The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sameer! catharr of stomach, fibromyalgi, celiaki
Dear Sameer,I really want your opinion on my case as I have read a lot of your prescriptions and I trust your competence very much. I have also seen that you know a lot about the miasmic deseases. I have tried to fill in the questionnaire but my english is poor. Please ask me more if you need. My case is chronical since many years bur the last week I have acute pain in my stomach. Sort of catharr, burning pain from solar plexus up to throat, unbearable. i really need a remedy quick to help with this pain...
Patient ID:
Sex: Female
Age: 63
Nature of work: retired Habits: gardenwork, sewing, knitting, computer,
1. Describe your main suffering? Most acute is my gastric pain, burning pain from solar plexus up to the throat, the pain is unbearable since 4-5 days, Aching muscels and bones since 25 years /fibromyalgia/ , fatigue, glutenintolerancia,
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Hormoneproblems-sweating-freezing, struma with somtimes normal sometimes /too high values-goes up and down, aching stomach with 2 small wounds, feet/big toe deformed and aching-more and less both feet, right leg aching from pelvis (bäcken) to foot, left leg just been operated-varicose vein-still aching from knee to foot, since 3 years caudal vertebra inflammation (svanskota), allergic all year /pets, pollen, dust, different grasses, mite (kvalster)
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Want to be alone, just want to see my children and their families, feel disappointed while mum did not give any love or attention to me when growing up,/this I discovered just some months ago-have not thought very much about that earlier/, increasing irritation of husband, bad concentration,
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
Very, very tired, feeling sick, aching from feet to head, freezing visavi sweating, shaking,
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
Started 1977-78, had a devorse 1972 with a lot of trouble and a very bad reaction from both exhusband and my parents/ a trauma for me besides the divorse/, alone with a 2 years old daughter, moved from stockholm to a little town, got my first job as a teacher after university, 1983 late spontan abortion-9 month later one more late spontan abortion (week 26)
6. Which time of the day you are worst? Early afternoon until night
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
worse; windy, fog/rain, less of sleeping, fat food, big portion, eating seldom, athletics, walking long, stress, many people, very high temperature, do nothing too long time.......
better; sunny-warm, working slowly, much fruit-vegetables-chicken-fish,
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Menses-period much worse /finished 5 years ago/, massage, cold-sure throat-flu,
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Warm /not hot/ weather and dry
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
agreeable, positive, creative, patient, anxious,
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? Very bad
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Not very much
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? YES! All these categories
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc? No
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? I don´t stand many people-too noisy-brain get tired.....have only few friends I love, my children are everything-I really love to see them often, husband irritates me more and more
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? The future regarding my marrige
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Bread, soft food like chicken and fish, vegetables and fruit
aversions; beef, pommes frites, hamburgers, gravy,
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? normal
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? A little more than normal
15. Is there any kind of food which your body can't stand? ???????
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Less.....very seldom
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Since stopping /2,5 months ago/with GLUTEN I have a 'normal' movement and type. Many years before I had trouble with very hard stool type.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
When going to bed at least 1 hour before sleeping/very important/ I relax and sleep good but wake up often during aching-periods
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? NO
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
I tell my family and friends what I don´t want or manage to do. NO discussion any more about my feeble (svaghet)
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Have tried many different aching medicines and my stomach collapsed. The medicines did not work very well. Now I only take a few Alvedon when absolutely necessary. Sometimes acupuncure has been working out good
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
High blood-pressure /mum, kind of ADHD/Alzheimer /dad for sure and I think even my sister , reumatism by 3 aunts and even Alzheimer by several sisters and brothers of my dad
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
tall, blond, young/modern looking, thin,
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
was normal but finished about 5 years ago, muscels were aching more during the periods
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
allergy/eczema since babytime
Scarlet fever 3 years old /scharlakans feber/
chicken cops /vattkoppor/
measles /mässlingen/
German measles /röda hund/
mumps /påssjuka/
cell-change, abdomen-operated 1972 /27 years old/
fibromyalgia since 1983
frozen shoulder-left side 2002
frozen shoulder-right side 2003
ICHIAS 2005-still
varicose vein-left leg 2005
catarrh of the stomach /2 small wounds/ 2008
Best wishes Loijtis
Mammiz on 2008-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I must also tell you that the only possible potencies that I can purchase here in Sweden is D6,D12,D30,D200,CM
Mammiz last decade
Thanks for kind words.
This case will require detailed analysis and repertorization. I will get to this in a couple of days.
Thanks for kind words.
This case will require detailed analysis and repertorization. I will get to this in a couple of days.
sameervermani last decade
Thankyou so much for helping me.
