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Take one dose of 6C and observe.
srisri last decade
Took 1 dose about 15 hours ago. Initially got worse but then had a period of 3 hours with no flash. Following this I have had 3 at 1/2 hour intervals.
winnieandco last decade
What about the intensity? How about other symptoms?
srisri last decade
I think I am being a little hasty. The frequency keeps changing. I went up to 2 hours after my last post and then back to an hour and then 1 1/2 hours. Intensity also changeable. My urination seems more normal levels and I noticed that if I hold back then I am likely to get a flash, I think. Again this is just how it seems today and it may be too early to tell.
winnieandco last decade
I am back to every 50mins and quite hot again, very little sweat. No real problem at night, I wake to use the bathroom and I will get a bit of a flash then but I think I might not have any if I didn't have to get out of bed. I still have the frequency problem and I still don't feel like I empty my bladder completely, but the stabbing pain has gone. The urine is very pale but probably normal quantities for the amount of water I am drinking (about 2 litres).
I have a pain in my head, not a headache, more like when you have bumped your head. It is at the back, left side of my head. I am also sneezing a lot and I think my sense of smell is diminished.
winnieandco last decade
......and I forgot to mention - my skin is looking very grubby and unhealthy.
winnieandco last decade
frequency and intensity of hot flashes ahs increased. If this is an aggravation how long should it last?
winnieandco last decade
Take another dose of Sepia 6C.
srisri last decade
18 hours since second dose and no noticeable change.
winnieandco last decade
I know that vinegar antidotes sepia but how much would it take? Do I need to avoid things like ketchup and chutney?
23 hours - still no improvement at all.
winnieandco last decade
Pl present the current set of symptoms.
srisri last decade
tired all day, want to sleep. Lacking in energy generally.
Quite happy, liking company but only those closest to me. Otherwise I don't want to go out.Weigth gain, craving for sugar and chocolate. Like milk. Not a big meat eater.Frquenct need to urinate but don't feel like my bladder is ever emptied. Urine almost colourless. Pressure on bladder.
Hot flashes are frequent and hot, start in low back region (?-not certain, it comes on so fast) and moving up and all over. Stomach, abdomen, genitals, chest, back of neck, legs and face. Scanty hot sweat. Continues all day, worse from warmth of the bed but once I get to sleep they are much better.
Stiffness of joints, mainly hips and fingers.
Some mild itching in various parts. Tinnitus - long standing, no worse than usual.
Tongue lightly coated white.
No sex drive, vaginal dryness.
winnieandco last decade
...also mild headache, comes and goes, wandering, but mostly starting above left eye.
winnieandco last decade
amend the mood to changeable. I am very insecure and easily upset.
winnieandco last decade
sensitivity to smell for a few hours, I think it has worn off now.This morning a headache starting at back of head, spreading to top and forehead. Plus low back pain.
winnieandco last decade
Next day, another headache. Started before I got out of bed. Base of skull spreading to top of head, throbbing and bursting, worse for movement. Better for standing under a warm shower. Flashes a little less intense.
winnieandco last decade
Please take one dose of Lachesis 30 or 200 and provide feedback.
srisri last decade
yesterday: By evening I felt like I had a mild fever. I was warm and clammy all the time, then flashes of heat and sticky sweat. Headache had gone by this time. Feverishness lasted through the night. Flash as soon as I woke then 1 hr later, then 25 mins later. Still feeling clammy. 15 mins after the flash I took a dose of Lachesis 30C, didn't have another flash for over 2 hours. feel less clammy. No headache.
winnieandco last decade
heat and sweat was less intense but is now returning to previous state. I went outside a while ago, it was hot out. I noticed in the abc MM that it lists heat as an antidote, how does that work? Is sunshine enough to do it? I was feeling very good at the time, sort of 'lighter'. I didn't expect an immediate improvement I'm just worried that I may have antidoted.
winnieandco last decade
Do not worry about sunshine antidoting. If symptoms repeat, repost present set. We will address accordingly.

Plz elaborate your statement: 'heat and sweat was less intense but is now returning to previous state.'
srisri last decade
I went for over 2 hours without a flash, then they started coming back, but less intense than before and without the sweating. A while after I had been out walking the intensity started to increase again and I was feeling sticky. Overall they are still less intense than before I took the lachesis.
winnieandco last decade
Hoy Flashes got worse as the evening wore on. Worse as soon as I got in bed but once I got to sleep I was ok. have gradually got more frequent this morning, now back to every 50mins. Hot and very sticky. No aches or pains but feel tired again and still have some itching.
winnieandco last decade
Please take one more dose of Lachesis as the situation becomes unbearable and post your feedback.
srisri last decade
Took another dose of lachesis 30c 20 hours ago. No change as yet.
winnieandco last decade
Almost 48 hours and basically no change. I had one brief pause of symptoms between 8.30 and 11.00 AM. Strangely this is almost the exact time that I had the pause on the first dose of Lachesis. Otherwise back to normal, hot sticky flashes all over, face hot and flushed. Hands hot and sticky. But aside from the flashes I still feel chilly. Occasionally feeling a bit weepy, especially late at night. Face looks heavy and tired, skin sallow. Itchy skin in parts, limbs, trunk, scalp, moving around. Feel better outside generally as long as it isn't cold out.
winnieandco last decade
Also I want to eat all the time, especially sugar and chocolate.
winnieandco last decade

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