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Severe non-productive coughing Page 2 of 2

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Sabra, you are so right I do not understand it and it is fairly new to me as far as homeopathic remedies. I think I mentioned this in the very beginning. She has had no mucus and no sinus drainage with any of this. She stopped coughing as quickly as she started on January 14th. She had to return to the dr for a follow up visit. The dr explained that the body is building it's own immunity to the pertussis now and that is where she is at as far as the blood cultures and the numbers it showed. Within the next two to four weeks it should be completly through the process and she should never get this again in her life time. She will not require another pertussis vaccination, nor would I consider giving her one at this stage. Although she may have a possible coughing spell here and there for the next couple of weeks, we are to avoid those triggers that cause the coughing until the body completes it own antibody building as they arise. Right now, running seems to trigger the coughing then she relaxes and it goes away. She has always run track and played soccer and never had any problem, but the dr said this should not be a problem when she has finally gotten over it and completed this last stage.

Arnica, since she has stopped coughing and is getting back on track with her days and nights, is it something that still would be recommended?

We are continuing with the Golden seal, Asatralgus???spelling, Vit C to help her with her immune system. Any other recommendations.

An acquaintance gave me a web site idealhealth.com - I think it is dealing with metabolic's and getting her metabolism straigtend out. Is this something recommended? Any insight on this?

Thank you to everyone for helping us to fight this diagnosed whooping cough/pertussis. You have been my sanity through all of this. Now I will deal with bringing my stress levels down.

Lady Di
lady di last decade

I forgot to mention that I did look at several medical sites and I have a sister in law who works in a Dr's office and has access to all of their medical information. Whooping cough/pertuss can last 8 to 10 weeks. Only the first week in which there is fever is it contagious, thereafter it is not. It is bacterium in the lungs. The last stages of it are when the coughing comes and goes (which she has gone through). this is when the body is building it's immunity to it. Her blood count levels will continue to increase, then decline back to normal when it has completed the last stage. I did not go into this blind after they told me they thought it could be pertussis. I searched it out to see if the symtomps were there and if they were, what was the course and long term effects.

Lady Di
lady di last decade
Hi Lady Di, Whew, so glad it has "broken."

Yes, I would suggest some calcium. Suggest liquid. It is tabs that are like little footballs that are soft, showing the liquid inside. Hard tablets hardly ever disolve in stomach.

There have been xrays showing hard tablets going throughout the digestive system withoug digesting.

Try to find a person in health store that knows muscle testing. This way you would more likely choose a brand that is "correct" for her, and not waste your money. So many to choose from who knows which fits which person?

Also Bragg Liquid Aminos. It tasts like and one uses it like soy sauce. On vegies and rice, etc. Extra proteins. Add lots of greens.

The body may be building immunity, but it still needs recovery help.

Thanks for letting us know how she is.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
An up date on my daugther, it is now day 88 and she is still coughing. Even though diagnosed with blood tests, whooping, cough, nothing has stopped the coughing. Although it is slowed down considerably, she is still only getting 2-3 hours of sleep at night. If you have any ideas, please send them to me. I welcome them all.
lady di last decade
Well the natural immunity builds up in 8/10 weeks and we are now on day 88.
Nothing appears to have worked so far.
The fact that chewing ice alleviates the problem suggests
that Phos may help.
Try Phos 1M morning and evening for 3 days . If there is any sign of improvement stop and wait.
Try it -up to you .

I would give you my blessings but Sabra is so much better than I am at that.
passkey last decade
Turquoise 200 single collective dose, then 6c three times per day is wonderful at clearing up stubborn coughs that don't respond to other treatment.
It's surely worth a try..
Good luck..
dawnydumps1 last decade
Thank you everyone for your information and suggestions. When all was said and done, She had whooping cough from December 5 2004 through December 5, 2005, one year exactly. She stopped coughing one year from the date. We took her off all medications and kept her immune system up with different homeopathic remedies. She now suffers from severe headaches but is back in sports and is glad to have the coughing over. Although she is working on getting her lung capacity back to where it was, she is better than she was.
lady di last decade
hi this is a question to bandarbabu2000 can you please tell me how much and when you take ignatia 30 in water as my wife cannot stop coughing we have tried many things but nothing seems to work
many thanks
rod (uk)
demonicrod last decade

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