In another thread I was given the following prescription
1. Take one dose of Medhorinum 10M and wait for 7 days after that take Rhododendronchrysanthum 200 daily one dose for 7 days and after that stop the treatment and wait for another a week and report me...
The reason why I havn´t taken these remedies is that you have said many times only to take ONE remedy. I believe this is the true way so I wanted your opinion.
Best wishes
In another thread I was given the following prescription
1. Take one dose of Medhorinum 10M and wait for 7 days after that take Rhododendronchrysanthum 200 daily one dose for 7 days and after that stop the treatment and wait for another a week and report me...
The reason why I havn´t taken these remedies is that you have said many times only to take ONE remedy. I believe this is the true way so I wanted your opinion.
Best wishes
Mammiz last decade
You are right in not following the above prescription.
The above prescription flouts all rules of homeopathy, and is an extremely dangerous prescription, I must say.
The above prescription flouts all rules of homeopathy, and is an extremely dangerous prescription, I must say.
sameervermani last decade
Some questions:
1) What do you mean when you say 'sweating-freezing' ? Do you feel chilly during sweating or do you feel chilly after sweating ?
2) What improves your pain in the right leg ? Movement or rest ? Warmth or cold ? What makes it worse
3) Do you feel better when you are alone ? Or is it just that you are averse to company ?
4)Can you please elaborate a bit more on the big toe being deformed ?
5)So, the burning pain starts from your stomach and extends to your throat ?
6) How sensitive are you towards other's feelings?
7) Can you sacrifice for your children ?
8) Do you feel better when you discuss your problems with other people ?
9) Do you find it easy to forgive, or do you form grudges ?
1) What do you mean when you say 'sweating-freezing' ? Do you feel chilly during sweating or do you feel chilly after sweating ?
2) What improves your pain in the right leg ? Movement or rest ? Warmth or cold ? What makes it worse
3) Do you feel better when you are alone ? Or is it just that you are averse to company ?
4)Can you please elaborate a bit more on the big toe being deformed ?
5)So, the burning pain starts from your stomach and extends to your throat ?
6) How sensitive are you towards other's feelings?
7) Can you sacrifice for your children ?
8) Do you feel better when you discuss your problems with other people ?
9) Do you find it easy to forgive, or do you form grudges ?
sameervermani last decade
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
I´m very thankful you will take my problems seriously and I am waiting for your prescription. I have tried to answer your questions and have also filled in some more information that have come in mind.
- Abdomen is very often burning, lately even the backarea around the kidneys have the same feeling.
Left heel/inside, just under the wrist, pains since 3 years after I had a zone-therapheutical treatment. This part of my foot/and up a little on my innerleg/ swelled up and feels bad every day.
My glands from underneath left ear/ teeth/neck/breast are always very soring. My thyroid gland too.
I have a bad heartburn since some weeks
My throat is always red and I feel cold very often, lips sometimes swell up likewise the tounge and around the nose.
Handinsides itch and the skin scalpes, not much but a little
My eyes feel very dry and I have difficulties to open them in the morning.
Some questions:
1) What do you mean when you say 'sweating-freezing' ? Do you feel chilly during sweating or do you feel chilly after sweating ?
No, nothing like that.
Short moments I´m sweating/flushing to my head/ and I feel very uncomfortable for 1-3 minutes, almost panic feelings.
More often, I start to freeze from the inside. This feeling stays longer.
2) What improves your pain in the right leg ? Movement or rest ? Warmth or cold ? The pain improves
when resting, warmth. A short walk improves also but when walking more than 20-25 minutes the pain get worse.
3) Do you feel better when you are alone ? Or is it just that you are averse to company ?
I like to meet friends / my children and their family and only a few friends/ but I cannot do it for a long while as I feel my brain is getting very tired. After 2-3 hours I can´t concentrate any more. I enjoy also very much to be alone.
4)Can you please elaborate a bit more on the big toe being deformed ?
Hallux valgus-it´s running in my family
5)So, the burning pain starts from your stomach and extends to your throat ?
Yes, and I feel very strange in my throat. -Not always but sometimes I think I´ll be almost choking. Worse when I catch a cold which I do very often. My doctor says I have a struma with mostly normal value. Some tests are too high although and I have been tested many times during the 2 last years but still no good/definitive answer.
6) How sensitive are you towards other's feelings?
Very much-I work with this and learned a lot during the last years.
7) Can you sacrifice for your children ?
8) Do you feel better when you discuss your problems with other people ? NO, except with my daughter 38 years old/
9) Do you find it easy to forgive, or do you form grudges ?
I have some problem here and work on it. One positive thing is
thing is that I nowadays is concious of this and really want to change.
