grew out of it as i know the little one will but i`d like to help his moods.
dollydalfer last decade

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