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Daughter's constant blinking/teenage Page 2 of 2

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Thank you for responding Sabra,
It has been two weeks since she is taking the AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. She has improved, but still twitching. It is not as bad as it was, very seldom and she is not squeezing her eyes as hard as she was before.

Just few days ago she started sneezing and sniffing (may be because of her allergies??) and I was wandering what to give this time. She was ready to go back to her Nasonex, but I asked her not to. What would you suggest?

I'll give the blanket and see what happens.

Thank you

6poly6 last decade
If she is showing symptoms from before, this is the remedy working. Try to get through it for a little while.

Do not give blanket back before the month, or, not while she is having allergic symptoms.

You know the time elements here more than I. I depend on your reports.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thank you Sabra.
She is feeling miserable. Nose running, eyes watery and itchy. Twithcing is less though.

It has been almost a month since I took the blanket, but I guess if there are other symptoms I should still keep it away.

Sabra, what do you think about the combination remedies that they have on the market? Are they better or not? Why?

How would I handle her allergies in the future?
6poly6 last decade
The combination remedies are for "general" and not specific. One never knows which remedy may be helping.
And if we do not know the "one" remedy most beneficial, one will continue to take many others that are unnecessary.

Combos don't actually hurt the body, except in cases where one needs to know more about the individual and their particular needs. Using a combo confuses this search.

A homeopathic allergy combo is helpful, but more helpful is knowing what the allergen is.

If allergies still stay with her, we will address them after the twitching.

There are very few combos on the market that are helpful.
Many people are happy with them, but your daughter has a hidden specific we are looking for and may never find, but healed hopefully.

From my point of view, your daughter is experiencing a return of suppressed symptoms. They should let up soon.

Also, she is emotional and could be manifesting symptoms for your sympathy. Do NOT discuss this with her. Be kind and continue as you are doing as best as she will let you.

You could tell her that the remedy is causing this, but this may make her angry. Stop giving the remedy for now and see if she settles in the "allergy" symptoms. This should tell us a lot.

I will continue to study the possibilities.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi Sabra,
I stopped giving her the remedy two days ago as you mentioned in your earlier post. Sinse then her nose has been running, eyes watery and she's been feeling miserable.

She can't sleep at night because of that. Unfortunatelly she took one of her old allergy pills (allopathic) yesterday after her dad's OK. Now that we've messed the whole thing, what should I do? How does that affect what we've been doing for so long?

She is not feeling better anyway (well, may be it won't affect her so fast). It is over the counter Rite Aid brand allergy pill (I'm at work and don't remember the exact name), which you said it shouldn't be too bad, but still.

I guess they couldn't get the concept that the remedy is working if there are many symptoms. My husband is kind of on the edge with homepathy. He wants to believe me, but... I have to work with him too.

6poly6 last decade
Don't worry, this happens often. Homeopathy is really hard to understand by most individuals, especially men. Men always want to solve the problem, NOW. This is why MDieties were always men and women were forbidden to become doctors for eons.

Women are more into the intricities of the how and why and are willing to go the extra mile for healing. Women want to know why allopathy is not working.

Give it another day and give her one more dose to see if anything changes.

I will be watching.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thank you Sabra.

He is at home with her now during spring break and you know how it is (he can't stand his baby to be sick and thinks she is going to die from a running nose).

Her nose is still stuffed but not running. She still sneezes but not as bad. I've given her this medicine before and it has helped her, but I didn't want her to take those any more.

How am I going to know now what is affecting her? I don't think I'll be able to make the difference. However, I'll let the symptomps settle down for a day or two and will be glad to hear from you again. I'll be checking the forum.

I hope the wheather doesn't affect our connection because it has been very windy today and we didn't have Internet all afternoon.

Thank you
6poly6 last decade
Don't worry about your computer. How do you think I felt when mine crashed and burned and I was without for two months. Now the new one lost the server twice in one week. Yuk!

How about we change the remedy? Would you order some HYDROBROMIC ACID 30C.

Give one dose every other day for 6 doses. (12 days.) This remedy not big on reporting eye symptoms, but so many other symptoms made me think of it.

Let me know.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I wrote another note, but lost it. Tell her father that coddling and feeling sorry for her will make her an emotional cripple.