What do you mean when you say 'NO discussion any more about my feeble (svaghet
I don´t accept any more people are telling med how late I can stay up when we have a party, how long I can walk or how many hours I can stay with them at the mall etc, etc.
Since some years I am very decided what I can do and what I want to do. People in the past had a tendency to force me doing things I did not want to do. This was mostly my family /mum and sister/.
Best wishes Loijtis
I´m very thankful you will take my problems seriously and I am waiting for your prescription. I have tried to answer your questions and have also filled in some more information that have come in mind.
- Abdomen is very often burning, lately even the backarea around the kidneys have the same feeling.
Left heel/inside, just under the wrist, pains since 3 years after I had a zone-therapheutical treatment. This part of my foot/and up a little on my innerleg/ swelled up and feels bad every day.
My glands from underneath left ear/ teeth/neck/breast are always very soring. My thyroid gland too.
I have a bad heartburn since some weeks
My throat is always red and I feel cold very often, lips sometimes swell up likewise the tounge and around the nose.
Handinsides itch and the skin scalpes, not much but a little
My eyes feel very dry and I have difficulties to open them in the morning.
Some questions:
1) What do you mean when you say 'sweating-freezing' ? Do you feel chilly during sweating or do you feel chilly after sweating ?
No, nothing like that.
Short moments I´m sweating/flushing to my head/ and I feel very uncomfortable for 1-3 minutes, almost panic feelings.
More often, I start to freeze from the inside. This feeling stays longer.
2) What improves your pain in the right leg ? Movement or rest ? Warmth or cold ? The pain improves
when resting, warmth. A short walk improves also but when walking more than 20-25 minutes the pain get worse.
3) Do you feel better when you are alone ? Or is it just that you are averse to company ?
I like to meet friends / my children and their family and only a few friends/ but I cannot do it for a long while as I feel my brain is getting very tired. After 2-3 hours I can´t concentrate any more. I enjoy also very much to be alone.
4)Can you please elaborate a bit more on the big toe being deformed ?
Hallux valgus-it´s running in my family
5)So, the burning pain starts from your stomach and extends to your throat ?
Yes, and I feel very strange in my throat. -Not always but sometimes I think I´ll be almost choking. Worse when I catch a cold which I do very often. My doctor says I have a struma with mostly normal value. Some tests are too high although and I have been tested many times during the 2 last years but still no good/definitive answer.
6) How sensitive are you towards other's feelings?
Very much-I work with this and learned a lot during the last years.
7) Can you sacrifice for your children ?
8) Do you feel better when you discuss your problems with other people ? NO, except with my daughter 38 years old/
9) Do you find it easy to forgive, or do you form grudges ?
I have some problem here and work on it. One positive thing is
thing is that I nowadays is concious of this and really want to change.
What do you mean when you say 'NO discussion any more about my feeble (svaghet
I don´t accept any more people are telling med how late I can stay up when we have a party, how long I can walk or how many hours I can stay with them at the mall etc, etc.
Since some years I am very decided what I can do and what I want to do. People in the past had a tendency to force me doing things I did not want to do. This was mostly my family /mum and sister/.
Best wishes Loijtis
Mammiz last decade
Okay, then, because of the underlying tubercular miasm at work here, my first precription would be:
3 doses of Silicea D30 evenly spaced on a single day. No eating / drinking/ brushing teeth for 1 hr on either side of the doses.
3 doses of Silicea D30 evenly spaced on a single day. No eating / drinking/ brushing teeth for 1 hr on either side of the doses.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer!
I am very grateful for your prescription and will start tomorrow with Silicea D30. Later this week I´ll tell about my reactions.
I am very grateful for your prescription and will start tomorrow with Silicea D30. Later this week I´ll tell about my reactions.
Mammiz last decade
Remember , you have to take this prescription for 1 day only i.e. A total of 3 doses. And, then wait for 3-4 days and post back your status here.
sameervermani last decade
Dr Sameer!
4 days ago I took the Silicea-doses according to your prescription.
This is my reactions so far:
day 1: strong burning pain /about 1 minute/ around caudal vertebra
big toe:intensive pain for 1-1,5 minute
neckglands /frontside/: 2 minutes of pain
left thumb: broken bloodvessel, thumb stiff and very blue
day 2: left leg below the knee aching, feeling stiff and a little swollen.
day 3: whole left leg burning feeling and aching.
day 4-5 same as day 3
Do you mean this is a good reaction and what will the cintinuation be?
I hope you still will give advices and thank you for kind obliging. I will wait for your further recommendation.
4 days ago I took the Silicea-doses according to your prescription.
