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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello can someone please explain in lay mans terms what dilution 200c and 30c mean thank you very much.
  redpat on 2009-04-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take one drop of medicine
Add 99 drops of base.

Out of the above take one drop of dynamized solution
which physically amounts to taking 1/100th of the medicine
Add 99 drops of base.

Out of the above take one drop of dynamized solution
which physically amounts to taking 1/1000th of the medicine
Add 99 drops of base.

Carry on the above process 30 times.

Therefore 30 c dilution will have a very very negligible part of the medicine in crude form.

Therefore you should not worry about the toxicity of lachesis dose that you have taken.

Thatswhy Schwabe says generally there are no side effects of homeopathic medicine if prescribed in potencies of 30 c and above.

I think they are referring to the toxicity of the medicine in crude form while saying there are no side-effects.
[message edited by kadwa on Fri, 01 Jul 2011 06:48:58 BST]
kadwa last decade
Thank you Kadwa so this means that 200c is even more heavily diluted than 30c .I am just searching for reasons why i have the symptons i have even though all my medical tests and mri scans are clear
redpat last decade
It is such a nice stuff and I really like it. Thank you so much for sharing.
stellaf last decade
Hi Stella

There is another great stuff that would like to share here. i would also like to correct a mistake that i made in the above presentation. The factor for C potency is 100 and not 1000. For X or D potency the factor is 10. Maheeru has explained how homeopathic 6x dilution can be made from any substance that has property to act as medicine homeopathically.

Re: Alcohol Addiction From maheeru on 2009-11-18

Dear Kadwa

Not much sophistication is required here. The addict on his/her own can prepare this.

First step is to take a water bottle(250 to 400 ml). Three fourths of the bottle(approx. 75%) should be filled with water, and one fourth should be empty. Now the addict has to light up his/her favourite cigarette and has to blow the smoke in to the bottle. Then cover the bottle immediately, and shake it hard 10 times up and down.

The next step is to pour out one ninths(90%) of the contents from the water bottle and refill the bottle(with fresh water) to previous level i.e three-fourths or 75% of the bottle. Then shake it again for 10 times.

Third step is: Repeat the step 2.... the cycle for 6 times.

Now the remedy or wet dose inside the bottle, Tabacum Fumar, approximately equivalent to strength 6x, is ready.

So whenever the addict feels like lighting up a cigarette he/she has to take a swig(a dose) from this bottle.
kadwa last decade
Hello Kadwa,

I just came across your post here while looking for ways to help me stop smoking - I am very keen to try the method you've shared as explained earlier by Maheeru..

Could you please clarify for me though, you say:

"The next step is to pour out one ninths (90%) of the contents from the water bottle and refill the bottle(with fresh water) to previous level i.e three-fourths or 75% of the bottle. Then shake it again for 10 times"

Do you mean I should pour out one ninths (which would be 11%), or pour out 90% (nine tenths) ??

Many thanks!!
kiki2 7 years ago

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