This is not real love, it is possession. So she is so tied to him, it will interfere with her growing "up." Being married; A wife that runs home to daddy.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi Sabra,
I'm sorry to hear your computer is causing you trouble and hope everything gets better soon.

My daughter has no symptoms now. After three days of allergy pills she is not twitching, no sneezing, no running nose. I didn' really know that an allergy pill would take care of the twitching too.

Actually, the whole allergy thing is new to us. This is the second time she is taking allergy pills at all. The first time was in the fall.

That makes me think she has had the allergy before (the twitching) I just wasn't aware of it. Am I right in my thoughts? Am I on the right track?

Is HYDROBROMIC ACID 30C still the remedy I should give her? Thanks for your patience with me.

I talked to my husband about that. He said he understood...

Thank you
6poly6 last decade
Yes, your thinking is correct. This is why all the questions in the beginning of the posting.

It is allergies, but which? and what is the best way to treat it? I could not just tell you that your daughter is allergic, it may have been stress connected with becoming an adult.

Thanks to your husband there is finally a "proof" that it is allergies, because she responded to the allergy pills. (I still meant what I said about possession.)

It was much better for you to find this out for yourself.

Now...the question is this, what do you want to do about it? Will you choose the allopathic way, or homeopathy? Will you and your husband decide to learn about alternative safe ways to live your lives?

Or will the magic pill become the philosophy as society continues to believe?

When she had this as a baby, she was given some allopathic meds to correct it. This suppressed the condition. Sometimes it takes years to reappear and sometimes it never reappears and becomes another condition within the body that torments without knowing what it is. She may have turned up with allergies with no twitching and you would have thought it was something new.

Homeopathy brings these things back to the surface and then treats them so they will not reappear again. It treats the whole body to balance itself and then healing occurs. The remedy is not the healer, but the balancer. The body reverses the condition with the stimulus of the remedy.

Allergies are a vague unknown in this day and time as we all have become surrounded by so many poisons that we react to them in many ways, while not knowing what the true culprit (s) is. No longer is the allergen a simple weed.

The worse thing one can do to themselves or their children is to let the allopathic MDieties test and then give shots for the allergy.

It suppresses the body so much that I know several people that have had their lives destroyed completely, never to recover. This is several too many.

This is why there is something called enviromental disease. (EI)

When Salk oral vaccine was given, some died, some mothers died too, but the justification was that it was worth it for the many it saved. What if the "ONE" was your child? This is one too many. Homeopathy has all the immunizations one needs that will not harm the human form.

The more "clear" your family's bodies become, the less likely one can become so unbalanced it becomes unable to show true causes and respond to true healings. Allopathic medicine will not give this to you.

The forum is not here because someone had a sense of fun, but because a realized sense of need for those all over the world that suffer from what our governments and the corporations are doing to the world.

All one has to do is read the postings to see the desperate conditions that were never heard of 20 years ago.

Try the remedy I last suggested or examine other options and choose for yourselves, but never choose the "easy" way, it is never successful.

Read the post "8 year old son with ear infections all his life." We are struggling to release him from the "habit" of allopathic medicine that kept him sick with the SAME infection all his short life.

I will write as long as you wish, and my best to you all.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thank you for your support Sabra. I'll order/buy the remedy you suggest and will keep you posted.

6poly6 last decade
Hi Sabra,
I read the post about the 8 years old child with an ear infection.

My daughter had similar symtoms when she was young. She would get throath infections every other months. I was giving her antibiotics all the time because this was the only thing helping her.

Until we got to the point that even the antibiotics didn't help and she started throuing them up . She couldn't take any more antibiotics per mouth.

An old doctor in my town prescribed a pill that was made out of dead bacterias or something like that (not homeopathic, or at least I don't think it was). The Dr. said her immune system was messed up and this was supposed to help (and it did). She had to take it for months. Since then she hasn't had any bad upper respiratory infections except for a cold that would go away in about five days.

Basically since then she hasn't taken antibiotics (may be twice). That was when she was 4-5 years old and she is 12 now.

About the bed wetting, she used to wet the bed not on a regular basis utill may be two years ago. I was really worried but it just stopped by itself. I've heard that with puberity it goes away.