This is my reactions so far:
day 1: strong burning pain /about 1 minute/ around caudal vertebra
big toe:intensive pain for 1-1,5 minute
neckglands /frontside/: 2 minutes of pain
left thumb: broken bloodvessel, thumb stiff and very blue
day 2: left leg below the knee aching, feeling stiff and a little swollen.
day 3: whole left leg burning feeling and aching.
day 4-5 same as day 3
Do you mean this is a good reaction and what will the cintinuation be?
I hope you still will give advices and thank you for kind obliging. I will wait for your further recommendation.
Mammiz last decade
Had a bad/anxious day yesterday. Today I feel calm.
Can´t say there is a big difference from earlier.
Had a bad/anxious day yesterday. Today I feel calm.
Can´t say there is a big difference from earlier.
Mammiz last decade
Dr Sameer,
The days since Friday last week have been changing. Before I write about it I will remind you of my problems with the catharr of stomach. Last week I had some real bad days with intensive pain and burning feeling. I called my doctor to get some new medicine without lactos and got another kind of Omeprazol as I thought maybe this lactos was a problem for my stomach. Since I changed my stomach is better and at this moment I can´t stop taking this medicin. Unfortunately I got the same trouble again with a hard stool type as I had earlier.
What is your opinion when I took the Omeprazol together with Silicea?
This is how my last days have run:
Saturday: like a usual day with pain here and there-not very hard
Sunday: very bad, freezing, neck-and headache, legs aching......YES all my body was aching, had some fever and my mental status was NOT good. I felt very anxious, wanted to be silent and alone, I went to bed and slept for a long while in the afternoon and that is not what I use to do.
Monday: Same half day and then it turned to be better but still very tired.
Tuesday: I am still tired but do not need to stay on the coach all day and have not so much pain. A BETTER DAY, I mean.
Mr Sameer, I really hope you will understand how I feel and how my days have been so far. Hopefully this is a description that make you continue to help me. Thank you again and hope to hear from you.
Best wishes Loijtis
The days since Friday last week have been changing. Before I write about it I will remind you of my problems with the catharr of stomach. Last week I had some real bad days with intensive pain and burning feeling. I called my doctor to get some new medicine without lactos and got another kind of Omeprazol as I thought maybe this lactos was a problem for my stomach. Since I changed my stomach is better and at this moment I can´t stop taking this medicin. Unfortunately I got the same trouble again with a hard stool type as I had earlier.
What is your opinion when I took the Omeprazol together with Silicea?
This is how my last days have run:
Saturday: like a usual day with pain here and there-not very hard
Sunday: very bad, freezing, neck-and headache, legs aching......YES all my body was aching, had some fever and my mental status was NOT good. I felt very anxious, wanted to be silent and alone, I went to bed and slept for a long while in the afternoon and that is not what I use to do.
Monday: Same half day and then it turned to be better but still very tired.
Tuesday: I am still tired but do not need to stay on the coach all day and have not so much pain. A BETTER DAY, I mean.
Mr Sameer, I really hope you will understand how I feel and how my days have been so far. Hopefully this is a description that make you continue to help me. Thank you again and hope to hear from you.
Best wishes Loijtis
Mammiz last decade
Okay , tell me do you like discussing your problems with others ?
What is your response when others offer to help you ?
Do you think a lot about past events ?
When does the 'burning pain from stomach to throat' usually come on ? Is it after eating , or at any particular time of the day ?
What is your response when others offer to help you ?
Do you think a lot about past events ?
When does the 'burning pain from stomach to throat' usually come on ? Is it after eating , or at any particular time of the day ?
sameervermani last decade
Mr Sameer!
These are my answers you want to have:
I do not discuss my problems with others except my grownup daugther.
I mostly say no and don´t want to continue discussions like: Do you need some help?
No, I never did before but since some months I started to ask my mum what happened during my childhood. I wrote about it earlier.
If I do not take the medicine /Omeprazol Sandoz/ once a day /recommended double dose-take one/ I have this burning pain as soon as I eat, when bending down and more occations. This feeling has accelerated since some months. Last week I had the bad pain all the days until I got a new medicine. I try to be careful with strong/spicy food and coffee7wine-drinking.
Forgot to tell about my hairloss /more than usual/ during some months and it also is itching. I also have eczema coming in the bend of the arms.
Thank you for participation!
These are my answers you want to have:
I do not discuss my problems with others except my grownup daugther.
I mostly say no and don´t want to continue discussions like: Do you need some help?
No, I never did before but since some months I started to ask my mum what happened during my childhood. I wrote about it earlier.
