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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How to tell if your remedy is working

Being a good consumer is important for the homoeopathic patient. Homoeopathy is often shrouded in some mystery, and presribers may not be clear about why they change remedies or continue prescribing the same one, or why they wait for long periods for remedies to finish their work.

There are some guidelines for the patient which can allow you to have more confidence in the process.

1. Your general state (sleep, appetite, physical energy, sexual energy etc) markedly improves even if your physical symptoms situated in specific parts of the body do not.

2. Your mental state markedly improves (mood, memory, happiness, ability to concentrate and understand, calmness and clarity) again even if the symptoms in specific body locations does not.

3. Symptoms affecting important organs (heart, lungs, stomach etc) markedly improve while symptoms on the outer part of the body (skin, mucous membranes, connective tissue) do not change.

4. Symptoms higher up in the hierarchy of the human 'body' improve while symptoms lower down stay the same (Mentals are higher than emotional symptoms, Emotional are higher than General ones, Generals are higher than specific local symptoms). This hierarchy is somewhat complex - there are levels of mentals, levels of generals - refer to a practitioner for guidance here.

5. Symptoms improve in reverse order of how they originally appeared, even if they break the previous guidelines. (the recent skin rash improves first, but the migraines you have had for years does not)

6. Aggravation occurs in the less important symptoms, in those lower down in the hierarchy, while the symptoms higher up experience marked improvement.

When experiencing the action of a truly curative remedy, the Simillimum as it is often referred to, there are a number of things the patient will say, that may differ from a remedy that is merely good for the patient.

1. I feel (x) years younger (people often say 10, sometimes 20!).

2. I feel more creative than I have in years.

3. I have so much energy I feel like I can do things I used to do as a young person

4. I feel more connected to people around me, more able to love and feel compassion

5.Patients often have dreams they had earlier in their life, often childhood ones, but they will have something different in them, there will be a twist or a change to them that makes them feel like the dream resolved itself.

6. All major symptoms lift in all levels of the person, often within a short space of time (a few weeks). If any remain they are usually on the outer part of the person's body (skin etc)

7. The person not only has no reason to complain, but they begin to forget the suffering, almost as if it had never happened.

8. The person makes important and healthy changes in their lifestyle, things they were unable to do before and suddenly seem quite keen and capable of doing now

9. The person feels better, in themselves, for no reason, almost joyous. Cares and worries in their life diminish in importance, but they do not appear to ignore them, but tackle them with an appropriate level of concern.

Clearly finding the Simillimum is the highest level of homoeopathy. It is the primary goal, but not always attainable. A more modest 'similar' remedy might be all that currently exists. However, while not expecting every homoeopathic treatment will result in the simillimum, it is still something you as a patient can look for. Who wouldn't want those kind of results?

There are also signs that you may no be on a curative remedy.

1. The symptoms higher up the hierarchy are worse, while those lower down are better (Mental state is worse but stomach symptoms are better, Sleep is worse but sinus symptoms are better, Arthritis is better but now your memory is bad, Anxiety is better but you lose joy in life)

2. Old symptoms vanish while the newer symptoms worsen, even if this follows the hierarchy of the body.

3. NEW SYMPTOMS APPEAR especially if these symptoms are as bad, if not worse than your original symptoms. If these symptoms join together with your old symptoms this is a particularly worrying result.

4. Slight improvement in your mood, with no change at all in the general and physical symptoms (mostly this is a placebo effect).

5. Symptoms disappear, but your level of suffering does not change.

6. New pathology appears - pathology is some kind of tissue change or medical condition (late onset Diabetes for instance, or Psoriasis or even mental pathology like Delusional states or serious Depression). This is the worst kind of reaction and must be attended to straight away!

As a patient, you can watch out for these things. They should always be reported to your practitioner right away.
  brisbanehomoeopath on 2009-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear brisbanehomoeopath ,
Many thanks for your guidance. Good to know you !

Keep sharing your wisdom.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you very much Pankaj, very kind of you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear Brisbane Homeopath

A wonderful effort by you. Thanks a lot
spark2306 last decade
Excellent post. Something that I have been thinking of doing myself.
srisri last decade
Just thought I would bump this up for the new people on the forum.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.