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Polymyalgia Rheumatica 3


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Rheumatic Polymyalgia Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi! Could you tell me how to give her this potency and how many times a day she should take it?? Thanks!
Sparkle last decade
Pretty well as below;

Website : http://www.symbiosis.com/.
Date. 2005-01-25 COURSE SHEET
DIET.. Avoid where possible:- Pepper , spices , use coffee as weak as possible , red meat . alcohol , i.e. keep intake to minimum tolerable . Use unprocessed whole foods without additives or flavourings ; & preferably avoid cow produced dairy products.
GENERAL. Smoking __________________avoid___________________________
Alcohol ___________________avoid__________________________
Sex ____________________avoid_________________________

EXERCISE . DO NOT GET OVERTIRED.Exercise should be in the hands of experts.
Preliminary Course: _Rhus Tox 10m x 3 tabs. Each tab at 24 hr intervals before bed. Advise after 7 days.
Main course
Advise 3 days after completion , before if any query.
[1]Tablets which fall to the ground , or touch other people should be discarded.
[2] Tablets should be tipped from the bottle into the lid and transferred to the mouth, before the lid is replaced on the bottle .
Do not eat or drink for 10/15 min before or after taking a tablet.
Homoeopathic medicines require some special handling and storage - so that they may not lose their power and become inert as a result of contaminatíon. They should always be kept in the container in which they are supplied. They should be kept away from strong líght, from great heat and especially from exposure to strong odours or perfumes, for example camphor, menthol, moth balls, carbolíc soap. The medicines are usually supplied in the form of pills, tablets or powders. The dose should be típped into the contaoner lid and transferred to the mouth, or, if in powder form be tipped direct on to the tongue. No water need be taken to "wash the medicine down". Absorbtion takes place from the mouth - chew or suck the tabfets or pills. Sometimes the remedy is needed to be taken in water. The cup, glass, or spoon used should be "cleansed" before further use for another remedy. The dose should be put into a "clean mouth". It should not be taken until the mouth is free from the effects of food, drínk, tobacco smoke, taothpaste, mouth washes and confectionery. An interval of a quarter of an bour should suffice. While taking homoeopathie remedies it is pr-eferable to avoíd use of other medicines including laxatives, nasal drops and liniments.
passkey last decade
Hi! My mother has tried all sorts of things and is only getting worse. She isn't taking cortisone any more (she took it one month and it worked great!) but now it's not the hip that bothers her, now it seems to be more like arthritis or rheumatism, (I wish I knew) because all her joints hurt and her feet are swollen and she can not sleep! Should I take her to a neurologist or what specialist would know what to give her to take the pain away cause she is getting tired of having it. She went to another homeopath and she has taken rhus tox, guayacum, rododendron and nothing has helped!! And coffea to sleep but it hasn't worked either! Any suggestions!?????!!!! Please!
Sparkle last decade
at this point it would be good if you could give us a heap more symptoms such as your mother has already told to the homeopath you visited. For example - is the stiffness any better for warmth or cold as well as after moving around for a while? How long has she had the osteoporosis and what other symptoms are there from this?
You say she does not sleep - pls describe her sleep pattern/habits/main waking times etc. Tell us as much also as you can about the time leading up to the sudden starting of her pain.
erika last decade
If you go to an orthodox medic they will take the pain away but eventually make the general condition WORSE.

In the circumstances I would suggest medorrhinum 1m

one tablet on three sucessive nights 15 min aftre brushing teeth etc
passkey last decade
Thank you so much for your reply! Should she drop the rododendrum that she's taking and take this or both simultaneously?? What happens after these three nights if she feels better?? How soon can you feel better so as to know the medicine is working??
Can arthritis be cured or just the pain is controlled?? Do you think it's arthritis?? She had the Protein C test at the lab and she has .75 when the limit is .5 Does this mean it is arthritis or is it part of the polymyalgia?? Is there a limit to what homeopathy can cure??
Sparkle last decade
Yes , drop the Rhod and just use the medorrhinum 1m

The point of homeopathy is that it "kickstarts" the body which then takes over the healing . While things are NOT getting worse do NOTHING.

So do NOT use mORE than 3 tabs.
passkey last decade
body does not get rid of the cortisone it stores it
alangail1 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.