If I do not take the medicine /Omeprazol Sandoz/ once a day /recommended double dose-take one/ I have this burning pain as soon as I eat, when bending down and more occations. This feeling has accelerated since some months. Last week I had the bad pain all the days until I got a new medicine. I try to be careful with strong/spicy food and coffee7wine-drinking.
Forgot to tell about my hairloss /more than usual/ during some months and it also is itching. I also have eczema coming in the bend of the arms.
Thank you for participation!
Mammiz last decade
Okay then, 3 doses of Calcarea Carb D200 on a single day.
Dissolve 2 tablets (or 2 drops if you buy liquid) of Calcarea Carb D200 in a 500 ml bottle of spring water. If you leave 2 pellets in the bottle for about 20 mins , they will dossolve by themselves. Then, turn the bottle upside down gently a few times for them to shake.
One teaspoon from this bottle using a disposable spoon in 1 dose. No eating or brushing of teeth for 1 hour on either side of this dose. Take 3 such doses for 1 day only. Space the doses by 2-3 hours.
After this dosage, just wait and watch for 5 days and then report back your status here.
Dissolve 2 tablets (or 2 drops if you buy liquid) of Calcarea Carb D200 in a 500 ml bottle of spring water. If you leave 2 pellets in the bottle for about 20 mins , they will dossolve by themselves. Then, turn the bottle upside down gently a few times for them to shake.
One teaspoon from this bottle using a disposable spoon in 1 dose. No eating or brushing of teeth for 1 hour on either side of this dose. Take 3 such doses for 1 day only. Space the doses by 2-3 hours.
After this dosage, just wait and watch for 5 days and then report back your status here.
sameervermani last decade
Hi again!
I will buy this tomorrow or maybe I have to order it and wait some more days. Okay, thanks so far!
I will buy this tomorrow or maybe I have to order it and wait some more days. Okay, thanks so far!
Mammiz last decade
Dear Sameer,
I took the doses yesterday as you subscribed. It only took an hour or so I started to feel an inner joy and happiness, felt really good. then my left leg was much better. Today the good feeling is not there but there is no anxious either, the pain is getting worse again...I know I should wait 5 days but something else have come up.
Here in Sweden we have small insects - tick. Do you know them? I was bitten 10 days ago and last night the bite got swollen, red and sore. In Sweden this means Borrelia (Lyme desease)and here we always must take antibiotica for this. Is it possible that this can be due to the Calc carb? What do I do, do I go to the doctor and get antibiotica or what? I don´t really want to eat penicillin if it is not necessary. Is there any homeopathic solution to this?
thankyou for your time!
Regards Loijtis
I took the doses yesterday as you subscribed. It only took an hour or so I started to feel an inner joy and happiness, felt really good. then my left leg was much better. Today the good feeling is not there but there is no anxious either, the pain is getting worse again...I know I should wait 5 days but something else have come up.
Here in Sweden we have small insects - tick. Do you know them? I was bitten 10 days ago and last night the bite got swollen, red and sore. In Sweden this means Borrelia (Lyme desease)and here we always must take antibiotica for this. Is it possible that this can be due to the Calc carb? What do I do, do I go to the doctor and get antibiotica or what? I don´t really want to eat penicillin if it is not necessary. Is there any homeopathic solution to this?
thankyou for your time!
Regards Loijtis
Mammiz last decade
I would prefer if you can get through this attack without taking medicines as it might be the Calcarea which is bringing the complaints to the surface.
However, if it is ABSOLUTELY essential to intervene, you can take the anti-biotic.
However, if it is ABSOLUTELY essential to intervene, you can take the anti-biotic.
sameervermani last decade
Tintintin last decade
Right or wrong????
Had to come to a decision, either call a doctor or try to get rid of the swelling/red itching area around the bite from that little tick. The arm and the lymphatic gland in the armpit is aching more so I started yesterday evening to take 5 drops of homeophatic penicillium chrysogenum D6 /had home since earlier/called Notakehl. I continued this morning too and now I wonder what your opinion is about this!! Hope you don´t mind very much I started without asking you before! Had kind of panic....Please, tell if I shall go on taking this or stop it.
Best wishes Loijtis
Right or wrong????
Had to come to a decision, either call a doctor or try to get rid of the swelling/red itching area around the bite from that little tick. The arm and the lymphatic gland in the armpit is aching more so I started yesterday evening to take 5 drops of homeophatic penicillium chrysogenum D6 /had home since earlier/called Notakehl. I continued this morning too and now I wonder what your opinion is about this!! Hope you don´t mind very much I started without asking you before! Had kind of panic....Please, tell if I shall go on taking this or stop it.
Best wishes Loijtis
Mammiz last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.