Ear cones. I've heard about it too, and actually have heard that it helps a lot. There are people in my home country that can do it. Mostly old women that used to do all these things to heal people before when there weren't so many "modern" medicines.

I'll get the remedy that you suggested and see how it works. I like the idea of positive talking and believe in it. I'll practice that too.

Actually I noticed that she started twitching a little this morning again. She is not taking anything. I think the last think she has taken is some nose spray for allergy.

6poly6 last decade
You and your husband will do well for the future when you study for yourself and find out your own answers and learn the truths behind our world's attitudes about medicines and MDieties.

As little as 65 years ago we still had a firm attitude of making our own decisions about medicine and it's uses. Over a very quick time after the discovery of Penicillin, the general public, like a bunch of sheep demanded the "magic pill" and doctors were forced to comply to please all the little children attitudes.

Then it became an attitude of "hand the child over to the doctor that knows everything," Then it is now taught to the doctors themselves that we are like children and have no common sense left and must turn to the MDieties for every little thing.

NOW, in steps the Pharmaceutical corporations that only want to make money. They DO NOT CARE if the medicine works or harms or kills, they just want the money. There is more to this in the case of "corporations." I will paste in later. I want it right for you to read.

As parents we must all LEARN how to tell the difference in what the MDieties want to do and how it affects our families. How it affects our lives.

This doesn't even take into consideration all the poisons we live in in every spray, every cleaner, every food addition that is named a name we do not even know what it is. So they escape the law by naming it something we do not know what it is.

Is anyone allergic to wheat? Maltodextrin is wheat. Soy sauce is wheat. Carmel color is wheat. The color in sodas is wheat. Splenda has maltodextrin in it...why? You see how we are prisoners of planned ignorance of the human race?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I tried to pick out parts to paste, and just decided to post the whole thing on the forum. "why vaccinations are harmful." Several pages.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
thanks for the replays and all the help. I read throught the posts you mentioned. I also read through some of the other posts in the forum trying to learn how to work my issues out and am getting more and more interested in homeopathy.

I've looked for HYDROBROMIC ACID in the stores around me and wasn't able to find it. I did a vague search online but did not get many results. I'm trying again today.

It seems like it is not very popular remedy, but I'm ordering it.

Just to give you an update, she is twitching again like before. Other symptoms have not returned but the twitching.

I'll get the remedy and will let you know how it works.
6poly6 last decade
I'm having a hard time finding the remedy. Do you know where I can order it from? Or is there anything else she can take?

6poly6 last decade
Have you tried ABC? (Don't forget it is 30C).

There are a dozen homeopathic pharmacies. Did you google "H. pharm?"

If ABC does not have, email me. I do not have either and forum won't let me give out site addresses.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Don't know if I gave you my address...a1remedy(at)yahoo.com Sabra
sabra last decade
Sorry for the delayed response. ABC doesn't have it. I was able to find the remedy on Helios website. Threre is a minimum purchase however and a charge for shiping and handling and it seems a little expensive. If I don't find it tomorrow somwhere else I'll have to buy this one.

Thank you for responding to my posts Sabra. I greatly appreciate your help.
6poly6 last decade
If you are forced to a min. purchase, think on some remedies for the home:

Apis M 200X
Arnica 30C
Ledum 30C

and maybe
Euphrasia 30C
Staphysagria 30C
Arsenicum Alb 30C

The Apis is for insect stings with unusual swelling or Anaphylactic shock. Of course many other things.

Arnica for injuries of all sort even very old ones.

Ledum for tetanus and ankle swellings, much more

Euphrasia for eye irritations.

Staphysagria is for teeth and gums, sensitive person.

Ars Alb for hayfever and asthma type cough.

These are some you might choose to make up the min. purchase if you wish. Hope you can get it somewhere else. I have a list if you write me. 3 places. One overnight.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi 6poly6,

My son also blinks a lot and I have been researching this online - I came across this thread and I just wondered if you have looked at the information on Tourettes Syndrome.

It may or may not be of interest but I just wanted to mention it to you. No intention to scare you at all - best to be informed tho' is my opinion.

I wish you all the very best in finding something that helps.

Kappa last decade

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