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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Opinions please Page 6 of 13

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I will order them and the Arnica around the first of December, after I get paid. Then I will contact you again. Thank you very much.
Mary H. last decade
Dear Sameer,
Every time I have tried to order from Helios UK they denied my order because they are saying that I can only use numbers in the phone field. That's all I do use, so I haven't been able to order anything. Is there another place that I can try?
Mary H. last decade
Hi Mary,

I think it must be something very trivial that you are missing.

Are you placing a space, bracket or any hyphen there or any + sign?

The actual number there does not matter , you can fill it with any number
sameervermani last decade
I am not putting anything but numbers.
Mary H. last decade
Hmm.. that is strange, I have never faced any problems while ordering from there.

You can ask WHP in USA to prepare the LM remedy, but call them and tell them that you need the oral liquid with exactly one poppy seed sized granule dissolved in it.

sameervermani last decade
What/Who is WHP? Can I find them online so I can get a number? I will also try Helios one more time.
Mary H. last decade
sameervermani last decade
Ok, thank you. I will get back in touch with you when I find anything out.
Mary H. last decade
Dear Sameer,
I called WHP and they told me that they didn't have any Cal carb at all and it would be about a month until they got any in. They were also out of Arnica. They said that should be in in about a week.
Mary H. last decade
Hi Mary,

Keep trying with Helios. Try e-mailing them about the glitch you saw while ordering from their site.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
I have no idea what is going on with the Helios site but when I tried it just know, it went through. So as soon as I get them I will contact you. Thanks for all your help. Have a nice day.
Mary H. last decade
Dear Sameer,
I just barely got my remedies in the mail. I am now ready to take the next step. Please contact me back. Thank you.
Mary H. last decade
Take out 3 drops of CALC LM2 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 5 days after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
I am sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I was very sick since I messaged you last. I had the flu, pink eye, a cold, and was dizzy and nauseated for a couple of days. I didn't take the dose until the 5th. I am now messaging you back after the 5 days. The only things that I had with this dose was headaches everyday and feeling light headed yesterday and today but it was minimal. Any other questions that you might have, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
Mary H. last decade
Hi Mary,

If we compare to the state before you took the first dose of Calcarea Carb, what are the changes (both positive and negative) ?
sameervermani last decade
I was having multiple proving symptoms at first( nausea, dizziness, sweating, headaches, jaw pain, couldn't get out of bed)and they were very frequent. Now it seems that I have headaches. Jaw pain and dizziness with nausea occasionally. I have alo felt less stressed out and I don't get angry easily anymore. If there is anything else I can't think of it right now.
Mary H. last decade
Hi Mary,

You can take another dose tomorrow. Do not forget to hit the LM2 bottle before measuring out dose.

So, after hitting LM2 bottle 8 times, take out 3 drops of CALC LM2 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Throw the rest of 240 ml, cup and spoon and away.

Report in 5 days after the dos
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
It has been 5 days since the last dose. I am still having headaches everyday. I have had 1 time of feeling dizzy but it only lasted about 15 minutes instead of all day. I have felt very cold and have had shivering especially at night when I'm sleeping. It wakes me up. I have noticed also that I am very weak.
Mary H. last decade
Okay, time to retake the case.

Form a complete list of symptoms, both mental and physical symptom.

For physical symptoms, try to focus on 4 things:

3)better from/worse from ?
4) any symptom in some other body part which always accompanies this symptom
sameervermani last decade
My headaches are a dull throbbing pain in the back of my head from the top to my neck. It seems to be better in the morning and gets worse during the day.
The shivering is all over my body and happens while I'm sleeping.

The dizziness can happen whenever. Theres not a specific time when that happens.

The other problems feel like I'm starting to have an M.S. exaserbation. I have been feeling weak and shaky in my right hand.A slight numbness too. My right leg is my bad one already but I have been feeling weaker in it. I have noticed that I can't walk very far anymore without having to sit down. I noticed that about 3 weeks ago, but it has progressively gotten worse with time. I seem to be more weak as the day goes on also. Plus the swelling in my right leg is very bad. I have been stressed out more the last few days, mainly because of my children's attitudes. I have not been feeling depressed nor getting angry easily. At this time I cannot think of anything else right off hand but If I do, I will let you know. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.
Mary H. last decade
Also, the jaw pain that I have occasionally I have noticed that it happens at night. If I wake up for any reason during the night, I have extremely bad pain in my jaw. They are sharp stabbing pains.
I have noticed that I have been having alot of leg cramping/ spasms. I have noticed that if I am on my feet alot during the day, they cramp up at night when I am sleeping.

It seems alot of these things happen while I am sleeping, I wonder why.
Mary H. last decade
I can't really think of anything else. Please let me know if there is anything else you'd like to know or if I should try something different. Thank you.
Mary H. last decade
Hi Mary,

I am traveling, so I will analyze when I get some time.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Mary,

You are advised to take 3 doses of Phosphorus 30c for ONE single day only as below.

Dissolve 2 pellets of PHOS 30c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. If leave the pellets in water for 20 mins, they will melt. You can shake it gently after they have dissolved.

Take a teaspoon from this bottle using a disposable spoon 3 times, spaced by 30 minutes. This is to be done for one day ONLY.

Let me know in 7 days after these 3 doses. I look forward to your response.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell on the day and 3 days following the remedy administration. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
I will have to order the remedy first. Thank you, I will get back to you.
Mary H. last decade
Dear Sameer,
It has been 7 days since I took the Phosphorous. The only thing that has improved has been my headaches. I am still weak and get tired easily. I have noticed that my stress level is up, mainly because of my frustration with being weak. I practically have to drag my bad leg know. I can't seem to lift my legs up anymore. I am more emotional because of it. I feel depressed. Anything else you'd like to know, please ask.
Mary H. last decade

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