A Nucleoprotein, A Nosode From Tubercular Abscess, Tubercul, Tuber, Tuberc, Tuberculinum bovinum, Tub.Have you ever used Tuberculinum? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Tuberculinum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Tuberculinum is indicated in renal affections, but caution is necessary, for where skin and intestines do not perform normally even high potencies are dangerous. In chronic cystitis, brilliant and permanent results ( Dr. Nebel Montreux).
Of undoubted value in the treatment of Incipient tuberculosis. Especially adapted to the light-complexioned, narrow-chested subjects. Lax fiber, low recuperative powers, and very susceptible to changes in the weather. Patient always tired; motion causes intense fatigue; aversion to work; wants constant changes. When Symptoms are constantly changing and well-selected remedies fail to improve, and cold is taken from the slightest exposure. Rapid emaciation. Of great value in epilepsy, neurasthenia and in nervous children. Diarrhoea in children running for weeks, extreme wasting, bluish pallor, exhaustion. Mentally deficient children. Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections, Acute rheumatism. Very sensitive, mentally and physically. General exhaustion. Nervous weakness. Trembling. Epilepsy. Arthritis.
Tuberculin needs more frequent repetition in children’s complaints than nearly every other chronic remedy ( H. Fergie Woods.) Thirtieth and much higher, in infrequent doses. When Tuberculinum fails Syphilinum (Luesinum) Syphilinum often f
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WORSE, motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness; from draft; early morning, and after sleep.
BETTER, open air.
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Compare: KOCH’S lymph (acute and chronic parenchymatous nephritis; produces pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, and congestion of the lungs in tuberculous patients, and is a remarkably efficacious remedy in lobular pneumonia - Bronchopneumonia); aviare - Tuberculin from birds - (acts on the apices of the lungs; has proved an excellent remedy in influenzal bronchitis; symptoms similar to tuberculosis; relieves the debility, diminishes the cough, improves the appetite, and braces up the whole organism; acute bronchopulmonary diseases of children; itching of palms and ears; COUGH, acute, inflammatory, irritating, incessant, and tickling; loss of strength and appetite); Hydrastis Canadensis Hydrast ( to fatten patients after Tuberc.); Formic acid (tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, malignant tumors; pulmonary tuberculosis, not in third stage, however; lupus; carcinoma of breast and stomach; Dr. Krull uses injections of solutions corresponding to the third centesimal potency; these must not be repeated before six months).
Compare: Bacil.; Psorinum Psorin.; Lachesis Lach. Kalagua (tuberculosis; garlicky odor of all secretions and breath). Teucrium Marum Verum Teucrium Scoradonia.
Compare: Thuja Thuja ( Vaccinosis may block the way of action of Tuberculin until Thuja has been given and then acts brilliantly ( Burnett.)
Complementary: Calc Carb Calcarea; China China; Bryonia Bry.
⥄ Show reverse lookup of Tuberculinum relationships from all sources▲ MIND
Contradictory characteristics of Tuberculinum are mania and melancholia; insomnia and sopor
Irritable, especially when awakening
Depressed, melancholy
Fear of dogs
animals especially
Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.
Intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish
≡ more ...▲ HEAD
Everything seems strange
When critical discharges appear, sweat, polyuria, diarrhoea, exanthema, repeating the dose only when crises come on
Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened
Bores head in pillow
Movements of head; rolling head
Subject to deep brain headaches and intense neuralgias
Intense pain, as of an Ferrum Met Iron band around head
Plica polonica ( Vinca.) Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; Green, fetid pus.
≡ more ...▲ EARS
Persistent, offensive otorrhoea
Perforation in membrana tympani, with ragged edges.
Noises in ear
Stopped sensation; right
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discoloration; pale
discoloration; red; afternoon
discoloration; red; within definite boundaries
discoloration; sickly colour
out-breaks on skin; cold sores, herpes; dermatitis
out-breaks on skin; pus-filled pimples
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Nose bleed
Discharge from nose
crusts, scabs, inside
offensive smelling; like cheese
containing pus
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Odour (halitosis, bad breath); offensive
Gums and teeth
Teeth; grinding; during sleep
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External throat
glands indurated (hard from inflammation)
glands indurated (hard from inflammation); like knotted cords
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tuberculosis; early stages
Oppressed feeling
Enlarged tonsils
Hard, dry cough during sleep
Expectoration thick, easy; profuse bronchorrhea
Shortness of breath
Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air
Longs for cold air
Bronchopneumonia in children
Hard, hacking cough; profuse sweating and loss of weight, rales all over chest
Deposits begin in apex of lung ( Repeated doses.)
Difficult (dyspnea); while lying down
≡ more ...▲ SKIN
Chronic eczema; itching intense; worse at night
ACNE in tuberculous children
Measles; psoriasis ( Thyroid.)
Itching; heat of heater
Out-breaks on skin; herpetic; rings
≡ more ...▲ BACK AND NECK
Tension in nape of neck and down spine
Chilliness between shoulders or up the back.
≡ more ...▲ ABDOMEN
Stomach; Averse to meat
All-gone, hungry sensation ( Sulphur Sulph.) Desire for cold milk.
Early-morning, sudden diarrhoea ( Sulphur Sulph.) Stools dark-brown, offensive, discharged with much force
Tabes mesenterica.
desires, cravings; delicacies
desires, cravings; meat; smoked
thirst; during chill
thirst; during heat
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Male; tubercles (nodules, knob-like lumps); testes
Female; Benign mammary tumors
pains increase with the establishment of the flow.
sexual passion; increased
sexual passion; violent
Menses too early, too profuse, long-lasting
Female; period; amenorrhoea (suppression or absence of period)
Extremities, limbs
Diseased hip-joint (see pain in hip)
during chill
lower limbs; movement
aching; lower limbs; thigh; during fever
aching; leg
during fever
sore, bruised; joints; on movement
during fever
Restlessness; lower limbs; leg
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Fever and chill
Post-critical temperature of a remittent type
Here repeat dose every two hours ( MacFarlan.) Profuse sweat
General chilliness.
Chilliness (see also whole body; temperature); with perspiration
Burning heat
With chilliness; from putting the hands out of bed
Hectic fever
Intermittent, chronic
Perspiration with heat
With shivering; from uncovering
Aversion to uncovering
Chilliness from uncovering
≡ more ...▲ GENERALITIES
Sleep and dreams
Poor; wakes early
Overpowering sleepiness in daytime
Dreams vivid and distressing.
Night; after midnight
Cold bathing
Change of weather
cold to warm
Emaciated (extremely thin)
grieving boys
Temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; flushes of heat
hot feeling
flushes of heat; with perspiration
tendency to catch cold
cold, wet weather
warm bed
Walking; walking fast
Warm bed
Weakness (see lethargic, weariness)
from perspiration
Weariness (see weakness)
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